The two of them looked at this place. It was a huge platform, and rays of light appeared on the platform. These people were all participating in the black market trade fair.

When they saw the environment here, Ye Bufan was very surprised and said: "This is not the city, and there are no buildings."

This is a plain, with no buildings around, just stalls. Everyone is stunned. This is too simple.

They thought the black market trade fair would be held in some building, but in such an environment, they really didn't know what to say.

"This is a small world. The other party was too careful and placed the black market transaction in this small world. In this way, the other party has no idea where this small world will be, because the other party can teleport this small world to anywhere at any time. .”

Zhou Yan is so powerful that he can naturally sense what this place is. This place cannot trap Zhou Yan. If he wants to leave, he can leave at any time.

Except for Zhou Yan, other lords cannot summon territories, let alone heroes. This is the opponent's small world, and any rules and regulations are determined by this small world.

There is indeed a great danger here. Everything about them is controlled by the people behind the black market trade fair, but the people behind the black market trade fair will not be so stupid to deal with them.

Once they do that, they will lose not only their own interests, but also the power they have built up over countless years. With so many people participating here, how many forces are involved. How can a small black market force block so many people? The siege of forces.

"Wherever it is, let's go see what's available in this black market." Ye Bufan quickly urged.

Zhou Yan also curiously walked towards the first stall. Each stall was very large, and there was a separate arena at the back. This arena was a space of its own, and many people could fight at the same time.

Many people have already started to challenge. Zhou Yan also saw that someone wanted to buy something from the stall and took out an item to challenge. The other party agreed with the stall owner on the rules and conditions of the challenge, and then walked to the ring. Go up and start summoning generals to challenge.

After the summons was completed, he walked under the ring and started watching the game.

"It's a bit interesting. It's a bit like an arena challenge, but it also adds the nature of a transaction. The people in this black market trade fair really know how to play." Zhou Yan said.

"There are also places where you can trade directly without challenging. This just adds a different atmosphere and distinction. In fact, it is all a marketing tool. How can someone who really wants to do business put up such a stage? What?" Ye Bufan said.

"Why didn't you say anything before?" Zhou Yan asked.

"This is also news that I learned later. After all, I don't know much about this black trade fair, and it was news that I learned by accident." Ye Bufan replied.

"Then let's go there and have a look. But by the way, let's see if there's anything interesting here. After all, you can still give it a try by trading things at half price." Zhou Yan said.

Although this is a marketing model, this novel method did attract a lot of people. Even Zhou Yan found it very novel and started to look at the things on these stalls.

There were too many things. Although there were some good things, someone had already challenged the other party. Zhou Yan had no time to wait for the other party's challenge to end and started looking for the past.

Suddenly, Zhou Yan found an item that no one challenged. The other party was a businesswoman. Zhou Yan asked, "I want to buy this."

This is a Spirit Weapon necklace, which is relatively rare. Zhou Yan asked: "What kind of challenge is needed?"

The businesswoman put on a mask and said: "I have several ways to trade. The first is to exchange things for things. The second is to directly spend 50 billion spiritual coins to buy. The third is to send an Eighty-Fifth The hero of Layer Heaven, fight my hero without wearing any equipment. If you win, you spend 10 billion spirit coins to take away this Spirit Weapon. Which method do you want to choose?"

When Zhou Yan heard this, he realized that it was indeed a black market. No matter how good this Spirit Weapon necklace was, it was definitely not worth 50 billion spirit coins. At most, it could be bought with more than 10 billion spirit coins.

"If I win, five billion spiritual coins!" Zhou Yan bargained directly.

"Yes, but can you do it?" The businesswoman smiled strangely, as if she didn't believe in Zhou Yan's strength.

Zhou Yan was very dissatisfied with this and replied: "It's not a problem for me to control ten women at night. How long do you think you can last?"

The other party didn't care, he smiled and said: "Then you have to come up with something as a challenge."

"Of course." After saying that, he naturally knew the rules and took out another Diamond Level weapon.

After seeing it, the businesswoman continued: "Send a hero to the scene. My hero will not show mercy."

After the businesswoman finished speaking, she came to the ring behind her and summoned a hero from the Eighty-Fifth Layer.

What surprised Zhou Yan was that the hero on the other side was also a female hero. Zhou Yan could not tell what race the hero was for the time being, but with his eyesight, he felt that this hero was definitely not a human race.

"It's your turn." After the businesswoman completed the summons, she walked off the ring. This ring has the ability to automatically detect that the opponent's realm is indeed Eighty-Fifth Layer.

Zhou Yan thought for a while and looked at the hero in his territory. Since the other party summoned a female hero, it would be great if he also summoned a female hero.

In the realm of Eighty-Fifth Layer Heaven, and a female hero, Zhou Yan looked carefully and found a suitable person. He said to Si Teng in the territory: "Siteng, do you want to come out and fight? If you don't want to, I will Find someone else.”

Si Teng from the territory was watching a movie. After hearing Zhou Yan's words, he was very surprised and asked: "Fighting is of course good, but Lord, why did you send me to play this time?"

"Because the opponent is a female hero, I feel that sending a male hero to play is a bit bullying. If you win, I will give you a Spirit Weapon necklace." Zhou Yan said.

"There is also a reward, I agree!" Si Teng quickly replied.

"By the way, you are not allowed to wear any equipment this time. Please take off all the equipment." Zhou Yan replied.

"It's fine if you still have such a request. Without equipment, I'm still confident in defeating the opponent!" Si Teng replied.

After Si Teng agreed, Zhou Yan summoned Si Teng, and a ray of light began to detect Si Teng's level of strength. It was indeed in the Eighty-Fifth Layer.

If Si Teng didn't like to practice, her level wouldn't be so far behind Diao Chan, but Zhou Yan didn't have any requirements for them. This was their freedom.

After Si Teng appeared, he looked at the opponent and said, "Is this my opponent? It looks interesting."

"Come on, there will be no reward if you fail." Zhou Yan pointed to a Spirit Weapon necklace on the other side's booth.

"Don't worry, I will try my best to defeat my opponent." Si Teng replied.

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