Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 872, Della Meets Zhou Yan

Della did not lie, she did know Zhou Yan, and she met her not long after Zhou Yan obtained the [Myriad Worlds Virtual Mall], because Zhou Yan needed a lot of materials and established a good cooperative relationship with her.

They still have transactions until now, but it was Zhou Yan's men who did the transactions later. Zhou Yan has not been involved in this matter for a long time.

But Zhou Yan still meets with these partners every one or two months.

If Zhou Yan hadn't destroyed the ancient dynasty this time, Della would have been unbelievable that Zhou Yan was so strong, and she knew him. What's more, she didn't expect that her imperial city and Zhou Yan still had hatred.

Because this was related to the destruction of the Dark Dynasty, Della naturally did not dare to be careless, so she took the initiative to become a negotiator.

Rusk Lowry did not expect that his daughter would know Zhou Yan, so Rusk Lowry discussed with many ministers.

"Prime Minister Kerui, is there a more suitable candidate?"

Rusk Lowry really didn't want his daughter to come forward. After all, he was also a father. Who would want his daughter to do such a dangerous thing.

No one knows whether Zhou Yan will kill his daughter in anger, Rusk Lowry does not want his daughter to take risks.

But this matter was related to the survival of the entire dynasty, so Rusk Lowry still asked other people for their opinions and wanted to hear their thoughts.

Prime Minister Kerui really didn't expect that Princess Della actually knew Zhou Yan, so he asked: "Princess Della, do you know much about Zhou Yan? If you are sure, you can give it a try. If you are not sure, I will I don’t want you to take risks either.”

"There is no absolute certainty, but based on my understanding of Zhou Yan, she is not the kind of person who kills people at will. Every time she takes action, there is a certain reason."

"He took action against the Ancient Dynasty because the Ancient Dynasty once pursued him. Although our Dark Dynasty also took action, most of them were helpers and not the mastermind."

"I think I am still sure that I can return safely. Prime Minister, you don't need to worry about this. However, I am not sure whether I can convince Zhou Yan."

Although Della knew Zhou Yan, she didn't know much about Zhou Yan, so she could only try her best this time.

A few more people asked about the situation, and Della answered them one by one.

After learning enough, Corey said to Rusk Laurie: "Your Majesty the Emperor, I think Princess Della is the best candidate."

"We also second the proposal." All other civil servants replied.

Rusk Lowry thought for a long time and decided to let his daughter go and give it a try.

Later, the Prime Minister felt that since Zhou Yan needed a lot of materials, he simply prepared a meeting gift, which could be regarded as their sincerity.

Rusk Lowry also agreed with this point. In order to show their sincerity, they prepared a lot of things this time. The total value will not be less than 100 trillion materials, and many of them are High Level materials.

But Rusk Lowry did not place all his hopes on Della. The entire Dark Dynasty army gathered together first. They could not be passive and must take the initiative to defend.

Seven days later, a group of strong men escorted Della to the vicinity of Zhou Yan's territory.

Della looked at Zhou Yan's huge territory and was shocked. It had only been two years, and the entire territory had already grown so huge. He was indeed the destined son of Canglan Continent.

"Don't follow me. I can go alone this time. Just wait here for news from me." Della said.

"Princess, are you sure you don't want us to follow?" These strong men still felt something was wrong.

"If they really won't let me go, even if you follow me, do you think you can deal with them?" Della asked.

"Then I will wait here for news about the princess." These people replied.

Della turned into a ray of light and flew towards Zhou Yan's territory, and took the initiative to send a message to Zhou Yan, saying: "Do you still remember me? I am outside your territory now and want to talk to you. "

Zhou Yan was in class at this time. After seeing the message, he opened it and took a look.

This is the supplier of Myriad Worlds Lord Continent. The name of the territory is [Unpluckable Blue Sky]. Zhou Yan has also met with this party many times, but the other party was always wearing a hidden veil at the time.

Zhou Yan was a little surprised when he looked at his long-lost old friend. He didn't expect that the other party would appear outside his territory.

No matter what the other party's intention is, since he knows about himself, he must be looking for something.

Zhou Yan sent a message: "Okay, I'll have someone bring you in."


Zhou Yan stood up in class and said, "Teacher, I need to take care of it first."

"Go, go, come back to class after you've taken care of it." The teacher didn't care at all and said very understandingly.

Zhou Yan walked out of the classroom, which made other students envious. If it were them, they wouldn't even dare to mention it.

This is differential treatment, this is privilege.

But they didn't feel anything was wrong. If they had the strength like Zhou Yan, their tails would have been raised to the sky.

It is even impossible to stay in Ziwei College, but Zhou Yan behaves very low-key in the college, never taking the initiative to cause trouble, and never being arrogant.

He just pretends to be cool in Lord Continent, and he keeps a very low profile and never talks about what he did in Lord Continent.

Oh, I heard that Zhou Yan has now invaded other worlds, but they have no source of information about this. They only heard that Zhou Yan is currently at war with forces in other worlds.

The key thing is that Zhou Yan himself is still in class.

Look at how awesome Zhou Yan is pretending to be. Even though he is in class, his territory is still fighting with other forces.

They were all envious to death, but unfortunately, they couldn't even reach 1% of Zhou Yan's strength.

Zhou Yan left the classroom, teleported directly to the territory, and then sent someone outside to welcome his old friends in.

Zhou Yan didn't know who the other party was.

Zhou Yan had someone prepare some snacks and tea in a reception room.

After a long time, a female soldier of Fairy Guanghan brought the person in and said, "Lord, the person is already here."

"Well, let's go down."

Zhou Yan nodded, and then looked at the other person. The person in the memory was not wearing a hidden veil at this time, and was trampling with his true appearance.

After Zhou Yan saw the other party, his eyes lit up and he felt exotic, and Della herself was extremely beautiful.

But Zhou Yan had seen too many beauties, and he was only slightly stunned.

"What should I call you?" Zhou Yan looked at the other person and asked.

When they met before, they always used pseudonyms. Zhou Yan had used so many pseudonyms that even he himself had forgotten how many times he had used them.

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