Godwin Neil, the Great Emperor, obviously understood the seriousness of the matter, and then looked at Abt and said, "Don't worry, I will personally ask Potter about this matter."

Abt could only say: "Godwin Neil, Great Emperor, this is a battle related to the fate of our Netherworld Dynasty. We can't be careless at all. I hope you can handle the matter within one day."

"If we cannot deliver what we need to the front line within one day, I, Aibt, will lead all the soldiers to sacrifice for the country!"

Abt is already full of the will to die. If this battle fails, he will definitely have no shame in continuing to live.

Godwin Neil, the Great Emperor, also looked very ugly, and promised: "I have seen your loyalty in my eyes, and I will definitely get this done as soon as possible."

Godwin Neil The Great Emperor immediately ended the communication with Abbot, and then immediately said to the guard: "Call Godwin Potter to me immediately, immediately, immediately!"

"Yes!" The guard immediately went to Godwin Potter's mansion.

At this time, Godwin Potter was playing with more than a dozen beauties in his gorgeous palace.

Godwin Potter's entire palace was built more luxuriously and magnificently than Godwin Neil's Great Emperor's, and every thing was very precious.

Even a brick or a piece of grass in the back garden are not simple things, they are very precious spiritual herbs.

When the guard came to report, the keen Godwin Potter immediately knew that something was wrong, so he immediately said: "Quickly put makeup on me, make sure it looks like it."

"Lord Lord Godwin Potter, don't worry, my methods are absolutely very realistic." A servant came next to him and bowed his head.

Not long after, Godwin Potter looked like a man who hadn't slept for several days. His face was very ugly, his eyes were heavily darkened, and he looked like he had been overworked.

Godwin Potter chuckled and said, "Let's go see my stupid royal brother."

In the Nether Palace, when Godwin Potter appeared, he pretended to be sick, as if he was about to collapse at any moment, but his fat body still made people feel very funny.

"Brother, are you looking for me?" Godwin Potter asked with his hand in hand.

"Potter, why are you like this, haven't you slept?" Godwin Neal looked at his younger brother, puzzled.

Godwin Potter knelt down directly and said: "Damn it Potter, when the war came, he failed to raise enough supplies for the front line in time, and even many of the equipment could only use scrapped and defective products. Potter is incompetent. I’m so ashamed of my brother!”

Godwin Potter began to cry as he spoke. He really cried, and tears flowed down.

Well, Potter didn't expect that the eye drops were so effective and he couldn't stop using them.

"Why is this?" Godwin Neil asked hurriedly when he saw his brother's appearance without even the slightest hint of blame.

"Brother Emperor, you don't know how difficult it is to mobilize an army of 500 million. Not only the military expenditure, equipment, personnel coordination, but also all aspects of financial expenditure, it is an astronomical figure..."

Godwin Potter expressed his difficulties, which was half true and half false. Although it was difficult, for Godwin Potter who had already mastered it, this matter was not really an embarrassment.

After all, Godwin Potter was able to get too much out of it, so he was very active in doing this, and the officials under him were also very active.

They all fished out a lot of oil and water from it, and took half of the military expenses for the entire expedition, as well as half of the various equipment and supplies. This made them all very rich. I really hope that this war can last forever. Keep it up.

After Godwin Neil heard this, he also felt that what his brother said was very reasonable. This was a matter of an army of 500 million, not 500,000 or 5 million. There were too many armies. It was really difficult to mobilize them all. Very difficult.

Finally, Godwin Neal called the Chancellor of the Finance and other relevant personnel over, wanting to spend a large sum of money from the treasury to support the war.

"Godwin Neil, Great Emperor, the treasury is already empty. It is no longer enough to spend so much money."

The finance minister quickly complained. After all, he had also made a fortune from the previous finance. If the treasury still had money, he would definitely not say these words and immediately agreed.

"What, how could this happen? The entire Netherworld Royal Family has no money!"

Godwin Neil was shocked. He never thought that Noda's dynasty could not even support a war.

Godwin Neil's entire face was so black and purple, how could he be beaten?

He has realized that there must be something wrong with this, but is now the time to pursue this matter?

The front line did not have enough materials to support the war. His army would be defeated without waiting for Zhou Yan to attack.

Under Godwin Neil's rage, various ministers "generously donated money", began to cry for poverty, and donated some money to the front line.

But this was far from enough to support the cost and expenses of an army of 500 million. Godwin Neil was so angry that he began to investigate the matter thoroughly.

After a day of investigation, Godwin Neal, with a dark face, beheaded a dozen corrupt officials and found a large amount of money from their homes.

Godwin Neil's face was very dark. He felt that this matter could not be so simple, and that there could not be only a dozen guys involved in this matter, but he had no choice now and could only find a solution elsewhere.

Abt has been waiting for Godwin Neal's support, but two days have passed and Godwin Neal has only sent a small part of the support.

This made Abbot almost vomited blood in anger, and said directly to Godwin Neal: "The humble minister is going to die, Godwin Neal, Great Emperor, can take care of himself!"

After saying that, Abut began to make his final struggle and began to lead all the troops towards Zhou Yan's territory, which was just around the corner.


Abut didn't know that no matter how much materials they had and how strong their support was, they would still be vulnerable to absolute strength.

When Zhou Yan's territory reached Aibute, he had already discovered the large formations set up in front. As several beams of energy fell towards those formations, pieces of energy destroyed all the means arranged by Abut. Once upon a time.

After seeing all this, Abt realized how powerful the enemy they faced was.

Hundreds of millions of troops surrounded Zhou Yan's territory. Countless flying legions flew towards Zhou Yan's territory. Terrifying scrolls fell towards Zhou Yan's territory. Unfortunately, these attacks were useless and were all blocked by Zhou Yan's territory's defense. The tower was destroyed.

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