Ganymede ignored everyone and looked at the personal life and death training tower.

He is the deputy director of the Education Department who is responsible for formulating rules and difficulty adjustments for school dungeons, training towers, activities, tasks, etc.

In a state of seclusion all year round.

It will only be released under special circumstances.

In Batamu’s memory.

Ganymede has been out of isolation twice in this thousand years.

The first time is to increase the difficulty of the Legion Life and Death Training Tower.

The reason is that the deer clan genius thinks that the Legion Life and Death Training Tower is too simple.

It cannot function as life and death training at all. and launched a poll on the school announcement.

1 month later.

The number of votes that agreed to increase the difficulty exceeded half of the total number of people in the academy.

That’s 123,600 votes.

As a result, Ganymede was released and the difficulty of the Legion Life and Death Training Tower was adjusted.

The second time was 500 years ago.

The reason was that the first-turn gods of the Beamon tribe launched a life-and-death battle against the first-turn gods of the Asgardian protoss.

During the battle between the two sides, the arena formation was torn apart because the skills used were too powerful.

The Asgardian protoss took this opportunity to escape from the ring.

The arena mechanism determines Beamon’s victory.

But the Asgardian protoss is not dead.

God Behemoth initiated the vote.

The same number of votes exceeded more than half of the number of people in the college, reaching 24,000.

Ganymede comes out of seclusion.

Adjust the rules of life and death arena battles. 09 and comprehensively improved the constraints of arena battles and formation levels.

At the same time, a series of activities related to this arena battle have been changed.

Because the rules have changed, the difficulty has increased.

Therefore, these two corrections have resulted in the winner of the Legion Tower and Life and Death Arena battles receiving twice as much reward as before. at the moment.

Ganymede appears here, and is still waiting for the personal life and death training tower.

This made Badanmu feel a little heavy:”But how is this possible?”

He vaguely guessed what was going on.

Just can’t confirm it.

But he saw excitement on the faces of the Overlord students from Beamon and other ethnic groups.

Badamu’s heart became even heavier:”Peat! If I had known that Su Wen was so hateful, I wouldn’t have played like this!”

He was now riding a tiger that was hard to get off.

Buzz! soon.

Ganymede used his authority to pick up the Overlord students who had completed 10 levels one by one from the tower.

Su Wen was also forcibly detained soon.

“How is this going?”

Su Wen looked at Badanmu.

Badanmu whispered:”The difficulty of the tower may have to be increased! Specifically, it depends on Lord Ganymede’s adjustments!”

Su Wen looked up at Ganymede and couldn’t help but ask:”Sir! How to judge our agreement? Ganymede glanced sideways at Su Wen, then looked at the participants from other major clans, and said with a smile:”Since the rules have changed, if you want to maintain the previous agreement, you can start from scratch!””

“If you want to cancel it, I can help you cancel it, just because the teaching office was forced to terminate due to force majeure!”


“What’s your decision?”

He looked at Su Wen.

At this time, the faces of the Overlord students from the Behemoth clan changed slightly.

They hurriedly shouted:”Su Wen! If you are a man, keep going! Otherwise you don’t deserve to be called a bully!”

“Su Wen! Don’t let us think less of you!”

“Su Wen! Don’t you dare take this opportunity to escape from the agreed punishment, otherwise I will directly invite you to the arena of life and death!”

“yes! If you don’t fucking crawl, we will force you to enter the arena of life and death!”

Shouts rang out from the crowd.

Su Wen sneered:”Are you worthy of looking at me? Just a bunch of trash! As an overlord, he is willing to become a pawn of other gods without even having any opinions or opinions of his own! What a waste!”


“And look at me!”

“Why don’t you die!”


“waste!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Wen held his head high and raised his hand contemptuously at these overlords of all races.

These words made many overlords present filled with indignation.

Some people could not help but He lowered his head, especially Zhuo Tian.

His face was red.

He wanted to say something to resist, but couldn’t.


