Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 871, Self-Recommendation For Summation

Rusk Lowry looked at the civil and military officials below, and then said: "Quiet!"

The officials fell silent, and everyone looked at Rusk Lowry, waiting for his decision.

Rusk Lowry looked at the Prime Minister who had been silent and asked: "Prime Minister Corey, tell me your opinion."

Corey, who had been silent until now, heard the words, walked to the middle, bowed to Rusk Lowry to show respect, and then said: "Your Majesty, we should be prepared now."

"First, we should summon all the armies, generals, and lords across the country, purchase all the props that can summon soldiers and generals, and prepare for the battle."

"Second, on the one hand, we will send people to Zhou Yan's territory to negotiate with him and ask for his opinions. If we can spend some money to calm the matter, then don't start a war."

At this time, all the civil and military officials were a little puzzled. Prime Minister Kerui didn't seem to be helping anyone, and seemed to be considering all aspects.

"Why?" Rusk Lowry wanted to hear Cree's specific explanation.

Kerui explained: "I think Zhou Yan is unlikely to accept negotiations. In this case, we can only fight to the death. Of course, I have to say something very bad. Our Dark Dynasty will definitely lose this battle."

"If the other party accepts our apology, no matter how much the other party demands, we will agree. Compared with destroying the country, I think losing some external possessions is nothing."

"I don't agree with what Prime Minister Kerui said. We may not lose this battle. The failure of the ancient dynasty was that they underestimated the enemy and were not prepared at all. If we are fully prepared, I don't think we will fail."

The general among the military attaches retorted. Only he dared to offend the prime minister of the dynasty.

"I know the general is very confident, but if we are dealing with others, I definitely agree with the general. But against Zhou Yan, I don't think we have much chance of winning..."

Prime Minister Kerui still insisted on his own idea. He had read all the information about Zhou Yan and felt that Zhou Yan's territory was really terrible.

And Kerui also told everyone everything he knew about Zhou Yan.

When those cities faced the attack from Zhou Yan's territory, no matter how powerful the formation was, they could only block one of the opponent's attacks at most, and the second attack could not be resisted no matter what.

The power of each attack from that kind of defense tower is as powerful as a full-strength strike from a strong person in the divine realm. Thousands of attacks are like hundreds of divine realm beings taking action.

Let me ask, in the face of this attack, who in the entire Myriad Worlds lord continent can resist?

Who can face the opponent's defense tower alone?

Without the strength of a god, who can withstand the attack of an opponent's defense tower?

Moreover, in Kerui's view, even if a powerful god-level person appears, they can only run away in the face of so many terrifying defense tower attacks.

Kerui not only provided an objective analysis, but also produced countless videos about the demise of Zhou Yan's territory and the destruction of other cities.

After watching these videos, everyone remained silent.

Even the general was deeply shocked when he saw that a fire dragon wiped out tens of millions of troops in Zhou Yan's territory.

An army of hundreds of millions is just a matter of a few fire dragons.

Even if they summon a billion or even tens of billions of soldiers, how can they withstand Zhou Yan's endless defense tower attacks?

The general said to Rusk Lowry: "My subordinates are incompetent and indeed irresistible."

Rusk Lowry sighed lightly, and then said: "It's not your fault. I know that the generals of our Dark Dynasty are not greedy for life and afraid of death, and you are all loyal."

"But this time the enemy is not something we can resist, and it was indeed us who provoked the opponent in the first place."

"The feud between our Dark Dynasty and Canglan Continent has lasted for countless years, and it has continued to this day. I can't tell whether it is for hatred or for what reason."

"It can only be said that our Dark Dynasty is very unlucky. We encountered a peerless monster that has never appeared in Canglan Continent."

"The other party wants to destroy us because of the hatred between the two forces that has lasted for millions of years. This time we take the initiative to seek peace."

"If the other party cannot agree, then we will never escape. I, the Emperor of the Dark Dynasty, Rusk Lowry, will definitely lead the entire royal family to destroy the dynasty."

After listening to Rusk Lowry's words, all the civil and military officials of the Dark Dynasty stood up and said: "I am willing to live or die with the Dark Dynasty!"

Rusk Lowry was very pleased to hear that the entire hall was united, and then asked: "Prime Minister Cree, I don't know who is suing for peace this time. Who should be sent."

Kerui thought for a moment and then said: "This time we seek peace, we must let the other party see our sincerity."

"This person's status cannot be too low, so as to reflect our sincerity, and this person must be resourceful and must not offend the other party."

"No matter what the other party's demands are, we must try to avoid conflicts. As long as the other party is willing to agree to peace, any conditions are negotiable."

"The veteran is not talented. Although he has some status, he is willing to go to Zhou Yan's territory to negotiate for the sake of the entire Dark Dynasty."

As soon as these words came out, Rusk Lowry immediately refused: "No, Prime Minister Corey is the prime minister of the entire dynasty, and I absolutely cannot let you take risks."

"The Prime Minister must not go, so let me go."

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I am willing to go."

At this time, a eunuch reported: "Your Majesty, the eldest princess asks to see you."

"Della, what is she doing here now?" Rusk Laurie was still thinking when he saw the eldest princess walking directly into the hall regardless of the obstruction.

The eldest princess of the Dark Dynasty is not only beautiful, but also the most beautiful woman in the Dark Dynasty. She is graceful, looks like Celestial Immortal, has a peerless appearance, and is admired by countless young and powerful people.

"Meet Father, please forgive Della for being reckless, but Della wants to be a participant in this negotiation. For the sake of the entire Dark Dynasty, Della is willing to go to the negotiations."

Princess Della has an ethereal and beautiful voice, and with her peerless appearance, no one can bear to blame her.

"Della, my father will find a way to solve this matter, don't worry." Della is Rusk Lowry's most beloved daughter. Hearing that Della is doing this for the entire Dark Dynasty, where can she go? Punishment.

"No, Father, I am the most suitable candidate for this negotiation. Because I have met Zhou Yan and done business with him, so I am the best candidate. There is no one more suitable than me. .”

Princess Della said something that surprised everyone. Princess Della actually knew Zhou Yan.

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