Everyone continued to watch, and now the twenty-three arenas had begun.

What they didn't expect was that as soon as the battle started, several opponents in the ring were defeated.

Moreover, the losers were all those who left the ring. The heroes sent by Zhou Yan actually won the battle so quickly, which surprised them.

"I just saw this Xiang Yu fight. He is so strong. This guy is simply born with divine power. He defeated his opponent in just a few moves. This power is so terrifying."

"This Li Cunxiao is also very strong. Under the same level, he can kill the opponent with one move. How did that guy cultivate these heroes to be so terrifying?"

"Even if they are heroes of Apex Level quality, the gap won't be so big. They are at the same level, and they can't even resist the opponent's move."

"Isn't it? The other party also wore a complete set of Spirit Weapon suits, and he was killed just like that. This is too strong."

"You see, this Lu Bu is also very strong. He has also won battles and killed opponents who are higher than him."

The people around them were more and more shocked as they watched, because they discovered that Zhou Yan's heroes actually won the battle. Some of their realms were lower than the other's, and some were the same. But without exception, they all won the battle. victory.

Moreover, these heroes did not seem to use their full strength, but they were still able to do so with ease. This strength was so strong that it shocked every one of them.

There were twenty-three arenas, and all of them were won by Zhou Yan’s heroes!

Some of the heroes even started their third battle.

They were discussing the battles of many heroes one by one, while watching Zhou Yan. Someone seemed to look at Zhou Yan very familiarly, and then said: "This person seems to be Zhou Yan."

"Oh, Zhou Yan from the Shenlong Kingdom, is he number one in the world?"

"I didn't expect it to be him. Not only is he so powerful, but all the heroes under his command are also so strong. It's true that heroes come from young."

"The person next to me is the next heir to the Dragon King family. Both of them are the proud sons of heaven. I didn't expect them to come here to play."

The lords in the battle continued to send their heroes to fight, but unfortunately, the gap between their heroes and Zhou Yan's heroes was too big.

As Zhao Yun and others won one game after another, the cheers from the audience became stronger and stronger.

The people who come here to watch the battle are not all lords. Many of them are people from the lord continent, and they are just looking for excitement.

"The heroes in your territory are really strong. Each of them has won more than five games. It seems that you have won all their things." Ye Bufan said.

"There should be quite a few Shoului guild halls like this." Zhou Yan asked.

"That's natural. There are many different competition modes. Are you interested in giving them a try?" Ye Bufan asked.

"If there's something good, take part. If the value is too low, I'm not interested at all." Zhou Yan said.

"Don't worry, the place I take you to must be a High Level area, and the things in it are all good." Ye Bufan said.

"Okay, let's wait and see." Zhou Yan replied.

The first person to win ten battles was Xiang Yu, followed by Li Yuanba and Xue Rengui. They all fought against people of the same level as themselves, so they naturally had a great advantage.

"Congratulations on winning three arena games." Ye Bufan said.

"It's not bad, but it's a pity that there are too few people in the arena. It would be great if there were thousands of people in the arena." Zhou Yan said with a pity. There are many heroes in his territory, and it is not a big deal to challenge thousands of people in the arena. .


After hearing this, Ye Bufan was speechless. He chose to remain silent. After all, he did not have as much confidence as Zhou Yan.

After that, Zhou Yan's other heroes also won victories, shocking everyone again.

When the last hero also won ten battles in a row, Ye Bufan congratulated Zhou Yan again.

"You are Zhou Yan, right? I didn't expect the heroes in your territory to be so strong. I am convinced that I lost to you."

At this time, a lord who had lost to Zhou Yan took the initiative to communicate with him.

"If you work harder, your hero will be strong." Zhou Yan replied.

"Make a friend. My name is Niu Ren. I have been here for more than ten years. If there is any place you want to go or the type of challenge you want, just tell me and I can help you." Niu Ren said.

After hearing each other's name, the two of them were very surprised and said, "Your name is very good."

"The names are all given by my parents." Niu Ren is used to this kind of thing.

"Zhou Yan!"

"Ye Bufan!"

Zhou Yan and Ye Bufan started chatting with each other. This Niu Ren knew much more about the country of the arena than Ye Bufan. There were even activities held in many places here to attract the lords from all parties.

Niu Ren continued: "I know that several arenas are holding events. I wonder if you want to participate. With Zhou Yan's strength, I am very confident that I can get first place. The rewards are very good."

"How about talking about the specific rewards? I'm really curious." Zhou Yan asked.

Niu Ren introduced: "One of the demon-type barracks awarded by one of them is RR quality. Those who challenge need to submit one million spiritual coins. There is no limit on the number of people."

"After participating, the opponent will let all challengers enter the challenge space to fight. Only lords can participate in this, and lords from the Ninety-Ninth Layer level can participate. Only the last lord alive can get the final reward."

"Oh, it looks good. The RR-quality barracks is a bit interesting. What are the other rewards?" Zhou Yan asked.

"The second arena is not in this city. If we want to go there, we still need to take the teleportation array to go there. That arena will reward more than one person, and the top ten people can get different rewards."

"Participants need to pay one hundred thousand spirit coins, but the other party only allows heroes to participate. The realm cannot be higher than Ninetieth Layer. A lord can only send one person to participate."

"The first place will be rewarded with a Spirit Weapon, the second place will be rewarded with a diamond equipment, and the third place will be rewarded with..."

After hearing this, Ye Bufan asked: "It's all equipment, so it doesn't mean much. Except for the number one Spirit Weapon, the others are nothing."

Zhou Yan also thought this was the case and asked: "What is the reward for the last guild hall?"

"The reward from the last guild hall is a bit interesting. That place is not in this city. The reward is materials. The top three people can get different amounts of materials."

"The first place person can get 10,000 units of nine-star materials, the second place can get 20,000 units of eight-star color lotus, and the third place can get 30,000 units of seven-star materials."

"And the way to participate is also very strange. You can only bring out a thousand units of six-star materials. Of course, you can also bring out higher-level materials to participate, but most people won't do that."

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