This was just the beginning. Immediately afterwards, Uncle He used the real killing moves of the entire Nine Heavens Breaking God Formation to form a killing sword. This was completely evolved from the power of the formation and was not a true God-killing sword.

The real God-Destroying Sword is an Apex Level Divine Weapon, a weapon that can truly kill gods. It is very powerful, but this weapon has long been lost and only exists in legends.

The God-Destroying Sword slashed through the sky, drawing a streak of endless divine power towards Zhou Yan. Even a true god would be cut in half by this sword.

Zhou Yan's eyes were like light, like lightning, like thunder. One eye was like the blazing sun in the sky, releasing a ray of sun's light, and the other eye was like the bright moon, releasing a section of milky white light.

The two rays of light swept towards the God-Destroying Blade, and the yin and yang combined to form a Tai Chi ray of light. Under the rotation, it seemed as if everything in the world and the universe had evolved.

The God-Destroying Sword, which can destroy everything, kill gods and demons, fell into this world, and it was as if it was imprisoned, and nothing could be moved. The God-Destroying Sword, which destroyed everything, had no effect whatsoever.

The entire magical sword soon began to dissipate, disintegrate, and shatter in this world until it disappeared.

"What!" Uncle He's eyes widened when he saw it. What kind of method was this? How could it be so weird? The powerful attack disappeared without a sound!

No matter what, Uncle He couldn't stop like this. He continued to operate the formation, and the entire God-breaking formation once again formed a Heaven Severing Sword, which was another Divine Weapon that disappeared into the lower world.

Legend has it that someone once held this divine sword and slashed the waves to pieces with one strike. It took him a year to recover. Some even said that this Divine Weapon could directly open the passage to the divine world.

Just because the powerful people in the divine world did not allow this kind of Divine Weapon to exist in the lower world, it was directly destroyed by a burst of divine power from the gods.

Although the Heaven Severing Sword condensed by the formation does not have the power to truly cut the sky, it cannot be underestimated. It is very powerful and cannot be resisted by ordinary people.

The entire Divine Sword exudes boundless power, as if the sky has been broken open. The void that the Heaven Severing Sword cuts through seems to have a crack, and it can be torn in half with just bare hands.

Facing this sky-cutting blow, Zhou Yan once again released a powerful Primordial Origin yin-yang divine power, transformed into a giant hand, and grabbed the divine sword.

Zhou Yan actually wanted to grab that divine sword!

"Hmph! Do you want to hold this Heaven Severing Sword? It can cut even the sky. Let's see how I break you!"

Uncle He exploded with Monstrous Power, and the entire divine sword erupted with more powerful light, falling fiercely towards Zhou Yan, and the entire void was filled with a wave of water.

But the palm that Zhou Yan transformed into was very extraordinary. It turned into a ray of light and directly grabbed the divine sword. It was useless to let the other party control it.

"How could this happen? You were able to seize this divine sword..."

Everyone was shocked. They never thought that the divine sword that could cut the sky into two would be caught by Zhou Yan's palm. This was absolutely unbelievable.

But what happened was unexpected. The entire divine sword kept trembling and shaking, bursting out hundreds of millions of holy lights, trying to get out of Zhou Yan's control.

But Zhou Yan's grip was very tight, and no matter how hard Uncle He manipulated him, he couldn't break free, which made them very helpless.

"It's just a phantom of the Divine Sword transformed by a formation. It dares to be compared with the real Divine Weapon. Since you want to be killed so much, let me grant it to you."

As Zhou Yan finished speaking, the entire divine sword changed its direction, and then slashed in the direction of Uncle He and the others.

"not good!"

"Defend quickly!"

"This bastard!"

"How could this happen?" Princess Fire Spirit was very shocked. Two small flames flashed in her smart eyes. These were strange pupils, filled with very powerful flame fluctuations.

Uncle He and his group quickly released a powerful Monster Qi, which quickly condensed to form a shield.

But using such powerful attacks continuously is also a huge burden for Great Monsters like them. Many of their faces are pale and bloodless. The key is to be attacked by their own condensed attacks, which makes them very uncomfortable.

The divine sword carried endless destructive power and slashed at Uncle He and the others.


The shocking collision was like the collision of planets in the universe. It was very terrifying. A powerful energy hit Uncle He and the others fiercely.


Several Great Monsters spurted blood, flew backwards, and landed directly on the ground below, making sonic boom sounds one after another.

Immediately afterwards, a yin-yang formation diagram descended from the sky, covering Uncle He and others, directly dissolving their sky-breaking divine formation, and completely trapping them.

"What is this Taichi Formation Diagram? I can't move..."

"How could this happen? It's like my feet are bound by billions of boulders, making it difficult to move!"

"My Monstrous Power has been sealed. What kind of Tai Chi diagram is this? It's too weird. I have never seen such a Tai Chi diagram before."

After a palm fell, all these Great Monsters were caught by Zhou Yan, and then thrown into a Tai Chi Yin and Yang cage.

Their bodies were sealed, and no trace of Monstrous Power could be released. They were just like ordinary people, unable to do anything.

Zhou Yan made a move with one hand, and a suction force sucked up all the Monster Race experts on the ground. Finally, Zhou Yan casually threw them into the yin and yang cage.

"Princess, run away!"

Uncle He was the only demon who escaped Zhou Yan's attack, and he quickly shouted to Princess Huoling in the distance.

Although Uncle He escaped Zhou Yan's attack, his situation was also very bad. A powerful Law Treasure was detonated by him, and he was seriously injured and left the seal of the Taichi Formation Diagram.

Princess Huoling, who heard the message, walked directly into the pink chariot, then drove the chariot towards Zhou Yan.

"Princess, don't go, you are no match for him!" Uncle He thought Princess Huo Ling would listen to him, but he was disappointed. Princess Huo Ling did not escape, but attacked Zhou Yan.

"You're still too young to attack me." Zhou Yan turned into a fist and attacked the chariot.

The pink chariot is not only a chariot, but also a Law Treasure. It has a very powerful attack ability. After being actively controlled by Princess Fire Spirit, it emits a powerful energy and attacks Zhou Yan.


The pink chariot was shot into the air and was not seriously injured. This chariot was very impressive and was not so easily damaged.

But the two strange beasts pulling the chariot were not so lucky. They were killed instantly by Zhou Yan's powerful attack. As for the corpses, they didn't know where they flew.

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