Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 103 Treatment of Lung Cavity Syndrome

The ripe tomatoes are very beautiful, and they look red and bright when placed on the table.

Frederick cut the tomatoes open, and then Maria, wearing rubber gloves, took out the seeds and put them in a wooden bucket, and the pulp was put in another clay pot.

After working for a while, Frederick cut a small piece of tomato pulp and "quietly" stuffed it into Maria's mouth.

The little girl liked this kind of sour and slightly sweet fruit, but it was the first time that she was eaten in public like this. Her little face suddenly turned red, and she turned her head and glared at Frederick.

Frederick smiled back and cut some for himself.

The surrounding peasant women saw it and then pretended not to see it.

Frederick pointed to the plate with the pulp and said to Giovanni: "You can try it too, you're welcome."

Giovanni was brought in to help after talking about the bank. He was very curious about the red eggplants from the peach blossom stone. Now that the boss had spoken out, he immediately cut some and gave them to the peasant women who worked together. one slice.

However, he found that these peasant women were a little hesitant, and finally asked for a piece to stuff into their mouths as if they were dead.

Frederick said loudly there: "Red eggplant is like many fruits. When it is ripe, birds, deer, rabbits and other animals eat the fruit, and at the same time, the seeds are carried to distant places, and they can take root in other places. It sprouted.”

"However, the fruit cannot be eaten when it is not ripe and the seeds cannot germinate. Therefore, it is poisonous when it is still green and cannot be eaten. If you eat it, you will be poisoned."

"The same is true for the buds of Elizabeth potatoes. When the buds are at their tenderest, they are afraid of insects, so they are poisonous and cannot be eaten by humans."

"But cucumbers are different. They are the most tender and delicious when they are green. However, they have to save their seeds in the past two years, so they don't eat them."

A while ago, when the tomatoes were still green, a few naughty guys went to the field to eat them. Then they all lay down, vomiting after eating, and almost died.

The parents don't dare to blame Baron Wesson, and they have to cover up the matter so that the master doesn't know about it, lest the master get angry and hang the whole family on the wall.

It doesn't matter if you steal from your neighbors these days. We are all civilians. If you are beaten and sent to court, the most you can do is to be whipped and then put in chains for a few days.

But stealing things from nobles is different. Basically, the death penalty starts, unless you are also a noble.

This matter was only circulated among the farmers. Not long ago, the greenhouse team and the fishhook team played a game in the manor. When everyone was drinking in the evening, someone mentioned it to the people of the fishhook team, and then Richard Nall was fishing. I heard about it when I was young, and finally it reached the ears of Frederick.

Frederick was not interested in hanging people on the wall for this matter, so he settled the matter with a small fine. The most important thing was to dispel the rumor that red eggplants were poisonous in the market.

The best way is of course to use what works first and what works first.

After returning to the castle at noon, Frederick came to the kitchen in person and was finally able to order tomato scrambled eggs.

It’s just that there is no sugar at the moment, the maltose is not sweet enough and the taste is a bit sour.

This is not a problem at all for locals who like to eat sauerkraut. Katie likes to eat oranges, so she can accept the sour taste.

There were many customers in the restaurant today, including Maria's parents Philippe and Sofia, as well as Frank and Florence, their father and daughter, and Friedrich, who happened to be selling red eggplants.

Judging from everyone's expressions, everyone was not resistant to this new thing from Peach Blossom Stone, and that was enough.

After everyone took a short lunch break, they came to the living room, and Frank introduced his research results on Sophia's lung disease to everyone.

He drew a blue olive shape on the drawing board, and then said: "This morning, we found this special bacteria in Mrs. Eltar's sputum through a microscope magnified 700 times."

"We have previously compared samples from healthy people and patients with different lung diseases and confirmed that this is the causative bacteria of the 'cave lung syndrome' that my wife suffered from."

"According to my speculation, lung cavity syndrome is when the patient's lungs are eroded by bacteria, forming cavities that eventually lead to death. There is a special sound in the lungs when breathing."

Frank, as an excellent doctor who had returned from studying abroad and graduated from three medical schools, naturally understood the disease better than a pharmacist like Friedrich who was good at poisoning. The pharmacist only knew that the lung disease caused a cough at this time, and the excellent doctor was the first to do so. It took time to diagnose Sophia's lung disease.

It was not Frederick's turn to point out the stethoscope. There was amplification in wind magic. It was installed on a device like a rattle and attached to the patient so that the whole room could hear it. Sophia was examined by Frank's daughter Flo. Performed by Lens.

In order to confirm the cause, Frank collected a large number of samples from lung disease cases in Wesson and observed and compared them under a microscope.

The microscope was made by hand under the processing of professionals, and the effect was not bad, but the slides, coverslips and bacterial staining were not as simple as producing the microscope.

Especially for coverslips and slides, due to process problems, we had to use a special mold to press out a smooth and flat glass piece of about two millimeters, and then melted it with slime glue and stuck it on the operating table and polished it carefully. In the end, it was not broken. The large pieces are glass slides, and the broken pieces are coverslips.

Bacterial dyeing uses a large number of water-soluble dyes to test and finally determine the best ones. One of them is the most common blue dye used for dyeing cloth on the market.

Frank continued to introduce the disease to everyone: "In addition to people, cattle, pigs, horses and dogs can also suffer from cave lung disease. I obtained samples from the diseased lungs of these animals and found the same bacteria."

"I have good news. Through research on animal lungs, this bacteria only lives on the surface of the alveoli. In theory, as long as the bacteria on the surface are eliminated, the disease can be cured."

"The question now is how to kill the bacteria in the lungs without causing harm to the patient."

When he finished speaking, Philip gently patted the back of his wife's hand and said softly: "Don't worry, it will be easy to deal with once the cause is found."

A smile appeared on Sophia's pale face, and she stretched out her other hand to hold her husband's hand tightly.

At this time, it was Friedrich's turn. He smiled in his seat and said: "Currently, Manuel, the necromancer, is an expert in the field of sterilization, but he is very sensitive to parasites inside animals and wound infections on the skin. no way."

"Although I am a poison master and am good at poisoning people, poisoning and detoxification are two sides of the same coin. Some methods are universal in treatment."

With his expertise, he must explain things clearly before treatment, so as to avoid confusion among patients and their families.

Friedrich continued: "In poisoning, it is useful to inhale poisonous mist to damage the branches of the lungs. Similarly, in emergency treatment, there is a way to use water diversion to introduce antidote to two lungs successively to detoxify and clean out the poison. Methods."

"This idea can be used for reference during treatment. The patient can directly inhale the medicine into the lungs through atomization. In very serious cases, water diversion can be used to wash the lungs."

"But lung washing has great side effects. First of all, it will make people very painful, just like falling into water and choking. Secondly, if you only use the other lung to breathe, you may suffocate due to insufficient air."

"So my advice is to use vaping therapy."

"But there is still a problem, the formula of the potion."

"The agent must destroy the bacteria but not damage the lungs, and it must not be irritating."

"Now that we have microscopes, we can determine that food rot and wound infection are caused by bacteria. I plan to start from the drugs that treat wound suppuration and the spices used in pickling food to find drugs that can kill bacteria and treat lung cavity syndrome."

The faces of Philip and Sophia were full of surprise. Although the formula of the medicine had not yet been released, there was already hope of cure.

Frederick also had a smile on his face. He was specialized in medicine. He was definitely not as good at treating diseases as Frank, and he was definitely not as good as Frederick at making medicines, but he was good at project management and could integrate the resources at hand to solve problems.

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