Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 814, Unparalleled Physical Body

The entire live broadcast was obscured by the terrifying dark energy. This energy was so powerful that it covered an area of ​​more than ten kilometers. Many heroes were injured by this energy.

They saw that An Tian's record had dozens more people. In other words, An Tian's move did not target others, but dozens of people were still killed by him because of this move.

Although this battle was not decided by who hunted the most heroes, it was still shocking that An Tian hunted so many heroes.

After the dark energy dissipated, everyone looked at the situation inside and found that the strong man from the ancient race was covered in blood and his arm was broken. The incarnation of the ancient saint behind him was also damaged a lot, and the golden light seemed to be disintegrating at any time.

As for Antian, his fighting spirit is still high, his dark energy blocks out the sky, and his every move exudes a domineering aura.

This is something that is very surprising. The combat power of the powerful ancient race has also reached the semi-Divine Level, but the gap between An Tian and An Tian is so huge!

"Such a strong combat power. This Antian is not a human race at all. I don't know what race he is. He should not be a dark race. Although he has dark energy, he is not a strong man of the dark race."

"The strong man of the ancient race was seriously injured by this move. The opponent's fighting power is so strong."

"It's really surprising. Is that An Tian really only a Ninety-Third Layer Tian? Why do I feel like he is at the peak of the Ninety-Ninth Layer!"

Even the powerful lord of the ancient race was shocked. This was the strongest hero below the level of demigod in his territory. He could not compare to a Ninety-Third Layer hero. Whose hero was this? His combat power was too terrifying. Bar.

An Tian continued to rush towards the powerful ancient race. The golden holy light behind him condensed again, but it no longer had the same power as before.

An Tian turned into a giant palm of darkness, covering the world and becoming a thousand meters in size. He directly grabbed the holy light in his hand, like a Great Demon King, completely suppressing the opponent.


The golden light wanted to rush out of the golden giant palm and launched attacks continuously. However, with a strong squeeze of the dark giant palm, the golden light was completely annihilated in the dark palm. An Tian defeated a demigod warrior. Strong opponents were eliminated directly.

An Tian was so powerful that it shocked countless lords. Seeing An Tian keep whispering, none of them expected that a hero with semi-divine combat power would be eliminated so soon.

An Tian was so unexpected, a battle of this level should have broken out at the end, but An Tian didn't play by common sense at all. His fighting spirit was high, as if he was invincible, and he pushed all the heroes.

He is challenging all the heroes present, as if to say: Come and kill me!

Very arrogant and domineering, but they had to admit that An Tian did have such strength. When he killed the ancient race strongman with semi-divine combat power, it was not very difficult, and it seemed that there was still a lot of room for improvement.

No one knows what An Tian's final limit is, and they really want to see who can force An Tian to fight with all his strength.

It's a pity that those heroes with demigod combat power have not appeared yet. They have not broken out in advance, and they are all waiting for the last chance to win the championship.

They are obviously not here to fight. Their goal is to survive until the end. Only the last person standing in this space can get the first place reward.

An Tian is different. He not only comes to fight, but also to win.

An Tian continued to hunt other heroes, and a strong man of the dark race was punched through the body by An Tian and turned into nothingness. His body was equally impressive and possessed invincible power.

An Tian's fighting power was too strong. The two elves took out their bows and arrows, bursting out with two bursts of green light. The green arrows turned into two green poisonous snakes, entangled in the air, like Dragon Transformation, forming a Flood. Dragon, then turned into a green dragon and charged towards Dark Sky.

"Hmph! How dare you be so presumptuous in front of a real dragon!" An Tian was very disdainful, forming a giant dark palm and grabbing the green dragon in his hand.


With a squeeze of the dark giant palm, the green arrow was broken by An Tian. Finally, An Tian turned into a black meteor and rushed towards the two powerful elves.

"not good!"

The two strong men from the elves used their body skills, spread their wings, and turned into two green lights. They left quickly, turned around, drew their bows and arrows again, and launched an attack towards An Tian.

An Tian held an arrow in each hand, grabbed it in his hand, broke it, and said: "This attack is really weak!"

The two powerful elves kept running away, but An Tian was too fast. He rushed in front of one of the female elves, raised his hand and punched her down.


The beautiful female elf suffered a devastating punch from An Tian. Her body was shattered and she turned into nothingness and disappeared here.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu My little sister was brutally killed." A female lord felt heartbroken when she saw her hero being killed so violently, and she hated An Tian to death.

An Tian doesn't have the slightest pity. It doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman. In his eyes, there are only enemies and himself. Apart from himself, all the heroes here are enemies.

"call out!"

Another elf shot an arrow at An Tian again, but it was still too late and did not save the female elf.

An Tian grabbed the arrow, exploded the power of darkness, turned the arrow into an arrow of darkness, aimed at the elf, and threw it out fiercely.

The dark arrow flew towards the elf like lightning, and with a pop, it penetrated into the elf's forehead. An Tian killed an elf again and attacked the next strong man.

"Hey, failed." There was a beautiful female lord beside the previous female lord. The two were good friends and signed up for this battle together. Unfortunately, their heroes died.

An Tian attacked a strong vampire. This vampire had fangs and a pair of wings on his back. An Tian came to the opponent with great disdain, tore the wings of the vampire with both hands, and then punched through the opponent. body and brutally kill it.

An Tian showed his powerful physical side at this moment, shattering a streak of ice with one punch, and then looked at a man from the Ice Tribe. The man stepped on the ice, and when he flew away, he left streaks of ice in the air, like It's like a road to the sky made of ice and snow.

An Tian flew over, and the terrifying dark energy destroyed the ice, and as soon as it flew over, it turned countless ice attacks into pieces.

An Tian quickly came to the other party, grabbed the Ice Tribe man's head, and pulled hard.


This man from the Ice Tribe also turned into nothingness. An Tian was too strong. Regardless of his physical body or various skill attacks, he created a crushing oppression on others.

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