Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 817, Zhang Sanfeng Promoted To Demigod

The peak of the demigod realm is the peak of the realm of everyone in the lower realm.

But after the Ninetieth Layer Heaven, it will take a long time to break through each realm. Diao Chan and others have been practicing in the [Cultivation Secret Realm]. Relying on the speed of time here, they have only reached the Ninetieth Layer Heaven.

It will take a lot of time to break through to demigods.

The territory has countless treasures of heaven and earth, as well as buildings to help them achieve enlightenment. In addition, their Talents are all Apex Level. There is no obstacle to breakthrough at all. As long as the spiritual power is reached, they can break through directly.

But they won't stay here every day. After all, it would be boring to keep hunting the monsters here.

Every few days, Diao Chan and the others would go out to [Cultivation Secret Realm] and stay outside for a few days.

On this day, Zhou Yan felt a powerful energy wave in the territory. After teleporting in, he saw Li Chungang, Zhao Xuansu, Kong Hechang, Baimei Perfected Being and others all looking in that direction.

Many people in the territory felt the powerful fluctuations, and they all looked at the soaring light in the territory.

"Someone has broken through to the demigod realm." Li Chungang said.

"I didn't expect to see someone break through to demigods so soon." Baimei Perfected Being smiled.

"There is another demigod in the territory, and I believe there will be more and more in the future." Zhao Xuansu said.

"Oh, really, let's see who it is." Zhou Yan moved towards there out of curiosity.

Zhou Yan was surprised when he saw this person. He was none other than Zhang Sanfeng.

He has been in the territory for a long time and has been cultivating and enlightening. Zhou Yan did not pay too much attention to him. He did not expect that his understanding was so strong and he had already broken through to the demigod realm.

"Lord." Zhang Wuji and others greeted Zhou Yan quickly after seeing him.

"Congratulations to Zhang Perfect Being for breaking through to the demigod realm. From now on, another strong demigod will be added to the territory." Zhou Yan smiled, very satisfied.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled happily. He was no different from a young man now. His white hair had long since turned back to black. He didn't look like a bad old man at all, but a young boy.

"If the lord has any instructions from now on, just speak up. As a member of the territory, I have never contributed to the territory, which really makes me feel sorry for the lord." Zhang Sanfeng said to Zhou Yan.

After coming to the territory for so long, the territory has given him everything he needs, and there is such a good environment. Zhang Sanfeng likes it here very much and absolutely does not want the territory to suffer any damage.

"There will be many places that will need you in the future, so don't worry." Zhou Yan replied.

Li Chungang and others also came over to congratulate Zhang Sanfeng. Naturally, they had met and gave Zhang Sanfeng a lot of advice. In addition, Zhang Sanfeng had a strong understanding, which allowed him to break through so quickly.

Zhou Yan held a banquet tonight and invited the heroes in the territory to have a feast together.

This is a very strange scene. There is a raging war outside the territory, and the defense towers are constantly fighting against a certain force. But inside the territory, Zhou Yan is treating a group of people to a meal as if nothing is wrong.

This kind of scene feels extremely weird no matter how you look at it, but Zhou Yan has long been used to it, and he doesn't even know which force he is attacking now.

Zhou Yan does not need to handle this small matter personally. He only needs to know the final result. As for the process, is that important?

A few days later, Zhou Yan and Ye Bufan met again, this time they were going to the black market trade fair.

After Ye Bufan teleported the territory to a certain place, he and Zhou Yan each rode their mounts and flew to a city. After walking in, Ye Bufan said: "That place is quite hidden. You need to buy a special teleportation talisman to be able to teleport there." that place."

"It's so troublesome. Why are those guys so mysterious?" Zhou Yan was a little confused.

"They are black market traders. What is a black market? All shady things can be sold there. How do you know where those things are obtained?"

"Those things obtained through various means are naturally afraid of being known by others. The forces of this black market are also worried about being retaliated and destroyed by others, so they must choose a suitable place and a safe and hidden environment to carry out the transaction."

Ye Bufan explained the reason and continued: "If they had a territory like yours, they could open a black market openly. There is no point."

"In the final analysis, I still don't have enough strength, and I'm afraid of being dumped in one fell swoop." Zhou Yan said.

"The teleportation charms they sell are not cheap. It can be regarded as a disguised ticket, but if you don't buy it, you won't be able to get there at all, so you don't know what kind of things will appear in this black market transaction."

After Ye Bufan finished speaking, his appearance began to change, and he still used the props Zhou Yan had given him before.

Zhou Yan also casually changed his appearance and followed Ye Bufan to a store.

The name of this store is [a store].

There were a lot of guests coming and going. After entering, a special waiter came up and asked: "Two guests, what would you like to order?"

Ye Bufan took out the ticket for the black market. After the other party took the ticket back, he nodded to the two of them, led them into a room, then closed the door and said: "A teleportation talisman of one hundred thousand souls" currency."

One hundred thousand spirit coins is nothing to Zhou Yan, but the price is indeed very expensive. Zhou Yan didn't say anything more. After paying, the waiter handed the two teleportation talismans to the two of them and said:

"Please use it after you leave our store. This teleportation talisman is valid for 24 hours. After that time, the teleportation talisman will disappear. Please use it in time."

Zhou Yan finally understood why there were so many people coming in and out of this [a store]. Most of them were just to buy teleportation charms.

"You can use it after you return to my territory." Ye Bufan said.

"Okay." Zhou Yan nodded.

After returning to Ye Bufan's golden territory, Ye Bufan teleported the territory back to a safe place, and then said to Zhou Yan: "After using it, you can appear directly at the place established by the opponent. This is not only safe, but also very convenient, because this No matter where it is used, when we leave there, it will come back here."

Zhou Yan had already seen this teleportation talisman and said: "This teleportation talisman has a very strong formation pattern, and it is also an ancient teleportation formation pattern. People in the black market are really capable. They can get this kind of formation pattern. If It would be better if you can learn from it.”

"It seems that you know a lot about the formation patterns. That is something that only demigods can study. Every formation pattern is left over from a long time ago. I have also heard of the Great Movement Pattern. , it is indeed very rare, and it is impossible to find this kind of thing on the black market.”

Ye Bufan has naturally heard of the Great Teleportation Array, a very powerful space array that can span very far away and is much stronger than space capabilities.

However, this kind of formation is not easy to learn, let alone perform. It requires a lot of materials to depict, and it also requires strong formation attainments to learn.

This teleportation talisman sold for 100,000 spirit coins. Zhou Yan thought it was very expensive at first, but after seeing the formation patterns on it, Zhou Yan felt that it was worth the price.

The two used spiritual power to activate the teleportation talisman. The two turned into two rays of light and entered a mysterious space. When they reappeared, they were already in another place.

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