Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 843, Directional Formation Opens

"Shenyan Pill." Zhou Yan also understood the value of this pill.

The old woman looked at Zhou Yan and said, "You have robbed so many people, have you ever grabbed a pill like this?"

Shaking his head, Zhou Yan said: "I got the prescription, but I didn't get the elixir. And if you want to refine it, you need a semi-Divine Level of strength, and the materials are extremely hard to find."

"You even have the recipe for elixir. Are you sure you can refine it?" the old woman asked.

"It cannot be refined at this stage." Zhou Yan replied.

This is not a lie. The strength of the alchemists in the territory is still too low. If you want to become a demigod, you don't know how long it will take.

The most promising person to refine this kind of Divine Pill is undoubtedly Taishang Laojun, but his current state has not yet reached the demigod state.

"Then have you collected all the materials?" the old woman asked very expectantly.

"If you want to buy it, there should be channels for it." Zhou Yan looked at the old woman. Since the other woman has been amassing money, she must have a way.

"I'm not confident enough to believe those people. If you have one, I will definitely buy it from you." The old woman replied.

"Not so fast. I don't know how long it will take. If you can wait, I don't mind." Zhou Yan really plans to let the people in the territory refine this kind of elixir, and it is not impossible to sell one to the old woman. .

The key is to be able to come up with something that tempts him, such as Divine Weapon or something.

Old woman: How can I have such a treasure when I step on a horse?

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I don't have enough wealth to buy it now. I can wait, whether it's ten years or a hundred years." The old woman said.

"You will already be buried in the soil before that time. Will I dig you up then?" said the old man.

"Get out!" the old woman cursed.

Xu Long began to activate the formation on the treasure. This formation was very strong and strange, and required a lot of energy to activate it.

Xu Long was already prepared. After all, he had studied this formation for so long. If he was not prepared, he would not dare to take action.

Zhou Yan had been watching Xu Long activate the formation. Zhou Yan's eyes were like yin and yang, one yin and one yang, as if he could see through the entire space structure inside the treasure.

"What a powerful formation structure. It is not an exaggeration to say that this formation was built by the gods. People who do not have certain attainments in formations really can't see anything."

Zhou Yan was very surprised by Xu Long's formation attainments. Even he was far behind. The other party's formation attainments were infinitely close to those of gods. This was the true formation Great Grandmaster.

Everyone was waiting, while Zhou Yan continued to decipher the internal structure of the formation. In Zhou Yan's mind, the entire formation had been shrouded in Taichi Formation Diagram.

The entire formation began to be deduced and decomposed by the Taichi Formation Diagram, and it was slowly decomposed like a cocoon.

However, this formation structure is very sophisticated and it will take a long time to decompose it.

Everyone else is being careful around them and protecting Xu Long. Xu Long cannot be distracted in the slightest now.

One minute, ten minutes, half an hour, an hour.

Xu Long didn't know how much Spirit Treasure he had used, but the formation of this treasure still exceeded his expectations. He had only activated half of it, and it would take a long time to activate the remaining half.

In Zhou Yan's mind, after an hour of deduction and cracking, he had gradually cracked all the formations. , Zhou Yan received a large number of formation surprises, and was very satisfied with this harvest.

Zhou Yan opened his eyes and said, "I'm here to help you too!"

If he relied on Xu Long, he might not be able to completely open it in three hours. With his help, Zhou Yan was confident that he could activate this passage within an hour.

God's things are really not simple. Even Zhou Yan needs to unite with others for an hour to activate a passage.

"Do you understand?" Xu Long was surprised.

"Of course." Zhou Yan smiled back.

Although others were surprised, no one doubted Zhou Yan. They still believed in Zhou Yan's talent, so they wanted to see what Zhou Yan was capable of.

Zhou Yan took out powerful treasures one by one. These things were much more precious than what Xu Long took out.

"I'll go, this is the divine crystal!"

"And there are so many, you are indeed a nouveau riche!"

Xu Long watched in stunned silence as Zhou Yan took out materials with amazing energy. If there were such materials, he wouldn't have worked so hard.

"Since I'm involved, I can't help but use it. You're welcome." Zhou Yan generously placed a few pieces of divine crystal in front of Xu Long.

Xu Long was not polite. Now was not the time to be polite. He picked it up and began to mobilize the power of the divine crystal to transfer into the formation. As expected, the effect was improved several times.

Zhou Yan also activated his unique Primordial Origin yin and yang power to transfer the power of the divine crystal to the treasure and activate the formation inside.

With Zhou Yan's help, Xu Long's pressure was greatly reduced, and he was even able to say: "Boy, if I had known better, I should have asked you to study this thing in advance."

"It's not too late now. The formation of the gods is indeed not simple. This divine crystal can speed us up at least ten times. If we rely on other materials, it may take a day." Zhou Yan said.

"If I knew you had this thing, I would have spoken out long ago." Xu Long sighed.

Zhou Yan is indeed a rich man, he must have obtained this by robbing those big forces.

If they had the strength, they would also want to participate.

The black light of the entire treasure became more and more intense, and Qian Shun and others felt the huge power of space. This was because the space channel in the treasure had been opened, and the space for transmission was now being constructed.

The entire transmission channel is being built continuously, and connecting channels are being built towards the location of directional transmission, just like building stairs, building up layer by layer.

The building material is the energy of the divine crystal.

Zhou Yan owns a lot of Supreme Grade materials. With a rich man like him, Xu Long can consume the divine crystal materials regardless of the consequences, and Zhou Yan himself will not feel bad.

Because Zhou Yan felt that the gains in the Divine Treasure space would definitely make up for all his losses.

The time was still far beyond all their expectations. The formation of the gods was indeed not so easy to open. It took them two hours and hundreds of divine crystals to successfully launch the directional teleportation. The channel is opened.

It's no wonder that people in the past, even if they obtained this thing, couldn't understand it.

This requires strong foundation + profound formation attainments + understanding the origin of the treasure + coming here to be able to use it.

"It finally worked, thank you both for your hard work."

"Let me just say, letting Zhou Yan join is the right choice."

"You two take a rest and we'll go in together."

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