"Hello, Zhou Yan, my name is Della. This is the first time we meet in the real world."

Della followed Zhou Yan, stretched out her jade-white hand, and shook hands with Zhou Yan. This was the etiquette of Canglan Continent, and Della came here after doing her homework.

"Della, now that you know my name and are more able to take the initiative to look for me, something must be wrong. Let's be direct."

Zhou Yan looked at each other and asked Della to sit down and talk. They had known each other for more than a year. Although they had not met even ten times, they were still old friends.

After Della sat down, she didn't say much else, and took the initiative to reveal her identity and said: "To be honest, my identity is the eldest princess of the Dark Dynasty. I came here this time in the hope that you can let us, the Dark Dynasty go. "

Zhou Yan was stunned and really shocked. He didn't expect that this old friend's identity was actually the princess of the Dark Dynasty, which surprised him a little.

But Zhou Yan was not angry, there was no hatred between them, and there was no unpleasantness between them.

But Della now represents the Dark Dynasty, and Zhou Yan's attitude is definitely not so good.

"You should know that the Dark Dynasty sent people to hunt me down before. If I hadn't been so powerful, I would have died under the joint efforts of those people."

"If you had the chance for revenge, would you watch your former enemy still live so freely?"

"I am not an unreasonable person. I will kill anyone who chases me. I will not let go of anyone who has dealt with me. I really want to know how your Dark Dynasty plans to negotiate with me?"

Zhou Yan looked at Della. Since the other party was here to negotiate, Zhou Yan also wanted to see how the other party wanted to resolve the matter.

Della nodded, expressing understanding, and replied: "The hatred between Dark Dynasty and Canglan has not been a day or two, I believe you are also very aware of it."

"Now it's not about who is right and who is wrong. This grudge has continued from the past to the present. The grudge between the two sides is too great."

"Those who dealt with you are indeed members of our Dark Dynasty, and we can understand that you want revenge."

"I am representing the Dark Dynasty this time to express our position. What price do you want to pay to give up dealing with our Dark Dynasty?"

Della didn't say any excuses or reasons, she just wanted to ask Zhou Yan if he could avoid this battle.

"If I were not strong, you would not be able to bow your head. If I were not strong, I would not be standing on the territory of the Ancient Dynasty now."

"The reason for everything is also because you don't have the strength to defeat me. If your Dark Dynasty had the strength to defeat me, I'm afraid it wouldn't be negotiation, but a direct war."

Zhou Yan was talking about a very simple thing. The Dark Dynasty took the initiative to show weakness because it did not want to end up like the Ancient Dynasty.

"That's true. You are powerful. We can't deal with you. We don't want to start a war. We don't want to be destroyed. We don't want hundreds of millions of people from the Dark Dynasty to end up like the people from the Ancient Dynasty."

"As long as this war can be avoided, we are willing to compensate you for your losses. If you are not willing, we have no choice but to wait for you to attack."

"We will use the strength of the whole country to resist you. No matter whether we can resist your attack or not, at least our entire country is united and united. Even if the country is destroyed in the end, we will have no regrets."

"No one of us will escape. We are prepared to die. We don't want to start a war with you unless we have to."

Della also revealed their Dark Dynasty's plan. They knew they couldn't defeat Zhou Yan, but they would still resist. They couldn't escape, and they couldn't ignore the entire Dark Dynasty's people.

Zhou Yan is not from Godfiend Continent. Even if the ancient dynasty is destroyed, all the wealth of the ancient dynasty can only be taken away. As for the land and population of the ancient dynasty, Zhou Yan has no interest at all.

Are all these people brought into the territory?

Zhou Yan only took away those people from the ancient palace. As for ordinary people, Zhou Yan didn't take away too many.

Some people with talent will still be taken away.

As for betrayal, there is no such thing. As long as the detention time is long enough and the dungeon in the territory has the property of forcing loyalty, Zhou Yan is not worried at all.

The Dark Dynasty's show of weakness was something Zhou Yan did not expect. As Della said, even if Zhou Yan destroyed the Dark Dynasty, he would only plunder all the existing wealth of the Dark Dynasty.

Zhou Yan thought for a while and said, "I need to discuss it with the people in the territory. How many days can you stay?"

"No problem." Della saw that Zhou Yan did not agree or disagree, which proved that there was still room for maneuver in this matter.

Zhou Yan returned to the [Heaven and Earth Palace], summoned Xiao He, Fang Xuanling, Guan Zhong, Xun Yu and other ministers, and then talked about the affairs of the Dark Dynasty.

"Lord, I believe that since the Dark Dynasty is willing to take the initiative to show weakness, it proves that the other party is afraid of retreating. Since they do not want to perish, I feel that there is no need to continue this war."

Xiao He was the first to express his thoughts.

"The lord has proven his strength with his strength, so there is no need to negotiate. As long as the ancient dynasty is destroyed, the next one will directly flatten the dark dynasty. The lord can sweep everything anyway, and there is no need to pay attention to them."

Shang Yang also expressed his opinion. He felt that with the current strength of the territory, there was no need to negotiate at all and he could just push all the hostile forces.

"This is inappropriate. If we are a force in Godfiend Continent, we naturally cannot be polite to each other, but we cannot occupy each other's land. If there is a war, we will definitely win."

"But the civilians of the Dark Dynasty will indeed be the same as the civilians of the ancient dynasty. Most of them will become homeless. Although we try our best to avoid this, sacrifices are inevitable in wars. I think we should not do more killings. Better."

Fang Xuanling also expressed his opinion. He was a person who cared about the common people. Although the ancient dynasty should perish, the people of the entire dynasty did suffer.

"I also think it would be better not to start a war, but since the other party is willing to bow down, we cannot be polite. We must put forward the highest demands and let the Dark Dynasty compensate a large amount of wealth. In this way, we can also take action against other forces. "Han Fei also expressed his opinion.

"The subordinates feel that the lord does not need to pay attention to the other party and just destroy the other party. The war itself requires sacrifices. We can only blame them for being born in a country that is hostile to us."

"There are so many countries in the world of Lords, and there are so many wars happening every day, with countless people killed and injured. We are not Saints, so we should let the world know how powerful Lords are." Li Si also expressed his opinion.

Everyone put forward their own opinions. Most people supported the armistice, and some supported Zhou Yan's push for the other party.

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