The more you know about the situation, the more you will know.

Luo Chen did not directly answer Robin's confusion.

Robin was slightly stunned, but he completed the idea in his mind, and bowed slightly with a little apology: "Sorry, I overstepped my bounds."

'How could the secret of creating a star god be leaked casually, not to mention that I am just a newcomer. '

Luo Chen's thoughts in his heart were: 'Robin spoke with such a high standard. '

'I am a lord after all, I can't tell her that I am just greedy for the twelve golden soldiers of [Star of the Gala], right? ’

If possible, Luo Chen would naturally like to have a memory star god under his command, but the problem is...

There is no feasibility theoretical framework, no sufficient knowledge background, and no reasonable flowchart paper.

With nothing, he would use his head to create a memory star god.

This is not self-confidence, but stupidity.

Unless, the "miracle" will come to the [Star of the Gala] for the second time?

Is this possible?

Luo Chen exchanged a few words with Robin, arranged a residence for her, and then handed it to Raiden Meiyi, asking her to take Robin to familiarize herself with the territory environment.

Luo Chen is very confident in his territory. As long as Robin lives here for a period of time, he will definitely return home.

Even among the many new generations in the lord world, his territory environment is definitely...


"Lord, Ms. Tianhuo has cut down the parade ground again."

Luo Chen does not have a training-type parade ground building.

The parade ground of the territory is built independently with materials, and there is no attribute bonus of finished buildings.

Robins, Feather Rabbits and others cast curious glances at him, and Luo Chen's forehead showed some black lines: "..."

Take back what I said before, most of the people in the territory are very well-behaved, but there are still one or two problem children.

Luo Chen said expressionlessly: "Sorry, I made fun of you two, I'm going to clean it up now."

"Cecilia, Mei, you treat the two newcomers well."

"Please don't come to the training ground within ten minutes!"

Raiden Mei: "Yes, Lord."

Cecilia showed some helplessness on her face: "Tianhuo just likes to play more, please don't be too harsh on her."

Luo Chen grinned and gave a thumbs up: "Don't worry, after she realizes her mistake, I will find her a place where she can give full play to her abilities."


In a month, Luo Chen arranged many people in the territory and ordered a batch of virtual universe secondary linkers in Tianxin City.

Their authority is far less than Luo Chen's. They can only stroll around the public area of ​​Tianxin City and cannot communicate with normal users, just like a traveling ghost.

But they also truly witnessed the glory of the ancient Donghuang Kingdom.

Unfortunately, they are only "people" after all, and are inherently weaker than the lords.

If people want to move freely in the void universe, they must either show extraordinary talents and gain recognition from the local city lord's mansion.

Or, when Luo Chen's contribution in Tianxin City and other areas increases, the area will open some places for designated lords based on the level of "city reputation".

However, there is a place where people can move freely.

Luo Chen gave the Holy Judge of Heavenly Fire a secondary linker and threw her into the Holy Temple plane, asking her to challenge those Holy Temple warriors.

Luo Chen watched the consciousness of the Holy Judge of Skyfire connect to the virtual universe, and silently prayed for the Holy Temple Plane in his heart: "I hope that next time I go there, she will not become the public enemy of the Holy Temple!"

In the virtual universe, around the training ground of the Holy Temple Plane, a fiery red figure broke through the air: "Hahaha, let's have a fight with our lives at stake!"


On the other side, Luo Chen took many of his subjects to stroll around Tianxin City, and took a photo of the [Three Lives Love] professional certificate and the attribute list of the exclusive building, and posted a trading post.

The audience of [Three Lives Love] is a little narrow.

There seems to be no particularly large-scale auctions recently. It is easy to fail to sell directly to the auction house. It is better to post a trading post on major popular forums and wait for buyers to come.

Unfortunately, in the past month, under the anonymous trading post established by Luo Chen, only some people who eat melons are posting words with unknown meanings such as "666", "full of big men", "man on man", etc.

Occasionally, a few buyers are also second-hand dealers trying to pick up bargains.

Luo Chen decisively blocked them, and added a new item to the trading post: "Prioritize gold-quality human researcher heroes, human genetic materials of the same quality and other trading items."

"Wait a little longer, if

There is nothing suitable." Luo Chen stretched his body, "If there is nothing suitable, go check the inventory of Tianhe High School first."

"If there is nothing, then I can only go to mine my sister's gold coins. "

There is no rush for the Collapse Soldier. After Luo Chen gets the coordinates of a world of the dead from school and materializes Changkong City, he will have time to find a human researcher.

Even if he can't find one for a while, Luo Chen can take over personally.

In most cases, lords will not go to the battlefield.

Therefore, most lords will learn a "craft" intentionally or unintentionally.

Common types of crafts include but are not limited to research lords, logistics lords, auxiliary lords, farming lords, and... eating, drinking and having fun lords.

Luo Chen is the type who knows everything.

After all, Luo Li's investment in Luo Chen's education for more than ten years has never been in vain.

And Luo Chen, who has been beaten by society, naturally understands the importance of knowledge and studies more attentively and diligently.


Tianhe High School, the day before the new senior high school students were divided into classes,

Tianhe High School sent a notice of the start of classes to all students: "Please return to your respective classes at ten o'clock tomorrow. The school will re-divided the class according to your strength. "

"According to the document issued by the Donghuang Education Department, our school has confirmed your official status as a lord. Please go to the lecture hall in the No. 1 administrative building to take a strength test."

"The school will divide you into lord classes (1), (2), and (3) based on your strength. Each class will enjoy different welfare subsidies. Please show your strength to the fullest! ”

The next day, the official class division day arrived.

Luo Chen stretched his body, got up slowly, and drove to Tianhe High School in the intelligent floating car that was given to students when they enrolled in Tianhe High School.

In the ancient country of Donghuang, education at different stages often has its own meaning, or mission.

For example, the enlightenment class and the primary school stage are collectively referred to as the interest development stage, and the main theme is "freedom"!

The most common thing for students at this stage is to travel freely and move freely in various "observed planes" that are confirmed to be 100% safe under the care of teachers, and find things that interest them.

The more important thing for teachers at this stage is to urge them to develop good learning habits, establish a unique way of understanding the world, and the most important thing is:

The curiosity about all things in nature never fades!

In addition, teachers also need to stop primary school students from doing unconscious evil, praise unconscious good deeds, and try their best to It is possible to build a qualified moral and cognitive outlook for students.

The "standard of good and evil" here is implemented with reference to the latest version of "Suggestions on the Common Code of Social Morality for the Public" issued by the ancient Donghuang Kingdom.

When it comes to junior high school, students will officially come into contact with common sense studies and homework, and various courses will be actively or passively drilled into students' brains through clever or despicable means.

In terms of the average physical fitness and memory ability of junior high school students in the ancient Donghuang Kingdom, it is basically not a big problem.

Oh, except for history classes.

After that, students who pass the "National Junior High School Basic Knowledge Test" can be promoted to high school next year and officially start studying "military science".

Until they are promoted to the third year of high school, they will participate in the "ancestor prayer ceremony" hosted by the city lords' mansions in various places, which is unified all over the world, and the lords and non-lords will be selected through the newcomer trial mechanism.

The selection criteria for the division of classes between lords are also very simple: whoever is stronger will go!

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