Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 842, The Place Of Divine Treasure

"Qian Shun, you old boy finally showed up. I thought you didn't dare to show up anymore."

An old man flew from a distance. He had gray hair, but he was very young. He was wearing a Taoist robe and was surrounded by magical formations.

"Xu Long, where did the other two guys go?" Qian Shun asked.


At this time, a man emerged from the ground. He dug out the ground with a shovel and said, "There is indeed nothing here. I have been digging here for several days and I haven't found anything."

"Old Fenmou, I don't believe you didn't dig up a bone." Xu Long replied.

"Bah! Can bones be considered a harvest?" The old grave released a spiritual power and shattered the soil on his body, but the death energy on his body was still there.

This is because he has stayed in a place with strong Yin energy and death energy for too long, and the death energy technique on his body is too strong.

"Old grave mound, if there is any treasure, how about we sell it and share it equally." An old woman also flew over, her eyes flashing with golden light, and she was always observing whether there was anything good dug up from the old grave mound.

"Damn old woman, stop looking, I don't have anything good in me." Old Fengtou said, very dissatisfied, and replied: "Your eyes can see through everything, even an old man like me. You haven't seen enough handsome guys in your life. !"

Zhou Yan has discovered that this old woman has the ability to see through and penetrate everything. These eyes are very strange and magical, and she can see clearly even things in the space ring.

This is a very rare ability. In her eyes, other people are no different from having no clothes on. This is what Laofengtou meant when he said that.

"Hehe, my old lady really has no interest in those junk things you have on you."

The old woman looked at several other people to see if there was any profit. When she finally looked at Zhou Yan, she seemed to be stunned and said: "Boy, you are really not simple. I can't see anything." arrive."

"This kid has a lot of treasures. If you can snatch him away, you won't suffer any loss." Qian Shun encouraged.

"I'm not stupid, old woman. This guy has destroyed so many forces, killed so many demigods, and destroyed so many territories in his hands. I'm not looking for death, but you, a dead money man, want to encourage me."

The old woman was not stupid at all. She was the one who died when she attacked Zhou Yan.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's set off." Xu Long said.

Zhou Yan stood up and asked, "Can you tell me first where we are going this time?"

Several people looked at Zhou Yan, then at Qian Shun, and asked, "Didn't I tell you about this money trap?"

"You already said he was a scammer, how could you tell me." Zhou Yan replied.

Several people looked at Qian Shun, who curled his lips and said, "Isn't there still time? It's not too late to tell now, okay?"

The old man said: "This time we are going to dig for treasures!"

"The place we went to this time is not simple. It is related to a certain Divine Treasure place from ancient times. I am afraid there is a very powerful formation, even reaching the level of gods."

Xu Long told Zhou Yan their purpose.

"The land of Divine Treasure, so it is like this. Is it a treasure left by the gods?" Zhou Yan asked curiously.

He didn't expect that these people were so capable and found such a place. He felt that he could use the [Heaven and Earth Library] to search for more places like this. This would be more cost-effective than eliminating those forces.

"We don't know about this. After all, that kind of place is too far away from us. Maybe nothing can be found, and maybe there is even a Divine Weapon."

They weren't sure or sure, they just felt that there couldn't be good things in that kind of place.

"Are your sources accurate?" people asked.

"Don't worry, if you are not sure, it is impossible to join forces. It is precisely because you know that it is not easy there that you will attack together. You are strong, so you should not be afraid of such a place."

Xu Long looked at Zhou Yan and felt that Zhou Yan would not refuse to go there.

"Of course, since I know so much, I will definitely not leave. Let's go." Zhou Yan said.

"Haha, that place is not an ordinary place. You can't reach it in your lifetime with real means. That place was created by the gods who used to live here."

Qian Shun told the news about that place. It was precisely because it was related to here that they gathered here. Only from here could they truly reach that place.

"Oh, it should be a fixed directional teleportation." Zhou Yan has strong knowledge of formations, and he quickly understood the characteristics of that formation.

"Yes, and if you want to open that passage, you must have something specific." Laofengtou took out something, which was emitting a black light and was very mysterious.

"I dug this out from the graveyard of a strong demigod ten years ago. I was trapped there for ten years and almost lost my life there."

"When I got this thing, I didn't know what it was for."

"Since the powerful demigod held this thing before he died, it must not be easy to prove this thing. In order to understand the secret of this thing, a few of us spent ten years, and then we are sure that this is the place to open the Divine Treasure. key."

This thing has no information, no attributes, and even no detection techniques. This makes Zhou Yan very curious. This thing seems to be something beyond the world of the lord.

This was Zhou Yan's first time seeing such a thing, and he was very surprised. No wonder it took them ten years to find out the information about this thing.

"Hurry up, we don't know what dangers are waiting for us later. Let's set off as soon as possible and get the treasure as soon as possible. When the time comes to sell it for money, we can share the spoils earlier."

The old woman couldn't wait any longer and quickly urged Xu Long to activate the formation above.

"Isn't it just to buy the Divine Beauty Pill that you made so much money? Why do you still care so much about appearance when you are so old?" Qian Shun said angrily.

"I'm willing, but I just like money and beauty. Do you care, you bad old man!" the old woman scolded quickly.

The Beauty Pill can keep a person's appearance youthful forever, but it is very rare and may not be seen for a hundred years. However, there are pills such as Face Preservation Pill and Huiyan Pill that are less effective.

But none of these elixirs can make people stay young forever, only the Divine Level elixir Shenyan Dan can do that.

The price of a Divine Beauty Pill has even been raised to a price higher than that of a fake Divine Weapon. This is mainly because women will do anything for their appearance. This is why the price of this pill has always been so high. situation.

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