Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 104 Let’s do an experiment

The castle garden was very lively today. Katie was teaching Maria to draw, Sofia was watching, and Psyche was giving a magic lesson to Frederick in the stone pavilion.

"How does it feel to succeed in a conspiracy?"

The funny look on Psyche's face didn't stop from the beginning.

With a silly smile, Frederick pretended not to know what she was asking and was practicing the four variations of the fireball technique.

There was hope for treatment for the lung disease, and Sophia decided to stay with Wesson so that she could receive treatment more conveniently.

At the same time, Maria also stayed here.

Philip had nothing to say and embarked on a business trip alone.

The family doesn't have to worry about things in Luo Er. The territory is under the supervision of a housekeeper. It's no big deal. Even if something happens, he will come over quickly on horseback.

Psyche deliberately distracted Frederick while casting the spell, and said: "If you can win next year, your marriage to Maria will definitely be successful."

Frederick turned his head hurriedly and found that the other party didn't seem to hear her. He turned back and glared at her fiercely.

Some things can be seen by a discerning person at a glance, and explanations are redundant.

Not to mention that Katie had updated the list of people suitable to be Frederick's wives within a hundred miles, and Maria was in the first and highest position.

The current minimum age for marriage is 16, and older marriages are not uncommon, but there is no age limit for engagement.

When the king of the Kingdom of Gaul was in his early 20s, he wanted to marry the royal family of the neighboring kingdom of Tarago to the southwest. The royal family of Tarago sent a 7-year-old princess to the marriage, and Gaul eventually returned the marriage and replaced her with someone else.

Marriage and love between nobles are not the first priority. This kind of marriage is more like the reorganization of shares after the merger of two companies. Family interests are the first priority. Arranged marriages for profit, let alone young age, marriage first, etc. It is common to hold weddings when you are older.

It's just that Frederick's current situation is very delicate. Everyone knows that King William is going to attack him. Everyone thinks that he will not lose, but no one will easily stand aside until the final decision is made.

Frederick naturally understood these things, so we would wait to discuss everything.

"By the way!" Frederick began to change the subject, "You actually want to get a loan from a bank?"

The bank was opened due to Giovanni's efforts. He had his own core team, and incorporated some of the original money changers, and soon started operating.

His first job was to review a pile of plans given to him by Frederick, one of which was Psyche's.

Frederick was happy at first, thinking that Psyche was finally going to take action, but he was confused after opening her plan.

Psyche said matter-of-factly: "If there's anything strange, just tell me whether you approve it or not."

Frederick said extremely depressed: "For so much money, I thought you were going to build an aircraft factory or something, but you ended up making soy sauce!"

Psyche sneered and said, "I'm just happy to make soy sauce, what's the matter?"

Frederick vaguely felt something was wrong, and the sticky fireball in his hand shook violently.

But it doesn't matter, soy sauce is soy sauce. She got all the money anyway, so she can be happy.

Frederick asked again: "Then you won't sell anything else?"

Psyche shook his head and said: "Do you think making soy sauce is that easy? You have to find the bacteria for fermentation slowly. If you don't succeed, you have to go to Taohuashi to get it back."

Frederick didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only say: "Why go to war in such a big way?"

Psyche just sneered.

Frederick followed her. Anyway, soybean planting will be promoted next year, and the harvest in the seed field this year is not bad, with one hectare weighing 900 kilograms.

Next year, many newly reclaimed farmland will be planted with soybean fertilizer. Even if the yield is not high, the total output will not be low as the area increases. Soybean frying, tofu, and soybean baskets can be arranged.

The two chatted for half an hour, and Frederick dispersed the fireball in his hand. He was so tired that he took several breaths.

For beginners, it is easy to cast magic continuously for a long time at first, but in the middle and late stages, the mental power consumed doubles.

Today he learned the fireball technique to change the inner type without changing the appearance, but he is not yet proficient in it and needs more practice.

Psyche poured tea into the two empty teacups on the table, and Frederick picked up his own teacup and drank it all in one gulp.

Frederick rested for a while and said seriously: "I have a test this afternoon, and I would like to ask you to guide me."

Psyche held the teacup and took a sip quietly, then nodded.

In the afternoon, Frederick took Psyche to a cell under the castle.

The place is eerie and the air is a bit stuffy. Under the dim light, you can see the dusty iron shackles, rose whips, wooden donkeys and other torture instruments in the torture chamber.

Psyche asked with a wicked smile: "What, you want to test whether you are a masochist?"

Frederick did not answer, but walked forward quietly.

The cells on both sides of the road had thick iron doors, and the bars on the doors revealed dim lights. There were people inside, all of them women. You could hear the sound of water, and smell something coming out of it. Weird smelling water vapor.

Psyche immediately understood what these cells and the women in them were for, and her face suddenly darkened.

Frederick said to them: "You go out first and do it later."

The maids responsible for growing mushrooms responded and quickly left.

Psyche sighed and said: "I have been to many castles and seen many cells, but this is the first time I have seen people growing walking mushrooms in cells."

Frederick smiled and said: "They are all empty anyway, so we can make use of them."

"Don't you think it's a good place to grow walking mushrooms? Once the door is closed, you won't have to worry about them running around when they mature."

While talking, the two came to the end of the cell corridor. There was a thick wooden door, which opened to a staircase that went deeper underground.

This staircase leads to the control core of Weissenburg City's magic defense system. During wartime, someone will go there to activate and control the entire city's defensive magic array.

After taking two steps, Frederick stopped and opened a secret door on the side of the stairs.

Behind the door is a large stone room where guards can stay during wartime. If an enemy breaks into the passage, they can come out and attack from both front and rear after the enemy passes through.

Psyche felt that the area around here was special, and the magical elements were nowhere to be seen.

The defense system of Weissenburg City requires a huge amount of energy. There are many energy-gathering magic arrays that absorb the surrounding magic elements to charge them. This results in some areas without magic elements.

On the table in the room were eight iron jars the size of household pressure cookers, with several thermometers inserted into the lids. Next to the pot were a cube-shaped red magic crystal and a magic array board.

Frederick put the magic lamp in his hand on the table, and then said to Psyche: "There is no interference from magic elements around here, so it is very suitable for the next experiment."

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