Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 881, Where Are The Supplies?

Naturally, the leader of the rebel army did not dare to object at all, and said quickly: "Don't worry, our people know what they can and cannot do, and we will restrain them and never let them cause any trouble to your men. of."

Zhou Yan also said with satisfaction: "You only need to appease the ordinary people in the city. As for the army of the Netherworld Dynasty, my people will naturally handle it."

"We will leave when we have finished handling all the matters that need to be dealt with. I have no interest in staying here with you."

Zhou Yan doesn't like Nether Planet at all, let alone stay.

The leaders of the rebel army also knew that Zhou Yan could not stay and looked down upon the land of the Netherworld at all, so they cooperated well and waited for Zhou Yan to defeat all the soldiers of the Netherworld Dynasty.

The leader of the rebel army left, and Ye Bufan said: "This is the so-called evildoer who will kill himself. The rule of the Netherworld Dynasty has become so decadent. Unfortunately, they don't know it. Even their own people have begun to resist them. ruled."

"This will only aggravate the demise of the Netherworld Dynasty. It will not have any impact on me anyway. It can also reduce trouble. At least my soldiers can capture these cities more smoothly."

Zhou Yan didn't care about these things at all. As long as the rebels were not stupid, they should know what to do.

On the other side, the Generalissimo Abut of the Netherworld Dynasty had begun to obtain information from the front line. After looking at the information from the front line, Abut's expression became solemn.

He immediately held a meeting, which was held in a palace in a main city, only 10,000 kilometers away from where Zhou Yan was.

Abut must wait until his army arrives before he can attack. He is still waiting for soldiers from various places to start gathering. After the gathering is completed, he will launch a devastating attack.

By the time many generals arrived, two hours had passed, which made Abt very dissatisfied.

Abt slammed the table angrily and said angrily: "Your speed is too slow. It only took two hours to hold a meeting, you bastards!"

"Do you know how fast Zhou Yan advances?"

"That guy has now wiped out areas in our two provinces. The key is that in these places, there are rebels helping this Zhou Yan."

"These damn traitors actually colluded with Zhou Yan, which is why our land fell so quickly."

"Two provinces, so fast, how long did it take!" A general said in shock.

"We didn't expect the opponent's advancement speed to be so fast, beyond our expectations."

"Damn rebels, these traitors, I will never let them go."

"Now we should first see how to resist the opponent. According to the intelligence, the opponent's territorial attack is too powerful. We must set up many formations and launch terrible attacks against it. Only then can we Defeat the opponent’s territory!”

Abut still stated the main purpose of this meeting. The main purpose this time was how to eliminate Zhou Yan's territory.

They had made some plans before, but now it seems that they were all in vain. The reality is completely different from what they imagined.

The strength of Zhou Yan's territory far exceeded their expectations, and they had to formulate an effective plan to eliminate Zhou Yan.

This troubled many generals. After all, in such a short time, how could they come up with any good ideas? They could only rely on the previous methods.

Abut was very helpless. If they delayed for one more minute, the land of the Netherworld Dynasty would fall further.

"When will the rest of the army arrive?" Abt asked.

"The number of airships is limited, and it will take several days at best. This is already the fastest speed. However, soldiers from the surrounding provinces have already arrived one after another, just waiting for your order."

"We have already started to arrange a huge killing array in the direction of Zhou Yan's territory in advance, but when will the materials provided to us by the dynasty arrive?"

When Abt heard this, he immediately said angrily: "What, the materials from the dynasty haven't arrived yet? These bastards, must they have been corrupted by them?"

"In my backup equipment warehouse, more than half of the equipment has not been delivered, and what makes me most angry is that many of the equipment are obviously scrap metal. I don't know how long ago. Marshal Aibt, you can't Let our soldiers go into battle with bare hands!"

All the generals talked about various problems about them. It was not that they did not work hard, nor that they were deliberately late, but that the support from their imperial city was insufficient.

The equipment provided was either dilapidated equipment, or various support materials were not in place, and even a large number of defective products were produced, and even food was in short supply.

The more Abbot listened, the more angry he became. Before leaving, Godwin Neil, the Great Emperor, had assured him that all kinds of supplies would arrive at the front line as soon as possible.

But the result was all kinds of defective equipment, and most of the things were even unreachable.

How could he not feel chilled by this? He was going to be pissed off by those civil servants!

Abt said quickly: "Don't worry, I will ask Godwin Neil the Great Emperor right away. I believe he will give us an explanation!"

"Marshal, the enemy is right in front of us, but those civil servants are still trying to stumble me at this time. I really want to kill them!"

"The matter of those bastards deducting the pay of our soldiers has not been resolved yet. Now that we are on the front line, there is absolutely nothing we can do against them."

"I thought they would be united at a time like this, but it seems we thought too simply."

Abt also showed anger. He slammed the table and said, "Okay, we have to stand up no matter what. If we don't stand up, who can stop the other party!"

After the meeting was concluded, Abt immediately contacted Godwin Neil, the Great Emperor.

After communicating on the screen, Abt was quite respectful and said: "Godwin Neil, Great Emperor, when I went on the expedition, you promised me that all the equipment, military pay, supplies, and materials for the expedition would be handed over to the most trusted person. The person handles it.”

"But we have been on the front line for so long, and we will directly meet the enemy in a few days, but our supplies are either missing half or are defective."

"Even the equipment is some obsolete equipment. Godwin Neil, Great Emperor, I would like to ask you, how should we treat the battle and let all our soldiers die?"

After hearing this, the Great Emperor Godwin Neil was also very shocked and replied: "How is it possible? I did leave this matter to my trusted brother, Godwin Potter."

After hearing this, Abut was shocked.

Godwin Neil, Great Emperor, don’t you know that your brother is the most corrupt person in the entire Netherworld Dynasty?

If you leave this matter to him, won't this mean that the entire Netherworld Dynasty will be ruined in his hands?

Abt's face became increasingly ugly. If the other party hadn't been Godwin Neil, the Great Emperor, Abt might have killed someone.

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