The first time, the second time.

Tianhe High School,

Administrative Building No. 1 is called a "building" to the outside world, but it is actually a multi-dimensional small world with an independent ecology.

These names of "buildings" and "classes" are just "historical problems" handed down from ancient times.

Just like Class 3 (2) of Senior High School, it is called a "class" to the outside world, but it is actually a whole Tianzhu Mountain community.

In the past two years, students can plant flowers and grass on their own land, or fight in public areas without fear of death. Many students even carried out "civilization experiments".

They brought a bunch of low-level creatures with small bodies, short lifespans, rapid iterations, and strong adaptability, and interfered with their growth in various ways, cultivating one tribe, city-state, and country after another.

Finally, a few days before the Lord Awakening Ceremony, there was a great battle royale of civilizations.

Luo Chen remembered that the final winner was a weak-looking, drama-loving girl who could easily flip the table.

Ah, why did Luo Chen know so much?

Oh, he provided all these low-level lives, and Luo Chen also persuaded the class teacher.

In return, the cultivation materials and knowledge achievements of all the contestants in the class will be reproduced one by one and handed over to Luo Chen.

Therefore, people often call Luo Chen...

In the sky, Luo Chen's intelligent floating car passed through the plane gate and entered the No. 1 administrative building. According to the number plate floating in the sky, he arrived at the plane world called "Step Classroom".

This is an open grassland with three doors in the middle of the grassland, marked with "1", "2" and "3" respectively.

After parking the car in the exclusive airspace designated by the school, Luo Chen stepped on the transparent stairs and slowly walked towards the grassland.

"The big devil behind the scenes, you are here!" A familiar voice sounded not far away.

A lively black-haired girl in white clothes was waving her hands not far away and said happily: "Here, here, everyone is here."

The "big devil behind the scenes" of Class 3 (2) is the nickname they gave to Luo Chen.

In response, Luo Chen walked up to the girl and complained: "How can there be such a famous 'behind the scenes'!"

Lu Xiaolu smiled and said: "This has nothing to do with us!"

"Who made you always rank first in the city? Looking at your peers in Tianxin City, who doesn't know your reputation?"

The old classmates next to him responded: "Yes, yes, you are too high-profile, don't try to pass the blame to us!"

Luo Chen said unhappily: "You just know how to make trouble. When playing games, why don't you let me join in?"

Lu Xiaolu made a "pause" gesture: "No, no, no, if you join, can this game still be played?"

Luo Chen smiled and said: "What? Are you still worried that I will cheat?"

Lu Xiaolu rolled his eyes and complained: "You might as well cheat, so that we can have a psychological comfort when we lose."

The real despair is the difference in hard power, even if you lose, you can't find an excuse

After a brief greeting, Luo Chen was surrounded by students from the former Grade 3 (2) class. There were 33 people present, accounting for about four-fifths of the total number of students in the class.

Even in this era, a small number of people failed the rookie trial.

Most of those who were eliminated should be gray-quality lords.

The few who were eliminated with white quality or above were either not good enough in their own skills and could not recognize the weaknesses of monsters, or they were not good at commanding, had poor martial arts scores, and were weak in their own combat effectiveness.

Or they were just... unlucky.

Just like what Luo Chen encountered on the second day of the trial, he was hit hard by the natural disaster insects. The lords who could not survive would probably die on the spot.

In the general concept of the outside world, the void will that integrates the entire endless void is an existence that can compete with the human will.

Under the checks and balances between the two sides, the theoretical pass rate of the rookie trial mechanism that was finally set should be 50%.

The passing rate of the ancient country of Donghuang is stable at more than 80%, which is quite impressive.

Combined with the data of other countries, the passing rate of human lords around the world has always been around 70%.

Luo Chen used to be a little confused about this data, but now he understands:

It turns out... it's stupid for the human mother to bully the Void Will!

Some students who fail will choose to drop out of school and rely on a lord in their family or clan.

From then on, they will live a life without worries about food and clothing.

, and live freely.

Students who are less fortunate but have good individual talents will choose to switch to other systems and become the most common individual professional practitioners in the world.

Among them, a large number of people will look at their old classmates with hope, hoping to join the territory.

Without the resurrection and recycling buildings of the territory, they are far from being called "players".

Not only professional students, but even some lords, after seeing the scene of the stars shining a month ago, also looked at Luo Chen with some fiery eyes.

They are not sure whether Luo Chen is one of the stars, but Luo Chen is definitely the most likely candidate for the "prodigy" in Tianxin City.

Lu Xiaolu pulled the corner of Luo Chen's clothes: "Hey, big devil, do you accept subordinate lords? Can I hug your thighs?"

It seems quiet, but in fact, everyone around can hear it, and many people subconsciously look over.

Even though the ancient country of Donghuang tried to improve the fighting spirit of the new generation through various systems, the overabundant material conditions still made some people think about how to lie down.

Luo Chen glanced at Lu Xiaolu, understood her meaning, and joked: "I won't accept subordinate lords, but if you are willing to give up your status as a lord and hand over the entire territory, I can barely consider it."

"Moreover, I will screen your people, and those who are unqualified need to be repatriated. In addition, you are also responsible for the sanitation of the streets in the territory..."

Lu Xiaolu put her hands on her hips and glared: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Great! There is really no one in the world who calls people by the wrong nickname. You are simply a big devil who eats people without spitting out bones!"

Luo Chen smiled and said: "Thank you for the compliment!"

Hearing this conversation, the people around him gave up their original ideas.

On the private communication software, Lu Xiaolu started a private chat with him, boasting: "How about it, I'm awesome!"

"This way, no one will bother you!"

"Remember to owe me a favor! Eyes shining.jpg!"

Luo Chen replied calmly: "Isn't it because I cooperated well? Ugly rejection.jpg!"

"This is just a small matter, I can solve it myself! Want a favor? Fanciful.jpg!"

Lu Xiaolu looked at Luo Chen with a strange look, looked him up and down, and nodded silently.

Luo Chen: "What are you looking at?"

Lu Xiaolu: "Through what you said just now, my guess that 'you are a genius' has increased by a few percentage points."

"Are you one of the stars? Tell me secretly, I promise not to leak it."

Luo Chen said calmly: "Oh."

The identity of "No. 1 Player" greatly satisfied his sense of security.

He would not deliberately conceal his identity, but there was no need to expose it casually, as that would only attract a bunch of annoying flies.

For example, those hot-blooded challengers and speculators who don't know what they are talking about.

Unless there is a benefit!

Luo Chen: "I, the First Emperor, send you money.jpg!"

"One piece of golden material, and I will tell you this earth-shattering secret!"

Lu Xiaolu: "... Ahem, I don't have such a strong curiosity."

Although the materials are far less valuable than the buildings, who would be curious enough to send a piece of golden material!

Isn't it a genius of the Stars and the World? There is no one in every class! !

Could it be that you will be the "number one player" of the special level?

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