Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 102 Applying for President

On a scorching afternoon, Giovanni put on Wesson's popular suit and came to the castle to visit Baron Wesson.

What he didn't expect was to see an old acquaintance in the living room.

The moment their eyes met, Frederick felt a strong sense of hostility.

Frederick got straight to the point and asked Giovanni with a smile: "Your Excellency, are you willing to serve as president of the Wesson Family Bank?"

Giovanni immediately replied: "After studying the Wesson Territory, I think it is a land with great potential, and I am very willing to serve the Baron."

The smile on Frederick's face became even brighter, and he pointed to another guest in the living room and said: "This is Deloitte from the Kingdom of England. I just hired him to be the head of the Wesson family's accounting firm. He is responsible for the audit and other work of all the industries under the Wesson family name, and will also provide services to other chambers of commerce."

There are many people who want to invest in the Wesson family, and many of them are waiting for the opportunity. Giovanni thinks that he is fast enough, but he does not expect that someone is half a day faster than him, and he is also an old enemy.

Deloitte was also an experienced financial person, but he did not have the support of the Averardo family, and he came here to try his luck after being kicked out of Londinium for offending others, so Frederick did not give him a bank account. Instead, he was asked to set up an accounting firm.

Now Frederick has a lot of business, and there will be more in the future. Economic problems are certain, so it is necessary to establish an accounting firm.

Frederick also planned to see how Deloitte was doing. If he did well, he would not be unable to get business from government departments in the future.

When Giovanni first saw Deloitte, he was a little worried that there would be some twists and turns in the bank president's position. He was secretly relieved when he heard that he was in charge of the accounting firm, and at the same time he took a high look at Baron Wesson. , thinking that there must be an expert behind him.

The Averardo family always encounters an unavoidable problem when doing business - why does the boss completely trust you, an outsider, to put so much money in your hands?

Giovanni had been thinking about how to gain the trust of the young Baron Wesson, and whether he should send his cute little granddaughter to him to warm his bed.

Well now, Baron Wesson made it clear from the beginning that he did not completely believe in himself and used other outsiders to review himself.

It is easy to hide from overt targets, but difficult to guard against hidden arrows. This kind of restriction on the surface makes people feel at ease and worry-free. It can save a lot of hidden transactions and focus on work.

As long as the rules are set and everyone acts according to the rules, everyone will have peace of mind and there is no need to send the little granddaughter away.

Frederick was very happy that Giovanni agreed to serve as president, but he still had to ask some questions: "You two seem to have known each other before? How is your relationship?"

Deloitte immediately replied: "Boss, the biggest competitor I just mentioned when I was in Londinium City was the bank where this person worked."

He has understood the current situation. He has no choice but to become a bank president, so he will become a dog under the boss.

Giovanni then replied: "When I was working in the city of Londinium many years ago, I spent half the time thinking about how to kill this man."

He knew the enemy Deloitte very well, and thought that if Baron Wesson wanted to find an enemy for him, it would be better to find someone he was familiar with.

Deloitte stared and said: "Thank you for your concern for me. Now you can laugh. My bank has gone bankrupt and my whole family is homeless."

“But you still don’t know who will have the last laugh.”

Giovanni smiled and replied: "Now I only care about whether Baron Wesson laughs or not. It doesn't matter to me whether other people laugh or cry."

His victor's margin made Deloit clench his fists.

Deloitte said coldly: "I don't mind that Baron Wesson's smile comes from your crying."

Frederick was holding the tea and drinking it slowly, "We are all foxes for thousands of years, what are you doing with me?"

He didn't bother to say anything. After all, these two people were expressing their attitude in front of him. If they revealed it, everyone would be embarrassed.

After a while, Frederick gave Deloitte a wink. The latter understood and immediately stood up to leave, leaving the living room to the boss and Giovanni to talk about the bank.

Frederick put down the tea cup and asked Giovanni seriously: "I picked up a lot of money not long ago. How do you think the money should be spent?"

