Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 847, Entering The Palace Of Divine Treasure

"This is the material that can be used to refine Divine Weapon. Zhou Yan even has this thing, so he is really willing to give it up."

"These three fake Divine Weapons, damn, Zhou Yan is really rich this time. He must have gotten them by robbing those forces."

"This is Supreme Grade material used as a formation. I didn't expect there to be so many. I'm so greedy."

After Qian Shun and the other two saw these things, they were greedy, but the treasures left by the powerful True God in the Divine Treasure space must be even more precious, and they were very much looking forward to what they could gain from it.

Later, more than thirty heroes summoned by Zhou Yan each took out a fake Divine Weapon-level treasure, which made the eyes of the four Qian Shun look like this: (꒪Д꒪)ノ0ДQ(ΩДΩ )(๑°⌓°๑)

"Fuck! Is the fake Divine Weapon so worthless? Has it become a commodity on the street?"

"How many forces has this guy destroyed? The few fake Divine Weapons I saw were from Apex Level forces."

"That's the Imperial Tower. I was almost taken in by that thing, but I didn't expect that force to be destroyed as well."

The more they watched, the more shocked they became. Not to mention how envious they were, these people were just heroes in Zhou Yan's territory. Who knew how many heroes in Zhou Yan's territory had fake Divine Weapons.

Don't say they don't know this, not even Zhou Yan knows.

Zhou Yan rarely cares about the affairs of his own territory. He is completely a hands-off shopkeeper who only deals with major matters in the territory. Even if he is not around, the people in the territory will hold meetings to deal with it.

With so many forces being wiped out, naturally more treasures were obtained. With this accumulation, there are still hundreds of fake Divine Weapons.

Zhou Yan operated the Primordial Origin Tai Chi divine power, and powerful energy burst out. Each powerful formation pattern was carved out by Zhou Yan, which was very similar to the divine formation in front of him.

Although it is only a prototype, Zhou Yan has the Taichi Formation Diagram as the core formation eye, and everything can be arranged according to the layout of the divine formation.

As the formation carving started, everyone stood up according to the formation. When all thirty-six people stood on the formation, the entire formation flew towards the divine formation.

No changes can be seen on the surface of the divine formation. Only after real contact can one see how powerful this formation is.

Everyone became nervous. They could feel the power of this divine formation, with energy fluctuations that could destroy the world.

After the formation finally came into contact with the Divine Formation, the entire Heavenly Dipper Divine Formation began to operate. With the help of the Taichi Formation Diagram, Zhou Yan also began to operate according to the Heavenly Dipper Divine Formation.

As Zhou Yan said, the Heavenly Dipper Divine Formation did not release the killing formation, but was activated, and they also followed Zhou Yan's instructions and began to break the formation.

Thirty-six people broke through the formation together, and with the blessing of powerful formations, they cracked this divine formation.

It is impossible for them to completely break this level of formation, they only need to enter the Heavenly Dipper formation.

With the help of the Taichi Formation Diagram, each of them has received powerful blessings, and their combat power is infinitely close to that of a true god. Breaking the formation is not as difficult as imagined.

After they successfully opened a crack, thirty-six people quickly entered the corresponding palace.

What Zhou Yan entered was the core palace and the core palace of the entire formation.

There was chaos inside, like a world of nothingness, but Zhou Yan could feel that it was filled with huge divine power. This small palace was also a world.

A Hongmeng world, a void, as if there is nothing.

At this moment, a majestic voice came: "Is someone from the sect finally able to enter here?"

When Zhou Yan heard this, he immediately understood that the other party regarded him as a member of the other sect, so he said: "Sorry, I am not from your sect. Your sect has disappeared for who knows how long."

"Has it disappeared? Time is really ruthless. I have already expected such a situation. There is no eternal sect and no eternal strong man..."

The voice said a lot, and then said: "People who are not from the Heavenly Dipper Sect can enter here. They do have the means. Since the Heavenly Dipper Sect no longer exists, our mission is over. As long as we pass the test, in the Eternal Palace Everything will be yours."

"Are you a god?" Zhou Yan asked curiously.

"I am a spiritual thought left behind by the first generation of the Heavenly Dipper Sect. I am not a god. As for the true body, it may no longer exist. The Heavenly Dipper Sect no longer exists, so there is no need for my thought to exist. "

"If you fail the test, I will send you out, and everything in the palace will disappear with the thoughts of each palace. I can feel that the Heavenly Dipper Sect has indeed disappeared, and everything has turned into nothingness."

"It's just a pity that the descendants of the Heavenly Dipper Sect couldn't open the things left behind. That's all. Everything is fate..."

It turns out that the first generation master of the Heavenly Dipper Sect left it to test the descendants, but no one from the descendants came in to obtain the inheritance. This divine formation also needs to learn the unique methods of the Heavenly Dipper Sect in order to enter.

Zhou Yan entered here through special means, which can be regarded as gaining the other party's approval, and each palace has a spiritual idea. As long as he passes the assessment, he can obtain everything in the palace.

Even if they fail to pass, they will leave here safely. After they all leave, this space world will all disappear and no longer exist.

After Zhou Yan understood, he asked, "I'm ready, we can start."

"There are nine levels in the test, and you can only get rewards if you pass them all. Originally, you only had one chance, but I can give each of you three chances. Anyway, after you leave, there is no need for this space to exist."

"As for the rewards, only those who pass can get the rewards. I will not give any rewards to those who fail."

After saying that, the whole world began to change. In front of Zhou Yan, a person appeared. This person was exactly the same as Zhou Yan.

"This is your inner demon. The hardest thing for everyone to defeat is themselves. If you can defeat your own inner demon, it will be good for you. You can start."

Inner demon?

Zhou Yan was indeed a little surprised. This Heavenly Dipper space was originally a Divine Treasure space reserved for the descendants of the Heavenly Dipper sect, but for some reason, the other party didn't even come in. This was an advantage for Zhou Yan.

The Divine Treasure left by a true god should not be underestimated. Zhou Yan looked at the other person. Since he was a demon, let's see if he himself is stronger or this so-called demon is stronger.

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