Su Wen, among everyone’s astonishment, looked at Ganymede and said,”Now that we have signed If you make a contract, then carry it out! Isn’t it the 100th floor? It’s not like I, Su Wen, am incapable of breaking through!”

“good! good! good! I didn’t expect that I would meet such an interesting little guy like you when I came out of seclusion. It’s really not in vain!”

Ganymede’s eyes lit up, and he said with a smile:”That’s it!”


After he arrested all the people who climbed the tower, he announced in public:”Everyone! An hour ago, Tyr, the first-turn god of the Asgardian Protoss, launched a personal life and death training tower that no longer served the purpose of training, and requested a vote to double the difficulty!”[]

“After 20 minutes, 133,842 people voted to increase the difficulty, which is already more than half of the total number of people in the current Academy Overlord Academy!”


“In the next 5 minutes, Tire will submit the voting data, the application form requesting an immediate increase in difficulty, the compensation treasure stipulated by the academy, and the materials needed to use the authority, with a total value of about 1000 trillion, an unimaginable large number of lord points.!”

“After review and agreement by the school’s Academic Affairs Office, I made the decision after unanimous discussion with my colleagues in the Education Office of Io and Europa!”

“Now fully restart the personal life and death training tower!”

“The difficulty of the personal life and death training tower has been increased by 2 times, and the rewards have been increased.”

“The various lists, activities, trials, and tasks that rely on the personal life and death training tower will all start timing as soon as the personal life and death training tower is restarted!”

“All previous tower climbing records have been cancelled!”

“Only the difficulty history list will be retained and displayed in the Hall of Glory of the personal life and death training tower.”

“The previous historical record list will no longer be displayed in front of the personal life and death training tower. At this point, only the new historical difficulty record list will be displayed!”

“in addition!”

“This difficulty will last for 7 days”

“If no one has conquered the first 100 floors, the difficulty will be determined to be too high and the difficulty will be adjusted back after 7 days!”

“If this is the case, Tyr, the first-turn deity of the Asgardian Protoss, will be punished for deliberately disrupting personal life and death training rules, sentenced to death, and executed in public!”

“The Asgardian protoss and the various races participating in the voting will be punished accordingly according to the number of participants!”

“The academy determined that this matter was caused by Su Wen breaking into the tower.”

“Therefore, the academy decided to give Su Wen 10 times the tower climbing reward, with a time limit of 1 day!”

After the announcement was completed, Tyr, the Asgardian protoss who followed the others, changed his face slightly. He turned to look at the person next to him and asked,”Why is this? Doesn’t it mean to double the difficulty? Why is it twice as difficult?”

“rest assured! The family has arranged for a level 2 deity overlord. If no one succeeds in breaking into the tower within 5 days, this senior will come back to break into the tower and maintain the current difficulty level!”

The man whispered softly.

Tier breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. He frowned and looked at Su Wen:”Is it necessary to deal with this guy?”

“You do not understand! All this is for the dignity of the family! If this glass species is allowed to continue to live, our Asgardian protoss will have no status at all in the world!

The man said coldly:”The Sixth Summoning Legion has been destroyed!” The power of Ertao, the Lord of the Abyss, who was friendly with us, has been destroyed!”

“This is not a big thing that one person can do!”

“Our goal is not just to kill him!”

“He also wants the group of rats behind him to show their prototype!”

“The ancestors are ready for the divine battle!”


The voices of the two became smaller and smaller.

At this time.

A light flashed on the personal life and death training tower.

All records are lost.

When Ganymede was done, he turned and left.


The people waiting in front of the personal life and death training tower involuntarily made way for Su Wen.

Facing the gazes of tens of thousands of people around him.

Su Wen’s eyes shone with infinite rays of light, and a surge of pride rose in his chest.

He patted Batamu on the shoulder and said with a smile:”No matter who it is, as long as they dare to come to you, they will accept the failed agreement to break into the tower!”.

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