Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 804: Booking Out The Venue Again

Gao Pingxiong left here in despair, as if he didn't want to stay for a moment longer. In the end, only the people in the audience were left talking.

"Is this person really a strong man from the Ninety-Eighth Layer?"

"Is his record fake? Didn't he win dozens of games in a row? He doesn't even dare to stay here anymore."

"The name Zhou Yan is a bit familiar."

"I thought of Zhou Yan, the number one in the world from the Shenlong Kingdom. I heard that he was so powerful that even the demigods were no match for him."

"I thought it was a rumor, but I didn't expect it to be true. The truth is always truer than the rumors."

Zhou Yan then challenged dozens more games, defeating his opponent with only one move each time.

Then, Zhou Yan began to summon some strong men from the territory to come out, and his generals also won a lot of things.

Zhou Yan was not very interested in this kind of challenge. He found Ye Bufan and looked at his battle. He also gained a lot, but some of his generals also lost.

Zhou Yan asked: "Where is the arena you mentioned before? The Highest Level items here are only of SSS quality, and there are many requirements. It doesn't mean much."

"Follow me, that's an Apex Level place, everything is good." Ye Bufan took Zhou Yan out of the arena and walked into another arena in the city, saying:

"This is it. Each arena inside has placed a treasure of R quality or above. You have to win more than ten games in a row to take away the treasure. Very few people can succeed. However, with your strength, it shouldn't be too much." Disaster."

"Go in and take a look." Zhou Yan walked inside. The arena here looked more High Level. Each arena was a fantasy world. Zhou Yan was naturally familiar with this kind of arena.

There were a lot of people watching the battle, and arenas had been set up in dozens of places above. Some were the arenas set up by the curator, and some were the arenas set up by the lords.

Zhou Yan looked at the rewards placed by the challenger. The challenger's strength cannot exceed the challenger's level. The challenger needs to pay at least five million challenge fees to participate.

This fee is stipulated based on what the opponent brings out, and not every arena has such a fee.

Zhou Yan first looked at the rewards given by these challengers. They were very good. The rewards given by everyone were of R quality, and the challenge fees ranged from five million to tens of millions.

Zhou Yan looked at the dozens of places where the competition was held and asked Ye Bufan: "Can we reserve the venue?"

"What do you mean?" Ye Bufan was a little confused.

Zhou Yan smiled and then came to the first challenge arena. The requirements were to be below the Ninetieth Layer level. The challenge fee was 10 million spiritual coins. After winning ten games in a row, he could take away the opponent's things.

The strong person who challenged the opponent did not stipulate whether he was a general or a lord of the territory.

This person guarding the ring is obviously a hero. He is in the Ninetieth Layer. He is wearing a full set of Spirit Weapons and is very powerful.

"Challenger, are you sure you want to challenge the opponent?" A referee asked Zhou Yan.

"I'm sure." Zhou Yan replied.

"It seems to you that there are no requirements for the challenge. After reading this, please pay the challenge fee and then send a hero who meets the requirements or play yourself." The referee said.

Zhou Yan nodded, then submitted 10 million spirit coins, looked at the strong men in the territory, and then sent Zhao Yun.

There was a flash of light above the ring, and Zhao Yun appeared on the ring.

He holds a powerful silver gun in his hand and wears a complete Spirit Weapon suit all over his body. This set of equipment is also silver and exudes a silver brilliance.

Coupled with Zhao Yun's temperament and appearance, he immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Zhao Yun's information soon appeared. His realm was only the Eighty-Eighth Layer Heaven, which was still two heavens away from the Ninetieth Layer Heaven.

"Are you sure you want to send this Eighty-Eighth Layer Heaven hero to challenge the opponent? The opponent's strength has reached Ninetieth Layer Heaven. If you are sure, the challenge is about to begin." The referee asked again.

"Sure." Zhou Yan replied.

"Okay, then please step down from the ring to watch the fight." the referee said.

Zhou Yan said to Zhao Yun: "Is it possible to win ten games in a row?"

"Zhao Yun will definitely defeat all opponents." Zhao Yun replied with a fist.

After Zhou Yan left the arena, the defensive cover of the entire arena was opened, and the entire arena randomly formed a map for fighting.

Ye Bufan asked: "Eighty-Eighth Layer Heaven is very different from Ninetieth Layer Heaven. Even the gap between Ninetieth Layer Heaven and Eighty-Ninth Layer Heaven is huge, let alone Eighty-Eighth Layer Heaven. You believe in this hero so much."

"Look, my hero has never let me down." After Zhou Yan answered, he walked to the next stage again.

Ye Bufan was a little dazed when he saw Zhou Yan walking towards the next arena, and then he thought about what Zhou Yan meant by asking him before.

"Are you really planning to challenge all the arenas?" Ye Bufan asked.

"Then what do you think I'm doing here?" Zhou Yan smiled and walked to the second arena, making many people very curious.

They really want to know if this person has so many powerful heroes who can challenge two arenas at the same time.

You will never win by randomly sending a hero to the stage. You must have a strong hero with good combat effectiveness, and he must meet the opponent's standards.

Zhou Yan looked at the requirements for the second arena. This requirement is relatively low. It only requires heroes below the Eighty-Fifth Layer level.

Zhou Yan thought for a while and sent Wu Song out.

"Lord, you asked me to fight!" Wu Song asked quickly.

"Don't embarrass me." Zhou Yan said.

"Don't worry, it won't happen." Wu Song assured immediately.

Then, Zhou Yan went to one after another and sent dozens of heroes like Li Yuanba, Huo Qubing, Lu Bu, etc. to come out. As long as there was someone to challenge, Zhou Yan arranged for his opponent to come on stage.

Just like Zhou Yan said, he started to book the venue.

The people around were shocked. They had indeed seen many lords challenge several arenas in a row, but this was the first time they had seen them challenge all the arenas at once.

"This man is so confident!"

"He is really an interesting person. He actually challenged twenty-three arenas. He seems to be very confident in his hero."

"These twenty-three heroes are very extraordinary. Look at that Zhao Yun, he has already won the first game!"

"It is indeed good to defeat the strong man from the Ninetieth Layer with the Eighty-Eighth Layer, but there are still nine battles left, and I don't think he can win the remaining nine in a row."

"Keep watching and see if this guy's hero can win a round."

"I wonder, I think this guy is too arrogant. He must be the second generation ancestor from some aristocratic family."

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