Everyone expressed their opinions, and they all just expressed their own opinions. The specific decision-making power still had to be left to Zhou Yan.

No matter what decision Zhou Yan makes, they will not stop him.

This meeting was discussed for a long time. Not long after, a soldier came to report that Chu Luoyan wanted to see him.

"Chu Luoyan?" Zhou Yan thought for a while and said, "Let her come in."

Chu Luoyan has the power to freely teleport the territory, a privilege given by Zhou Yan, but in the territory, Chu Luoyan still has to abide by the rules.

After Chu Luoyan came in, she said to Zhou Yan: "Can we talk alone, maybe it will be helpful to you."

Zhou Yan thought for a while and said to the others: "You go ahead and do your work first."

"Yes." Everyone retreated.

Zhou Yan walked down, asked Chu Luoyan to sit on the stool, and asked, "Just tell me if you have anything."

"Are you wondering how to deal with the Dark Dynasty?" Chu Luoyan asked.

"What do you think?" Zhou Yan looked at the other party.

Chu Luoyan sat down directly and then said: "The Dark Dynasty is a country after all, not a force. Even if you destroy it, for you, it will only add to your achievements."

"There is so much hatred in the world of lords. Every day there is fighting and killing. Whoever is stronger will be destroyed. You can naturally eliminate the Dark Dynasty, and you can also eliminate any force that has dealt with you. "

"But have you ever thought about it, if each of these forces is a country, how many countries would you need to eliminate?"

"Some forces should indeed be uprooted, but some forces do not need you to do this. You have uprooted the foundations of so many forces in Canglan Continent, and they really deserve it."

"But do you really want to destroy a force like the Dark Dynasty? Even if you destroy the Dark Dynasty, will there be five or six more dynasties that will also be destroyed?"

Zhou Yan looked at Chu Luoyan, and then said: "These words are not like your style. With your character, how could you say these words? I thought you were going to tell me, don't be cowardly, just kill me." Woolen cloth!"

Chu Luoyan really shouldn't say such words, it's completely contrary to her character.

"You're right, these words are indeed not what I thought. I was just conveying them to Wu Qingfeng." Chu Luoyan nodded, and Zhou Yan really saw that these words were not her thoughts.

"Wu Qingfeng also found out about this so quickly." Zhou Yan was surprised.

"Didn't Wu Qingfeng give you a list before? It shouldn't require you to destroy any country. Each one is a separate force." Chu Luoyan asked.

Zhou Yan took out the list of names and said, "I haven't had time to look at it yet. How did I know that my enemies haven't been dealt with yet."

After taking a closer look, it turns out that these are indeed separate forces, and there are none involving other countries.

"I understand what you mean. In fact, don't do anything too extreme." Zhou Yan understood.

Chu Luoyan shook his head and said: "It's not my intention, but Wu Qingfeng's intention. If you follow my idea, whether you can destroy the other party or not has nothing to do with me. If you kill him, you will just kill him. I think." What are you doing with so much?"

This is very Chu Luoyan, indeed like her style.

"Then the old man knows that you have joined my territory? Otherwise, why would I let you spread the word?" Zhou Yan asked.

"You think Wu Qingfeng really doesn't have any tricks, but the old man has many tricks. Ziwei Academy is not as simple as you think." Chu Luoyan's words also showed that Wu Qingfeng knew about her affairs.

It doesn't matter if he knows. After all, Zhou Yan also saved Chu Luoyan, and in order to save Chu Luoyan, he also offended the Jiu Jue in the God Realm.

Who knows what the strength of Jiu Jue is now? Zhou Yan has also checked it in the [Heaven and Earth Library], but things about the God Realm can only be found out in the God Realm. This is a limit and cannot be crossed.

"Okay, since the Dark Dynasty wants to deal with it peacefully, then I am not an unreasonable person. I must kill the opponent severely."

Zhou Yan also knew what she should do. After Chu Luoyan saw that Zhou Yan had her own ideas, she also took the initiative to leave. She also said everything she should take.

Zhou Yan decided to give Della a break and did not plan to meet her right now.

Zhou Yan had someone prepare a list. This list was all materials unique to the Godfiend Continent. Now that he had taken the initiative, he would definitely make the Dark Dynasty bleed. He would have someone add whatever materials were the most precious.

He is deliberately targeting, deliberately making things difficult, he is clearly bullying the other party.

Who makes him stronger than the other party? The weak should be bullied. When he was weak, he was still hunted down.

A few days later, Zhou Yan leisurely met Della again and said, "We meet again."

"I don't know what your answer is?" In the past few days, Della couldn't sleep. She was very upset and confused. She didn't know what Zhou Yan's plan was.

"Since you are willing to bow your head and admit your mistake, I can also accept your apology and admission of mistake, but you must compensate for my mental losses." Zhou Yan replied.

"Don't worry, we will definitely compensate you for this. This is the first compensation my father asked me to bring you. You can take a look first."

Della was relieved when she heard that Zhou Yan agreed to their negotiation. This matter finally got a satisfactory answer.

As soon as Zhou Yan was about to take out the compensation list he had prepared, the other party gave him a gift first.

This was given by her on her own initiative, not by me, and is not included in the compensation list.

Zhou Yan picked it up and took a look. It was indeed good. He was quite satisfied with the contents inside.

But this thing will definitely not satisfy his appetite.

"I've also prepared a gift for you, take a look." Zhou Yan handed the compensation list he had prepared to Della.

When Della heard this, she quickly said: "Thank you very much."

"Don't thank me so quickly. Let's take a look at the gift first." Zhou Yan said.

Della opened the book above curiously and looked at the rows of material lists. Each material was an Apex Level material. Her expression immediately changed... ヾ(。ꏿ﹏ꏿ)ノ゙

While drinking tea, Zhou Yan looked at Della who seemed to be changing her face, feeling very happy in her heart.

The more Della looked down, the bigger her eyes became!

Is this considered a gift?

This is the list of compensation for their entire Dark Dynasty.

Della's expression became darker and darker, and she had a good temper. She didn't dare to get angry at all, let alone take the initiative to curse Zhou Yan.

But in Della’s heart: I fuck♑&&@~~πυθοÎÓΘΔΓΝ

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