Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 875: Big Misunderstanding

Zhou Yan saw that Della had read the entire list and asked, "Are you satisfied with this gift?"

In Della’s mind: “(╬ ̄俣)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄)”

Della calmed down her mood at the moment. Her good temper was almost broken by Zhou Yan, and then she said: "Zhou Yan, you want a little too much."

"If you people from the Dark Dynasty could have killed me, nothing like this would have happened, right?"

Does Zhou Yan want a lot?

Isn't it just asking for hundreds of millions of points?

He doesn't want the entire Dark Dynasty, he just wants his own share of the mental damages, Zhang San can prove it!

"There are really too many things here, and there are so many things. Let alone our entire Dark Dynasty, even if we overturn the entire Godfiend Continent, I'm afraid we won't be able to collect that many things."

Della was indeed very angry, but she had to maintain an elegant face, elegant attitude, elegant smile, and elegant posture.

Forget it, she hates this elegance so much now!

Please allow her to trample this elegance in her heart.

Zhou Yan is so irritating, okay?

"Impossible. You can definitely put together the list I mentioned above. You haven't overthrown the entire Godfiend continent, so how do you know you can't make it together?" Zhou Yan asked in return.

Della: "ヽ(#`Д´)ノ┌┛〃"

Listen to it, listen to it. Is this what people say?

Della trembled all over and clenched her clothes tightly. This was not because she was nervous, but because she was trying her best not to explode.

Della opened the material list, smiled, pointed to some materials on the list very elegantly, and said: 'This material is too much, and the entire Lord Continent cannot buy so much. "

"And this. I'm afraid this thing doesn't exceed 100,000 units in the Lord's Continent. You actually want us to gather 1 million units. Isn't this deliberately embarrassing?"

Zhou Yan took a sip of tea and replied: "Look at what you said, I am making things difficult for you."

Della suffered a physical and mental attack for the third time: "(ー̀дー́)"

Can this still be a good negotiation?

Is it all so straightforward?

"The way you joke is really funny." Della sat upright and smiled gracefully, but her smile looked awkward.

"No kidding, we are negotiating. I am very serious." Zhou Yan replied.

Della could only keep groveling and bowing her head for the sake of her country.

Zhou Yan finally broke down Della, burst into tears, and said, "Why do you bully others like this? I have humbled you so much. Can't you please lower your requirements?"

Zhou Yan was also helpless. Did he go too far?

He didn't do anything, he didn't do anything!

"You should rest first, we will continue tomorrow." Zhou Yan said.

After saying this, Della cried even more sadly. Is Zhou Yan the devil this time?

How long are you going to torture her?

The next day, Della regained her elegant expression, but in the end, she still cried.

Day after day, Della grew stronger physically and mentally.

Everything can be trained. Della's current body and mind are constantly recovering from Zhou Yan's defeat, constantly being defeated, and then recovering again.

The negotiations lasted for more than half a month, and Della returned to the Dark Dynasty exhausted with a list of materials.

After Della returned to the Dark Empire, she handed the list of materials to Rusk Lowry, and then said: "I'm tired, I'll go back and rest first."

When Rusk Lowry saw Della's tired and listless look, he immediately became furious: "This Zhou Yan, you bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

"Your Majesty, you can't be impulsive!"

"Princess Della sacrificed herself for the entire Dark Dynasty. We must not be impulsive anymore."

Everyone was very angry. This damn Zhou Yan actually tortured Princess Della of their dark dynasty to this point!

So inhuman!

This is completely humiliating their entire Dark Dynasty!

Rusk Lowry's eyes were red and bloodshot. If Zhou Yan were in front of him, he would definitely step forward and eat him.

Zhou Yan: What did I do? [・_・?]

Zhou Yan: I didn’t do anything, okay?

Zhou Yan: I was wronged!

Princess Della went to Zhou Yan's territory to negotiate for the sake of the entire Dark Dynasty, but the news that she was defiled and tortured until she came back exhausted was spread like a storm.

This matter became more and more evil as it spread, and in the end, most of the Dark Dynasty wanted to ask for a fight, saying that they were willing to die together with Zhou Yan.

In the dark hall, when Rusk Lowry opened the list of materials, he became more and more furious as he looked at it, and his energy and blood could not help but rise.


In the end, under multiple attacks, Rusk Lowry spat out a mouthful of old blood and fell to the dark hall.

"Someone come quickly!"

"Your Majesty, nothing can happen to you."

"Call the priest quickly!"

Rusk Lowry lay down for three full days. The first time he woke up, he saw Della beside him.

"Della, my father is sorry for you. It was my father who made you suffer."

As soon as Rusk Lowry woke up, he couldn't help but shed tears. As the leader of a country, he couldn't even protect his own daughter. He really wanted to commit suicide.

Della: “(•ิ_•ิ)?”

What happened?

"Father, it's okay. I was angry for more than half a month. Didn't I get through it anyway? It's not a big deal." Della said quickly.

"Della, my father is sorry for you..." Rusk Laurie said, suddenly realizing something, and asked: "Being angry for most of a month? What do you mean???"

"Zhou Yan deliberately used that list to make me angry. I was angry for more than half a month. I haven't had a good night's sleep in the past half month. I slept a lot in the past two days and I feel much better today. ." Della explained.

Rusk Lowry: "(@[]@!!)"

"You weren't defiled by that guy Zhou Yan?" Rusk Lowry was stunned!

Damn it!

Where did he think about it?

"Tainted? Father, what are you talking about? My daughter is fine, everything is intact." Della replied a little angrily.

Rusk Lowry: "( ̄┏Д┓ ̄°*)"

"Her Royal Highness Princess Della, you don't know that during this period, the entire Dark Dynasty has been rumored that you..."

When the maid next to her heard this, she was confused and wanted to say something, but after seeing the look in Rusk Laurie's eyes, she was immediately frightened and did not dare to speak.

"What did you say? Say it quickly!" Della felt that this was a big misunderstanding.

The maid looked at Rusk Laurie, but still did not dare to speak.

"Tell me." Rusk Laurie also felt that Della would know about this matter sooner or later.

After hearing this, Della was speechless.

She was fine, so why was it spread like this?

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