Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 802, 300,000 Spirit Coins Challenge Fee

Zhou Yan looked at the other party and replied strangely: "Do you black market businessmen like to inquire about things?"

Weiner quickly shook his head and said, "Don't mind, I'm just curious."

After speaking, Weiner smiled at Zhou Yan and asked, "Is there more?"

"There will be more in the future, only more than now." Zhou Yan replied.

"I like hearing that." Weiner smiled, then began to calculate the prices of these things one by one, and finally gave a price.

"One hundred and fifty-five billion spiritual coins." Weiner said.

Although the price was a little lower than he expected, this was a black marketeer. Zhou Yan chatted with him for a while and finally settled the deal for 1.6 billion.

These things are just a pile of scrap metal here in Zhou Yan, but in the black market merchants, everything can be sold for a certain price.

"Weiner, we want tickets for next week's black market fair." Ye Bufan said.

"For the sake of a more friendly transaction next time, I decided to give each of you one piece." Weiner took out two black pieces of paper, which were really dark.

There are three words "admission ticket" written on it.

Of course, this is not the text of Canglan Continent. Zhou Yan is not interested in knowing which country's text it is. Anyway, as long as he can see the translated text.

"We will definitely be your partners." Zhou Yan and Ye Bufan left here.

"I'm looking forward to our next meeting," Weiner replied.

After leaving the black market merchant, Ye Bufan asked: "Are you interested in competing in the ring?"

"Oh, what kind of arena is it?" Zhou Yan asked.

"It's divided into defense and challenge. Winning ten games in a row is considered a success. The winner can get a reward. How about it? Are you interested?" Ye Bufan asked.

"Let's go and take a look." Zhou Yan nodded.

Ye Bufan took Zhou Yan back to the territory and teleported to another place. This was a country. Ye Bufan had already explained this place to Zhou Yan on the way.

This country is very popular in various forms of arena challenges. It can even be said to be the country of arenas. There are various arena modes. Before you want to participate or challenge, you must be familiar with the mode he chooses.

Ye Bufan has been here many times and knows a lot about it.

There are many lords here, and there are even more tourists. Before entering, you must pay a city fee, one hundred spirit coins per person. I heard Ye Bufan said that this country of the arena can make a lot of money just by collecting this city fee.

There are indeed many lords coming here, and the dozens of city gates are full of people coming and going.

After walking in, there are basically accommodations and arenas inside. The accommodations are all restaurants, which can provide a variety of delicious food. Other than that, there is no business.

There is nothing surprising. There are all kinds of strange countries in the Lord Continent. There are only things you haven’t seen before and nothing you can’t imagine.

This is just one city in the Kingdom of Arenas. There are no fewer than thousands of cities like this in the entire country. Ye Bufan took Zhou Yan to a large arena hall.

After walking in, you can see the arenas one after another. Some people are setting up the arena, and some are challenging.

Whether it is a challenger or a challenger, a thousand spirit coins are required each time.

Ye Bufan said that the charging methods of each arena are different. This is just a low-level arena. Only low-strength lords come here, and no good things will appear.

Ye Bufan took Zhou Yan directly to the High Level arena. Everything here requires at least S quality items to be placed.

Accordingly, each time you challenge, you need to pay 100,000 spirit coins. There are relatively few lords here, but the lords who dare to come here to challenge must be people who are very confident in themselves.

Zhou Yan has also been to places like this. Teacher Lengyue took him there last time, and the scale was not so big and there were not so many people.

This is a country in the Lord Continent. The entire country and the entire city survive in this way.

There are various ways of fighting in this country. Zhou Yan has seen many kinds of competitions along the way. Some are simply a competition of strength, some are a competition of wisdom, and some are a competition of speed.

This is more like a competition, which feels very strange. Zhou Yan feels that he is not in the wrong place.

Each arena has detailed information, which stipulates which level of people can challenge. People who are above their prescribed range cannot challenge.

"How's it going? Is there anything you like?" Ye Bufan asked.

"Still looking." Zhou Yan was not interested in ordinary things at all. Zhou Yan was still looking and saw one of the arenas suitable for him to challenge. Although the thing was just an SSS-quality defense tower, he wanted to try it first.

The person making the challenge is a lord, and the person challenging must also be a lord. The person can only challenge the opponent if his level is below Ninety-Third Layer.

The opponent has won fifteen games in a row, and the price of the challenge has reached 300,000 spirit coins. If you want to challenge the opponent, you must pay 300,000 spirit coins.

After Zhou Yan paid 300,000 spirit coins, he stepped into the ring. After passing the instrument test, his realm was detected to be Ninetieth Layer.

The opponent is a Ninety-Third Layer lord, wearing a full Spirit Weapon suit and holding a red stick.

"Ninetieth Layer Heaven!" Ye Bufan was a little surprised after seeing Zhou Yan's state. This speed of cultivation really shocked him.

"Ninetieth Layer God, very young and very courageous." The other party was called Catherine Simon, and she commented after seeing Zhou Yan's strength.

Zhou Yan was waiting for the battle to begin. When the defensive shield appeared, Zhou Yan clenched his hands into fists and made an attack look.

Catherine Simon was stunned and said: "You don't want to defeat me with your fists."

"Is there anything wrong?" Zhou Yan asked.

"Of course, you will fail because you underestimate me." Catherine Simon replied, he must let the other party see how strong he is.

"I'm looking forward to your performance." After Zhou Yan saw the defensive shields of the entire arena appeared, he hooked his fingers towards the opponent.

"This Zhou Yan, this move is too arrogant." Ye Bufan commented in the audience.

People watching the battle also said: "This kid is so arrogant."

"You are so young and you have the realm of Ninetieth Layer. Young people always have some youthful energy."

"Catherine Simon's record shows that he has won fifteen games in a row. This young man will definitely pay a heavy price."

"Let's take a look. Maybe the other party will have some unexpected performances."

Zhou Yan’s actions really made Catherine Simon very angry.

"Boy, you are very talented. This makes me very angry. You pissed me off."

Catherine Simon made a strong move and burst out with a very powerful aura. The surging energy was released from her body and turned into a violent wave, attacking Zhou Yan fiercely.

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