Giovanni had not read the newspapers for so many days in vain. He also learned a lot of news and was prepared.

"I think the money should be used for lending." He was already prepared to answer this question. "Now the business in Weisenling is very prosperous. There are many best-selling specialties that are not found in other places. Many merchants need payment to purchase more goods. , loans can be provided to them.”

Lending loans to businessmen is a very common practice for banks, and he is familiar with it.

Unexpectedly, Frederick said: "In my opinion, the position of bank president is very important. The president must be consistent with the thinking of the largest shareholder."

"I'm leaving the territory for a few days tomorrow. You can go find All Might during these days and ask him to take you around Wesen. We'll talk when I come back."

After saying that, he stood up and left the living room.

Giovanni's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately understood that he had messed up, and it was serious.

He quickly grasped the key point. It was that his ideas and Baron Wesson's were deviated, and they had different opinions on the direction of the use of this large sum of money.

But that doesn't matter, just find out what Baron Wesson thinks.

A few days later, Giovanni met Frederick near the tomato fields of an estate.

At this time, Frederick and Maria were wearing the clothes of a farmer and a peasant woman, with a headscarf on their heads, and they were picking tomatoes with a small basket.

Maria was very curious about the red fruits. She looked at each one for a long time before carefully picking it and placing it gently in the basket.

When the little basket was full, she carried the basket to her mother under the awning not far away, and then silently went to pick another basket.

After running a few times, she looked a little tired and her little face was red.

Frederick picked up a tomato and compared it with her face. He smiled and said, "Now your face is as red as it."

Maria was about to say something, but as soon as she opened her lips, she immediately closed them tightly, and in the end she just let out a "hum".

Frederick suppressed a smile. The little girl was losing her teeth and didn't like to speak.

"Take a rest when you are tired." He took out a clean handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the little sweat on Maria's forehead.

Maria raised her hand and covered her mouth with it and said, "Pick one more basket and then rest."

Frederick asked her to go ahead and let Tarot watch from the side while he went to talk to Giovanni.

"What have you been feeling these past few days?" Frederick asked Giovanni, "Do you understand what I mean?"

In the past few days, Giovanni and Ogilvy visited the emerging industries in Wesenland, had in-depth discussions with BASF, Schmidt and others, and even got a thermos cup from Duval.

After knowing that he was applying for the position of bank president, Duval immediately complained: "Mr. Averardo, look, there are so many people outside waiting for me to produce cups, but we only have people and factories, and we don't eat or drink." We can’t keep up with the orders, which are already scheduled until winter.”

"The day before yesterday, a businessman had something to do at home. He couldn't wait any longer and wanted to sell his bill of lading for next month. Good guy, there was a fight between those who wanted to buy the bill of lading."

"But expanding production requires money. Now I am helpless and can only rely on borrowing money from the principal."

Giovanni understood what Frederick meant at that time, and now replied: "I understand what the Baron meant. It is better to lend money to people who buy eggs than to let more chickens lay eggs."

Frederick nodded, and then said: "You have prepared the plan for forming a bank and show it to me."

Giovanni breathed a sigh of relief, this test was finally passed.

He immediately said: "I will submit the plan tomorrow!"

Frederick thought of a question and asked: "How long will it take for the bank to open?"

Giovanni replied: "It will only take ten days at the earliest."

"So fast?" Frederick was a little surprised. He thought it would take at least half a year, or at least the venue would take time to resolve.

Giovanni replied: "I have already chosen a place. It is next to the intersection below the castle. It is your property and you can use it directly."

"Don't worry about the vault. I made an agreement with Professor All Might. When the time comes, he will build a strong safe for the bank to store a small amount of currency, and the larger amount will be stored directly in the castle."

Frederick's mouth twitched, that building was a hotel for guests, but he still nodded.

"Let's go there first," he said. "When it gets bigger, I'll build a building specifically for the bank."

Then he used magic elements to draw a Möbius strip in the air in front of him and said, "This is the bank's logo."

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