It was the first time that Zhou Yan encountered such a test and beat himself. This was very interesting.

Zhou Yan began to attack tentatively, and the inner demons also attacked Zhou Yan. The same fists, the same moves, and the same power.


Zhou Yan was knocked out, and his inner demon was also knocked out.

Zhou Yan finally realized how abnormal his power was. This terrifying strength made Zhou Yan feel that this first level was too difficult.

He is indeed very strong, but why is Mao's inner demon so strong? If he fights against himself... can he win?

"You fake, I will never let you win!"

Zhou Yan continued to attack, using pure physical strength to attack the opponent without using any martial arts.

Because Zhou Yan could see that the inner demon imitated his attack tactics. If he used too strong methods, the inner demon could also use the same tricks as him. If he wanted to defeat the opponent, he would have to be completely surprised. OK.

Zhou Yan moved forward quickly, attacking his inner demon with punch after punch. The inner demon used the same methods, the same strength, and the same toughness as Zhou Yan. They were exactly the same in terms of speed, strength, and moves.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Zhou Yan fought hundreds of moves against his inner demon, all of which were punch-to-flesh attacks. Zhou Yan felt pain with every blow.

On the other hand, the inner demon's expression remained unchanged, just like a tool man, with only the instinct to fight and no ability to speak at all, only fighting, only instinctive fighting.

Moreover, the inner demon will use the tricks he has used before, which makes Zhou Yan even more afraid to use other methods easily.

Zhou Yan is very aware of how many methods he has at his disposal. If he uses all of these methods... Zhou Yan even feels that he has no chance of winning.

Since the inner demon only attacks according to the method he is currently using, he only needs to find a breakthrough based on the existing foundation, and then kill him in one go.

Zhou Yan attacked again, quickly attacking the inner demon, attacking with punch after punch. But what Zhou Yan didn't expect was that the inner demon suddenly used a spell that he had never expected.

Zhou Yan suddenly felt the gravity of the entire earth, which suddenly increased by more than a hundred times. Zhou Yan was shocked and said angrily: "Made!"

This inner demon turned out to have always used all his methods. He had not used them before, just to confuse him. Well, Zhou Yan was successfully deceived and fell into gravity.

Zhou Yan knew exactly what would happen next, and he knew all the tricks he knew.

Zhou Yan released the yin and yang shield without hesitation, and released a Primordial Origin yin and yang power to form a yin and yang shield, firmly protecting himself.

The next second, a sheet of flames fell towards Zhou Yan. The terrifying flames wanted to destroy Zhou Yan in the sea of ​​flames.

But the power of the Yin Yang Tai Chi shield was very strong. After spinning the flame, it fought back against the inner demon.


The earth suddenly began to crack, and Zhou Yan's whole body began to fall rapidly. With the blessing of a hundred times the gravity, Zhou Yan knew very well what the consequences of such a decline would be.

Zhou Yan was very aware of the methods he had. Under the cracked earth, there must be other back-up tactics. This was the method Zhou Yan used to deal with other enemies. He never thought that one day he would experience it personally.

Zhou Yan used space spells and disappeared under the cracked earth. When he reappeared, he was already above the ground, and then used gravity spells on his inner demon.

The inner demon reacted quickly. The moment Zhou Yan appeared, he cast a space spell and left, and also sent Zhou Yan a space storm move.

The chaotic space suddenly exploded, and the terrifying power of space quickly flooded towards Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan's balls really hurt. He finally felt the helplessness that others felt when dealing with him.

Zhou Yan quickly dodged and used Floating Ripple Microsteps to leave the place. Powerful spatial powers covered the place one by one and kept chasing him. The inner demon possessed all Zhou Yan's abilities. Once he used them, he would continue to fight back. Normal people would naturally fight back. There will be no chance.

Zhou Yan knew his methods very well and immediately used the energy of the shadow system to transform into countless versions of himself. The entire sky was filled with Zhou Yan's figure, which really confused his inner demons.

The inner demon couldn't tell which one was Zhou Yan for a while, so he could only cast powerful spells to destroy him.

Zhou Yan released a sea of ​​​​flames towards the place where the inner demon was. The inner demon also immediately released a tornado storm towards the sea of ​​​​flames and fire. The two powerful spells continued to confront each other in the air, and finally disappeared between the sky and the earth. .

Meteorites fell from the sky one after another, and the inner demon released the spell again. Zhou Yan did not attack according to the opponent's method, and cast a thunder and lightning, and the whole world was filled with terrifying thunder.


The entire world formed a world of thunder and lightning, with arm-thick thunder and lightning attacking the inner demon. The inner demon used Floating Ripple Microsteps to avoid it, but these thunderbolts could not do anything to the inner demon at all.

Zhou Yan also began to avoid it. The meteorites in the sky were really powerful and had very terrifying destructive spells.

Zhou Yan and his inner demon began to fight against each other with spells, including storms, flames, sea of ​​fire, thunder, space, giant mountains...

Powerful spells are constantly colliding, and terrifying spells are constantly colliding. The inner demon is difficult to deal with and cannot hit him at all. Every time he hits him, he will be counterattacked by the power of yin and yang to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan also used this kind of yin and yang power to fight back at the other party. The two people's attacks kept going back and forth, neither one could do anything to the other, and neither could hurt the other.

Zhou Yan really had a headache. This was like fighting with himself. He knew all the inner demons, so why should he use something he didn't know?

But Zhou Yan didn't know what he couldn't do. Zhou Yan was really confused. How could he defeat himself?

too difficult.

Zhou Yan was constantly thinking of ways to attack. While using spells to attack, he also needed to think of ways to kill himself.

Zhou Yan asked online, how can he kill himself?

Quite urgent.

Spaces were blocked one after another. Zhou Yan knew what this method was. It was just a space blockade. It had been used to deal with enemies repeatedly, but when he faced it himself, he was really unhappy.

Zhou Yan used space spells to decompose all these space spells. In the past, Zhou Yan only knew how to attack and had never thought about how to resolve his own attacks. However, at this moment, Zhou Yan suddenly felt that his spells could not only Attacks can also be defused.

Zhou Yan had a sudden idea and immediately used it in actual combat. The inner demon released a spell, and Zhou Yan defused it. After resolving dozens of moves, Zhou Yan approached the inner demon again, and another battle began. Melee.

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