Xu Long and Zhou Yan both rested for a while and looked at the transmission channel in front of them. This transmission channel was not easy to open and consumed a lot of their energy and materials.

"Okay, let's get ready to go in." Zhou Yan nodded to the others, and Xu Long also said there was no problem.

The four people flew into the transmission channel together, one minute, two minutes, five minutes...

"Why haven't we arrived yet? It's too far away." Qian Shun said.

"It took us so long to open it. You think it's easy? This is a channel created by the gods, so naturally it's not that simple."

Xu Long explained that there was no problem with this transmission channel.

After another five minutes, they were finally teleported to a space.

After arriving in this space, the four people obviously felt a very different feeling. It was as if there was a strong wave of divine power circulating here.

"Oh my god, the divine power is fluctuating. This can't be the divine realm!" the old woman exclaimed.

"Excuse me, you old woman who has never seen the world. This is just the power left behind by the powerful gods when they created the world."

Old Fengtou is well-informed. After all, he has dug so many graves, so he is very knowledgeable.

"There should be divine patterns. That's a good thing. If I can understand some of it, it will definitely bring me one step closer to the divine realm."

Xu Long is indeed obsessed with the battle pattern. The purpose of his coming here is to obtain some divine patterns. Regardless of whether he can gain something or not, there must be divine patterns here, and he will definitely not fail to gain something.

"It's not easy to find these divine patterns. It looks like there are fluctuations in divine power here. I didn't expect that after so long, such strong fluctuations in divine power can still be found here. It's like it's endless, just like the world of gods."

The further you go, the stronger the fluctuations in divine power become, making people feel like this is the realm of gods.

The benefits here are very great for them. Bathing in this kind of divine power fluctuation is like entering the real divine world. The baptism of this divine power alone has made them feel like they have been reborn and reborn.

This baptism of divine power is naturally powerful. They absorbed it crazily, and everyone gained huge benefits.

Even Zhou Yan also received great benefits. This is a higher level of spiritual power than "spiritual energy", which only exists in the God Realm.

Even though tens of millions of years have passed, there is still a lot of divine power here, which has benefited all four people.

The four old guys have even regained a lot of their age, and their gray hair has begun to turn black again.

"Hahaha, we really came at the right time. This magical power alone has made our trip worthwhile. My hair has finally returned to black..."

The old woman is the happiest one. The benefits brought to her by this divine power are really great. She is extremely concerned about her appearance and keeps making money for this, just to be able to buy a beauty pill that can keep her youthful forever. .

But the divine power that each person absorbs is limited. After absorbing it for a while, each of them cannot absorb one more point.

The only exception is Zhou Yan, who is like a vacuum cleaner, absorbing all the divine power into his body, or in his Taichi Formation Diagram.

"Abnormal!" Xu Long looked at Zhou Yan like a bottomless pit, frantically absorbing this divine power, and finally formed a storm, and the divine power in the entire space was much weaker.

Everyone watched Zhou Yan absorb all the remaining divine power, and everyone fell into deep thought.

"You guy, what kind of physique do you have? You didn't explode and die!" Several people were speechless to Zhou Yan. The divine power of the entire space was actually absorbed by Zhou Yan.

How strong a physique must one have to be able to fully digest so much divine power? This is no ordinary spiritual energy.

"It's just such a small amount of divine power. Ten thousand times more is not enough for me to absorb." Zhou Yan said.

Zhou Yan was not lying. He could eat even 100,000 times, let alone 10,000 times.

But the four of them still felt that Zhou Yan was pretending, and the key point was that they couldn't refute it.

"Let's go. There is a fairy mountain ahead. I saw a palace on the fairy mountain. It should be the palace created by the gods."

The old woman used her eyes to see far away, and said: "There is a formation guarding me. Fortunately, my eyes can see through it, otherwise I would really be confused."

"The space pressure here is thousands of times stronger than outside. It's impossible to fly. We are all under strong suppression. How can we get there? Can we walk over?"

Qian Shun felt the space pressure and couldn't fly at all.

"Use this." Zhou Yan took out an airship and said, "This is just to suppress us, but it will not suppress such living objects."

"Indeed, even Law Treasure can't do it, because Law Treasure, which stimulates spiritual power fluctuations, can't carry us flying."

"This airship is of good quality. It must have been stolen."

"If you like it, I can sell you one. Anyway, I don't have a million or even a hundred thousand for an airship like mine." Zhou Yan replied casually.

Everyone: "σ(╯︵╰)"

Is this what rich people say?

Sure enough, it sounds a bit hurtful.

Everyone got on the airship. This kind of airship was indeed not suppressed and began to fly. Although it flew slower than the outside space, it still flew towards the fairy mountain at a constant speed.

The space here is not large. Compared to the space of a world, it is only tens of millions of square kilometers at most.

The airship flew for an hour, and Qian Shun asked, "How long will it take to arrive?"

"What's the rush? It's still a little far away from there." The old woman replied.

It seemed very close, but it still took several hours to actually get there.

There was no danger along the way. They looked at the void in front of them and stopped.

"This is a divine pattern, it's really profound and profound..."

Xu Long's eyes lit up and he began to observe carefully.

Zhou Yan also began to use the Taichi Formation Diagram to crack. This kind of complete divine pattern is rare and rare. The ones encountered before were all broken or incomplete. This is the real divine pattern, carved by a powerful divine realm expert. down.

It is simply difficult for ordinary people to learn it, and there is no way to remember it. The Divine Formation is not an ordinary thing, and it requires very advanced attainments to even scratch the surface.

Xu Long is worthy of being the Great Master of Formation. Before coming here, he had already made preparations and recorded these divine patterns.

But no matter how sophisticated Xu Long's methods were, they couldn't be compared to Zhou Yan's direct cracking and splitting.

Each formation is disassembled by the Taichi Formation Diagram...

Two hours later, Xu Long laughed and said, "Okay, I know how to enter."

Zhou Yan had already finished it and was just waiting for Xu Long.

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