
The surrounding Monster Race guards all exploded with Celestial Beast power, and the entire sky was shrouded in powerful Monster Qi, with streaks of thunder flashing across the nine heavens.

The tyrannical Monster Qi pierced through the world, with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and thousands of kilometers were covered by this powerful Monster Qi, blocking out the sky and the sun, just like a demon god was angry.

Countless creatures felt the great crisis and fled the world one after another. Monsters flew into the sky and left in the distance.

Waves of demonic wind spread towards the surroundings, forming a terrifying storm. The towering giant trees began to sway, as if they were about to be destroyed by this demonic wind.

The world was in a state of panic. The tyrannical Monster Qi enveloped Zhou Yan, and a great monster surrounded Zhou Yan, completely blocking his retreat and not giving him any chance to escape.

These Monster Race experts did not underestimate Zhou Yan. They knew that Zhou Yan was powerful, otherwise it would be impossible to defeat one of them with one move.

Many Monster Race experts each took out a powerful weapon, Law Treasure. Some of them were demon swords with dense demon patterns on them, full of murderous aura. It was the same as the formation patterns of the human race, which could increase the lethality of the weapon.

A Monster Race strongman took out a gourd, which exuded golden light. This was a gourd grown on a demon vine. It was very precious. It would take ten thousand years to produce one. After being sacrificed and refined into a demon weapon, its power would be greatly increased. It's not Saint Weapon, but it's not far off.

Each of the more than a dozen Monster Race guards has a realm above the Ninety-Fifth Layer. Even the realm of Uncle He is in the demigod realm. He has immense divine power, is very powerful, and has impressive combat prowess.

"Let you know how powerful we are." Uncle He activated the formation, sealing off nine heavens and ten places, completely enveloping Zhou Yan in the formation.

The strong Monster Race man in the distance was shocked when he saw the scene in the sky and said: "Who are these people? They can actually use the Nine Heavens Breaking God Formation!"

"This is an Apex Level formation. I heard that even gods can be killed. I don't know who these Monster Race powers can deal with. Could it be a certain Monster King?"

"How could the Monster King leave? That person...that person actually rode the nine-headed golden lion king. He is a human race, and there is that pink chariot. Isn't this the car of Princess Fire Spirit? She actually Came here..."

"I heard that Princess Fire Spirit had long wanted to capture the Nine-Headed Golden Lion King as her mount. It seems that the human was the first to get there, so she wanted to snatch it away."

"With Princess Huo Ling's temper, she will definitely be able to do such a thing. There is nothing she can't get if she wants to get it."


"Nine Heavens Breaking God Formation, start!" Uncle He released a piece of Monster Qi, forming a series of hand seals, holding a strange treasure in front of him, like a sharp object.

This is a soul-chasing nail, which can attack other people's souls. It is very powerful. If Zhou Yan hadn't been so strange that Uncle He couldn't feel the depth, he wouldn't have used such a weapon.

"He even used the Soul Chasing Nail!"

Monster Race, who was watching the battle from a distance, was very shocked. This was a very powerful treasure that could kill Monster Race's soul, and the Monster Race who used this treasure was actually a demigod!

"Oh my god, who is this person... Could it be that he is really a Monster King... It's impossible, this person is obviously a human being."

Zhou Yan was not only sealed by the formation, but also faced many powerful treasures. These people gathered all the Monstrous Power together, and the attack became very powerful.

In addition to the strong man who controls this formation, there is also a powerful Monster Race master like Uncle He.

The formation trapped the world and was filled with heavenly coercion, draining all the spiritual energy around Zhou Yan, making it impossible for Zhou Yan to replenish spiritual energy from the heaven and earth.

A powerful force of oppression shrouded Zhou Yan, trying to squeeze Zhou Yan's body into meat paste, but no matter how hard this force hit, it could not pose any threat to Zhou Yan.

It was as if these forces were protected by a stronger force, but these forces could not reach Zhou Yan at all.

A strange force appeared on the surface of Zhou Yan's body. A Taichi Formation Diagram took the initiative to protect the body, forming a Taichi Formation Diagram. The power of yin and yang covered his body, and all the incoming forces were blocked.

"What a weird energy!" Uncle He was very surprised and frowned. He could feel that this power was very extraordinary, especially the Tai Chi diagram, which seemed to have different functions.


A burst of light condensed the blows of all Monster Race experts, filled with destructive attack energy, and the void seemed to be shattered. There was a tendency to go forward and crush the world.


Zhou Yan clenched his hands into fists and released a Primordial Origin yin and yang divine power. This is Zhou Yan's spiritual power, which is extremely magical. It is the energy of the first opening of the world, like chaos.

A fist appeared from the space, like an ancient Saint traveling from a distant tunnel, full of mysterious and powerful power.

The fist carries unparalleled holy power, as if there is a divine power, and there is an urge that people can't help but want to worship. It is like a real god descending, full of supreme divine power.


The fist shattered everything, and nothing could stop this god-like fist. The entire void was completely shattered, and the formation began to tremble violently.


One of the Monster Race experts was backlashed by the terrifying energy and spat out a stream of blood. The previous attack was caused by him, but he suffered a strong backlash and his body fell from the air.

"What a powerful attack!" Uncle He was shocked. They besieged Zhou Yan with the power of the formation. Not only did they not succeed at all, but one person was seriously injured, which surprised him.

Uncle He operated the formation again, and all the Great Monsters released the powerful Monster Qi again, making this attack even more powerful. This move can devour a half-Divine Level expert at will.


This attack continued to fall towards Zhou Yan's previous fist. Under the two powerful forces, it finally shattered the opponent's fist, and the energy impact exploded, shattering the entire void.


A mountain peak was impacted by the energy, and the entire mountain began to shatter. The thousand-meter peak soon became only a few hundred meters high.

"So strong!" Monster Race in the distance quickly ran away. This kind of battle is too terrifying. A casual fight can turn people from Ninetieth Layer to pieces. This is what happens between the strong. It should have fighting power.

Countless people watched the battle, each with their eyes fixed on them, as if they were afraid of missing something.

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