Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 813, Encounter Between Two Powerful Forces

An Tian in the battle space, after killing these opponents, rushed towards the enemies in the distance again.

An Tian did not use the previous move. As An Tian stopped releasing his power, the dark clouds in the sky began to dissipate, and the black thunder slowly disappeared.

An Tian rushed to a place dozens of kilometers away, where a shocking battle broke out between hundreds of people, and countless people fought together. From time to time, heroes were killed and eliminated.

An Tian releases his power, and the powerful energy forms a huge fist, attacking the enemy.

"Black Dragon Fist!"

The fist hit several heroes standing in the battle, and the powerful force directly destroyed their bodies and knocked them out.

An Tian did not stop his attack and continued to attack the next hero. Each hero was killed by his powerful and terrifying power.

The powerful Saint Weapon and a complete set of Spirit Weapon sets make Antian's attacks very powerful. Coupled with various building bonuses in the territory, Antian's combat power has reached the level of a demigod. Faced with these, he is not even half a god. Opponents with different combat abilities at the Divine Level can naturally sweep them all away.

An Tian released a dark world and erupted with a terrifying force of attraction, sucking in everything around it like a black hole.

This attack has the same ability as a black hole. After countless heroes felt this attractive force, they fought hard and flew away into the distance.

But the force of attraction was too strong, and the force of devouring it was so terrifying. Several heroes screamed and were sucked in. Nothing was left and nothing could be seen, only a black hole.


A floating island was directly attracted by this dark force and divided into several sections. Then the entire floating island was attracted and turned into nothingness.

This attraction was so strong that several floating islands around him were not spared, and they were all swallowed up by An Tian's move.

Countless heroes were also swallowed up by this move, and An Tian's record once again added hundreds of heroes.


An Tian is still looking for opponents and continues to hunt others. Wherever he is, he will definitely eliminate all the heroes around him.

An Tian is like a troublemaker, wherever there are many people running around and wherever the fighting is the fiercest, he will always appear.

He is also like a battlefield killing god, hunting other prey. Each prey is eliminated by him and killed by him, which becomes his record.

The number of heroes An Tian killed continued to rise, five hundred... one thousand... one thousand and five...

The entire audience was completely shocked. It was not that they had never seen powerful heroes before, but heroes with such terrifying combat power as An Tian were indeed too rare.

"Who does this hero belong to? He has such terrifying combat power. This is a hero who can fight with powerful demigods!"

"It's so scary. He can probably kill a third of the heroes alone."

"It's impossible. There are more than 30,000 heroes participating in the competition. This dark sky can kill 10,000 heroes. This is too difficult."

"Look, one-tenth of the heroes have been eliminated now."

"It's too fast. It has only been fifteen minutes, and he has already wiped out one-tenth of the number of heroes by himself."

"This fighting power is so incredible. It's rare to see such a hero. His current realm is Ninety-Third Layer. Oh my God. When this hero grows to the demigod realm, wouldn't one person be able to fight more than two demigods?" !”

The space of the entire floating island battlefield is shrinking with the decrease in the number of people, and the number of heroes hunted by the dark sky is also increasing. Now, the number has reached 5,000.

The key point is that there is no hero who can compete with An Tian yet. The strongest hero can only fight with An Tian for ten moves.

After An Tian came to a fighting area again, he finally met a more decent opponent.

This is a strong man from an ancient race. He has powerful bloodline power and has eliminated more than a thousand people. He is very powerful and is also a popular hero to win the championship because his own realm is in Ninety-Ninth Layer heaven and he is not even close to a demigod. Not too much, but the combat effectiveness of this ancient race strongman is obviously half-Divine Level, which is very good.

No one expected that the two strong men would encounter each other in advance, but An Tian didn't care who the opponent was, he just stepped forward and punched him first.


The strong man of the ancient race was not weak at all. He transformed into a giant hand of energy and intercepted the fist. Although he could not completely intercept it, the remaining power was no longer able to pose a threat to the strong man of the ancient race. He was Crushed with one punch.

"It's interesting." An Tian looked at the other person. This strong man was much stronger than those he had encountered before.

An Tian launched another attack. Black chains were densely packed, and the entire sky was covered with chains. The chains formed black dragons, and thousands of black dragons rushed towards the powerful ancient race.

A burst of light erupted, and the ancient race strongman released the ancient incarnation, and appeared thousands of palms, each palm attacking those black dragon chains.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

Collisions one after another erupted in the sky. Thousands of palms and black dragon chains continued to fight. The entire sky was a confrontation area between the two sides. A floating island was shattered by the energy erupted by the two, turning into countless fragments and smashing in all directions.

Suddenly, a ray of light was refreshed, and the powerful ancient race flew there quickly. It was the gain power refreshed in this space world, which could increase their growth rate for ten minutes.

This light was absorbed by the strong man of the ancient race, and what increased was his power.

After everyone saw this, they felt that An Tian might be defeated. After all, the combat power of the ancient race strongmen had reached a semi-Divine Level level. With the addition of this power, it would be even stronger.

"An Tian is in danger. That ancient race strongman has a ten-minute strength bonus." Niu Ren said.

"The outcome is still unknown, and we may not necessarily lose." Ye Bufan looked at Zhou Yan.

"But An Tian has been fighting all this time and has not saved any strength at all. After killing so many heroes, his various strengths should have dropped a lot. Zhou Yan, what do you think?" Niu Ren looked at Zhou Yan .

Zhou Yan smiled and said very confidently: "Don't worry, my hero has not exhausted his strength yet."

"I'm looking forward to it." Upon hearing this, Ye Bufan looked at the screen carefully again.

"I'm looking forward to it too." Niu Ren also said.

An Tian saw the opponent absorbing the increased power and didn't care at all. Thousands of black dragon iron chains began to merge, and finally formed a huge black dragon energy, and then rushed towards the opponent's incarnation.


A huge energy explosion came, and the entire screen was covered by the terrifying energy, making it difficult to see the specific situation for a while.

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