"Damn it, you actually killed two of my pets pulling the carriage. I want you to look good!"

Princess Huo Ling was very angry. She drove the pink chariot regardless of the consequences, and a pink light burst out, like a cloud of clouds, shrouding Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan was naturally not afraid, and the power of Primordial Origin exploded, forming a Tai Chi diagram, shattering all the pink clouds, and finally imprisoning the pink chariot in the air.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Princess Fire Spirit kept controlling the pink chariot to hit the Taichi Formation Diagram. Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, she could not smash the Taichi Formation Diagram.

"You have the guts to let me out!" Princess Huo Ling was still arrogant.

"Let go of the princess!" Uncle He quickly stepped forward and attacked Zhou Yan, but the seriously injured Uncle He, who was no match for Zhou Yan, was lifted up by Zhou Yan and thrown into the Tai Chi cage and became a prisoner.

"You are still so arrogant!" Zhou Yan completely imprisoned Princess Huo Ling, making her unable to move, and the entire chariot was completely blocked.

"My father will not let you go, just wait and see!" Princess Fire Spirit said angrily.

"I'm about to go find your father and teach you a lesson in front of your father." Zhou Yan replied.

"What?" Princess Huo Ling was shocked, then laughed and said, "You actually dare to go to my father. If you have the ability, just go. I'll see how my father teaches you a lesson."

Zhou Yan transformed into a hand, reached into the pink chariot, grabbed Princess Huo Ling out of the chariot, and then transformed into an energy palm, slapping directly towards Princess Huo Ling.


"You, you, you, how dare you hit me!"

Princess Huoling covered her butt and looked at Zhou Yan with shame and anger, as if she wanted to eat Zhou Yan.

"I'm going to tear your clothes to pieces. Didn't you believe it before? Now I'll do it for you to see."

Zhou Yan turned into two palms and slowly flew towards Princess Huo Ling.

"How dare you!" Huo Ling was angry at first, then saw the hands slowly coming towards him, and immediately became panicked and said: "You, you, if you really want to do this, my father will really chase you to the ends of the world. "


Zhou Yan's transformed palm plucked Princess Huo Ling's clothes, tearing open a large section of Princess Huo Ling's fiery red clothes.


Princess Huoling could never have imagined that Zhou Yan would really dare to tear her clothes off. She held her hands in front of her chest and burst into tears.

"your Highness!"


"Little friend, stop it! Please be noble and let Princess Huo Ling go. I have offended you so much before, so I kowtow to you and apologize!"

Uncle He knelt down directly in the yin and yang cage, and other Monster Race guards also knelt down towards Zhou Yan, hoping that Zhou Yan would stop bullying Princess Fire Spirit.

The surrounding Monster Race experts were also shocked.

Someone actually dares to hit the beloved daughter of the Fire Saint Monster King!

Not only did he beat him, but he also tore off the other person's clothes!

This is simply wanting to fight to the death with the Fire Saint Monster King.

The Fire Saint Monster King is famous for doting on his daughter. He would fight anyone for this daughter. This person definitely doesn’t want to live anymore.

"I think the Fire Saint Monster King is going to be furious!"

"The entire Flame Sanctuary is about to be mobilized. How could the Fire Saint Monster King tolerate someone bullying his daughter like this!"

"This human being is so brave. I don't know where he comes from."

"She was very arrogant and domineering before. Since her father didn't teach her well, then I will teach her well for him!"

Zhou Yan only tore off a piece of her clothes. Who would have thought that the Fire Spirit Princess would burst into tears, as if she had been greatly wronged.

He didn't seem to have done anything to Princess Huo Ling. Didn't she still have underwear?

This Fire Spirit Princess was too unruly, and Zhou Yan really just wanted to teach her a lesson.

"Little friend, since you are here to return the Holy Cloth of Fire Spirit, now that the clothes have been returned, you have also been taught what needs to be taught. Can you let Her Royal Highness go?"

Uncle He saw that Zhou Yan had no murderous intention, which meant that the other party had no intention of killing anyone, so it would be easier to handle.

"Hmph! I want to reconcile this matter with my good words, but you insist on taking action. You are no longer my opponent now. You want to reconcile again. Who do you think you are? You can do whatever you want. Sample."

Zhou Yan was very angry and disdainful, and said with an angry look.

"I wonder how my little friend can give up?"

Uncle He understands that this person is too powerful and is not afraid of the Fire Saint Monster King at all. It is better not to anger the other person and see what the other person wants to do.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. I want Fire Spirit Demon Girl to apologize in person!" Zhou Yan said.

"I won't, I just won't apologize. Kill me if you can, wuwuwu~~~"

Princess Huo Ling is also stubborn. Her life and death are in Zhou Yan's hands, but she still doesn't beg for mercy at all and is still so unruly.

"Look, this is your princess's fault for not apologizing. Don't blame me." Zhou Yan turned into a hand again and spanked Princess Huo Ling's butt again.



Princess Huoling burst into tears again, but still had no intention of apologizing. Zhou Yan also surrendered to this witch, but he didn't even know how to surrender.

This is really spoiled by being held in the palm of the Fire Saint Monster King!

Although Zhou Yan felt that all this was the Fire Saint Monster King's fault. It was because he doted on Huo Ling'er too much, which led to Huo Ling'er's stubborn temper.

Of course, it was impossible for Zhou Yan to let people go. They were all beaten. If he went to the Fire Saint Monster King's palace, there would definitely be a big fight. It felt unnecessary.

"Little friend, stop...Hey! Princess, just lower your head!" Uncle He said helplessly.

"I won't! Kill me if you can!" Huo Ling'er replied stubbornly, tears still falling. She had never been bullied like this in her life.

"Damn! You still have a temper!"

Zhou Yan stepped forward directly this time, raised his hand and slapped Huo Ling'er on the butt.

“Bah bang bang!!!”

Huo Ling'er cried louder this time, and was about to self-destruct his Beast Core and die together with Zhou Yan, but Zhou Yan immediately sealed his Beast Core.

"You stubborn little witch, you really don't want to die!" Zhou Yan didn't expect that Huo Ling'er would fight for his life and show no mercy at all.

"Don't seal me if you can. I will die with you. If I give up, I won't be Huo Ling'er."

Huo Ling'er roared and cried at the same time. If he didn't know her character, he would really think that Zhou Yan was going too far.

"You want to die, but I won't let you die. I will torture you slowly, and I will make you mad to death!"

Zhou Yan naturally wouldn't kill her, but he couldn't let her go either. Such a woman was like a bomb and would explode if she was put back. Therefore, Zhou Yan looked at Uncle He and others and had an idea.

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