Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 880, Leader Of The Rebel Army

The total number of troops that the Netherworld Dynasty can fight is naturally more than this. Other armies will join them on the way to the expedition, and the final total strength will reach 500 million.

With a total of 500 million troops, Godwin Neil felt that he did not need to send so many troops. However, in order to show the strength of the entire Netherworld Dynasty, Godwin Neil still sent so many troops.

Marshal Abut is very happy. It is very rare to command 500 million troops in combat at one time. He will become the marshal with the largest number of troops in the history of the Netherworld Dynasty.

As the first marshal of the Netherworld Dynasty, Abut is at the top of the entire Netherworld Dynasty in terms of strength and commanding ability.

But commanding an army of 500 million people is also a difficult challenge for him.

Abut was also very smart. He assigned an army of 500 million to ten generals, each of whom commanded an army of 50 million soldiers. Each general had many generals, and each of them commanded 1 million soldiers.

Five hundred million soldiers were carried to the front line by countless airships.

Some soldiers also went to the front line through the Netherworld Dynasty's teleportation array. For this battle, the Netherworld Dynasty was indeed well prepared, and many large airships were prepared.

Countless large-scale teleportation formations were also built, capable of teleporting hundreds of thousands of troops each time. However, due to the large number of soldiers and the high consumption of materials, only 100 million people could be teleported to the front line.

Abut was ready to take action, but Zhou Yan had already started attacking from the moment he came out.

Zhou Yan's territory was overwhelming. As soon as he appeared, he broke through the defensive formations of all the cities under the territory and wiped out countless armies.

After most of the armies in these cities were wiped out by Zhou Yan, the soldiers from Zhou Yan's territory had already begun to dispatch.

Bai Qi, Wu Qi, Chen Qingzhi, Yue Fei, Xue Rengui, Han Xin, Wang Jian and others have led their soldiers to attack these cities.

After Ye Bufan saw this scene, he sighed: "The power of your defense towers is too strong. Only less than half of the number of defense towers are used. If they are all activated, even the true gods will die from you." In front of the territory."

"I haven't tried to destroy the true god yet. If you know someone, let him try his power." Zhou Yan said.

Ye Bufan: “(˘•ω•˘)”

Ye Bufan rode his mount and began to watch the battle in a certain city. Zhou Yan was also watching the battle. Ye Bufan saw how powerful the soldiers in Zhou Yan's territory were. They were so powerful that they simply swept everything. There was no any adversary.

"The realm of your soldiers is around the Seventieth Layer level, and there are so many of them. How on earth do you do this? How much resources does this consume in the territory?"

Only then did Ye Bufan discover a very important thing. The soldiers under Zhou Yan were too strong. They were basically around the Seventieth Layer level.

There are hundreds of millions of soldiers, all at the Seventh Layer level, and many have even reached the Eightieth Layer level, and the combat effectiveness displayed by those heroes has actually reached half a Divine Level.

The key point is that among the weapons in the hands of these heroes, the worst are Supreme Grade Spirit Weapon, many are Saint Weapon, and there are even some fake Divine Weapon.

Ye Bufan really didn't know what to say. Such a powerful army could sweep everything without relying on the territory's defense towers.

Moreover, there are many soldiers in Zhou Yan's territory, and these soldiers who go to war are only part of them.

"Isn't it just some resources? I don't lack those resources. It will be enough for them to cultivate to the peak of demigods." Zhou Yan replied.

"Hundreds of millions of soldiers, all of whom have cultivated to the peak level of demigods, are you sure you're not mistaken?" Ye Bufan looked at Zhou Yan speechlessly.

"No, no, no, it's not hundreds of millions, it's billions." Zhou Yan emphasized.

Ye Bufan: " [●´Å`●] "

Ye Bufan's situation is still too small.

The number of soldiers in his territory was less than half a million. Compared with the hundreds of millions in Zhou Yan's territory, they were like the difference between a newly born kid and an adult.

The more Ye Bufan watched, the more shocked he became, because he was very envious of the various military units in Zhou Yan's territory.

There were so many types of soldiers, all with different abilities, and all of them were very strong, which made Ye Bufan extremely envious.

It only took less than half an hour for a city to be completely conquered.

At this time, Zhao Yun flew in the direction of Zhou Yan and brought several strangers with him.

"Lord, they are from the Netherworld Dynasty. They came to help when we attacked the city just now. They want to see you." Zhao Yun said to Zhou Yan.

Ye Bufan was stunned, was he considered a traitor to the Netherworld Dynasty?

There are actually people who help others attack their own country.

Zhou Yan also looked at the other party: "What do you want?"

"Dear Lord Zhou Yan, we are the rebels in this city. We have been waiting for your arrival. The rule of the Netherworld Dynasty is unpopular, and we have long wanted to rebel."

"But I heard that you wanted to deal with the Netherworld Dynasty, so our rebel armies across the country were waiting for your arrival. Now we are finally waiting for you. We hope to work with you to overthrow the rule of the Netherworld Dynasty."

The leader of the rebel army told Zhou Yan what happened.

Ye Bufan was speechless. Is there such a thing? God is helping Zhou Yan. Isn't this battle going to end faster?

Zhou Yan looked at the other party and said: "I have no intention of helping you. I am only targeting the Netherworld Dynasty. I am not interested in you overthrowing the Netherworld Dynasty. As long as you don't hinder my people."

Zhou Yan doesn't need any other helpers at all. His strength can completely sweep the entire Netherworld Dynasty, and it will be the same with or without them.

"We know that your strength is unparalleled, but we are from here. With our help, it will be easier for you and your soldiers to defeat the Netherworld Dynasty."

The leaders of the rebel army also knew Zhou Yan's strength clearly, and they just wanted to help. Anyway, they knew that Zhou Yan would not stay here at all. After defeating the Netherworld Dynasty, Zhou Yan would leave here with all the wealth of the Netherworld Dynasty.

For these rebels, Zhou Yan is definitely a huge help. Anyway, Zhou Yan has a common enemy with them. After Zhou Yan leaves, they will be able to establish a new dynasty.

"As long as you don't hinder my people, that's all. As for the people in the city, my army has no interest at all. As long as they stay in their homes, they will be fine. My soldiers never rob ordinary people."

Zhou Yan didn't lie. He still had a bottom line and only robbed wealthy nobles. As for ordinary people, Zhou Yan had no interest at all and would never allow his soldiers to attack ordinary people.

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