Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 109 The army must be expanded

In the afternoon, Richard Nall arranged a shooting demonstration for Frederick on the range of the military camp.

There was a burst of gunfire, and a row of straw men a hundred meters away shook, and white smoke came out.

Flames quickly sprouted from the dry grass, and the target soon turned into a huge torch.

Several blue shadows fell from the sky, and a blast of cold air erupted the moment they landed on the ground, freezing all the burning straw men around them with ice, and the flames immediately disappeared.

Frederick was silent for a long time, then reached out to the shooter beside him to ask for the peashooter that officially finalized the Biography army.

Compared with the preliminary finalized model seen last time, the biggest difference between the officially finalized pea gun is that the butt is changed from wood to iron.

A very counter-intuitive thing, wooden stocks are more expensive than metal stocks.

Because the wood of the wooden gun stock is strong and good wood, the cost is not low, and processing it into the shape of the gun stock requires a lot of labor costs.

The metal gun stock is simple. The steel rolling machine rolls out the thin steel plate and stamps it into shape. It is then blued. When assembling, use screws and nuts to fix the two parts of the gun stock. Then drop molten glue into the screw hole to make it waterproof and waterproof. Dust, the overall cost is cheaper than wood, and the time is shorter.

But this was not what Frederick cared about. After taking the gun, he took off a sleeve from the muzzle and studied it carefully.

This sleeve has a palm-long barrel and is fixed on the bayonet rest by a stand. After installation, one end is placed over the muzzle, and the bullet passes through the sleeve when shooting.

This is not a muffler but serves another purpose.

"How about it?" Richard Nall said proudly, "The bullet enchanting device I invented can make the ordinary bullets of the pea gun have a flame effect."

Weapon enchanting has a long history, and magical crossbowmen will enchant arrows to increase speed or lethality.

Enchanting takes time. A rough magic crossbow requires more than a dozen breaths to attach magic that can ignite firewood to arrows. A sophisticated magic crossbow can do it in the blink of an eye, while the more powerful explosion magic requires more time. long time.

The muzzle velocity of the bullet is very high, leaving very little time for the enchanting device. It is not an easy task to enchant the bullet in such a short period of time.

Frederick studied the sleeve carefully and found that it was made of multi-layer metal, with several layers of magic circles inside. It seemed that miracles were achieved by strong force.

He frowned and asked: "The price is not low, right? It consumes a lot of magic crystals, right?"

Richard Nall was immediately discouraged and said helplessly: "Yes, production and use are not cheap, and it can only be equipped on a small scale."

Frederick nodded and said: "It can only be used by the elites in Heijiapu."

If you cannot equip a large number of enchanted attachments, it is better to use these resources to strengthen the grenade launcher.

As he said that, he took the blue grenade he had just fired. Inside was a frost magic array, which was a little expensive.

Richard Nall said: "This kind of warhead can freeze people instantly without much movement. It is very effective for quietly solving patrols."

This unit is required to operate behind enemy lines, and how to avoid patrols is a key research direction.

However, Frederick felt that there was something wrong with this "quietness".

He suddenly remembered something and said: "I think it's good for putting out fires. Later I... let people study it first and equip it for fire brigades everywhere."

At this time, he discovered a problem. He did not have a secretary, and some tasks such as conveying orders and clerical transactions were difficult to carry out.

For matters like arranging fire-extinguishing grenades this time, we can just leave it to the Executive Yuan and let them take the lead in handling it, but there are no full-time personnel around to send orders.

Although he has maids like Tarot around him, they can still take care of his life, forget about secretarial work.

Putting the maid's matter aside for now, Frederick and Richard Nall continued to watch the training at the edge of the shooting range.

Frederick said with some worry: "Master, I'm worried that someone will do evil things to you."

"As long as you are here, others will not dare to attack me easily. They must let you go before starting a war with me."

Richard Nall nodded and said: "That's true, but what can they do? It's nothing more than assassination and poisoning, or at most, seduction."

"I raised my hand to kill a Dharma God in Constantbul. Who can guarantee that he can kill me now?"

"Poisoning is a bit troublesome, but there are not many poisons that are effective on people like us, and the effect is limited."

"It's seductive, I think the more the better."

When Frederick heard the last black line, he said with some worry: "I'm worried about sister Katie's mother. If someone kidnaps..."

He couldn't go on and found Richard Nall looking at him as if he were a fool.

"You don't have to worry about this." Richard Nall shook his head and said, "Only Mafiya kidnaps others, no one can kidnap her."

Frederick blinked and his wife looked very powerful.

"Think more about yourself." Richard Nall touched his head, "You and I are exactly the opposite. Seduction is useless for you, but assassination and poisoning are very effective."

Frederick curled his lips. In fact, it was not bad to seduce him. He could let the villains think about it.

"Ignore them." Frederick shook his head, "Will this force be available next year? I plan to let them help open the city gate when we start our counterattack."

Richard Nall looked at him in surprise and asked in disbelief: "What, you plan to occupy all the neighbor's land?"

Frederick said matter-of-factly: "That's natural, the Weisen Territory is too small, only the Weisen State is enough."

This time it was Richard Nall's turn to be confused. He shook his head and sighed: "Your ambition is not small. I will call you Grand Duke Wesson by then."

"But how do you plan to expand? You won't be able to conquer the Principality of Mainz in the west. You won't be able to conquer the Principality of Byrne in the south for a while, so you can only go north."

"The most important thing in the north is the Free City of Nuremberg. It is barely enough to occupy the area there and around it, but you are about to run into the Osmaga Empire, and the surrounding area is their sphere of influence."

Frederick replied: "I am not in a hurry to expand. I will first swallow up the territories of several surrounding neighbors and then slowly digest them."

"I still owe the king 5,000 florins. There are still four years until the deadline. I want to see if he dares to ask me for it at that time."

"Why don't you dare." Richard Nall sneered, "When the time comes, the king will find a royal woman to recognize his sister as your wife. Isn't it too much for the big brother to ask his brother-in-law for some money?"

Frederick blinked, jumped up in surprise, and shouted: "Can such an operation be possible?!"

Richard Nall said with a wicked smile: "Why not? You should be the king's younger brother according to your seniority. What's wrong with my brother caring about his younger brother whose parents have both died?"

Frederick's eyes widened, and after taking a few deep breaths he said, "You can't be so shameless."

Richard Nar shrugged and said matter-of-factly: "That's the king. As long as there are enough benefits, there's no harm in being shameless."

"Besides, you can find a scapegoat for what happened in the past. Let's just say that the thing that framed your father was his slander. Now the king has woken up and put aside all the past grudges with you. It will be a good story."

Several expressions on Frederick's face changed like a lantern. Based on his understanding of those political creatures, this kind of thing was very likely to happen.

"No!" He narrowed his eyes and said, "I can't let this happen."

Richard Nall asked him with some anticipation: "Then what are you going to do?"

"Hit!" Frederick said murderously, "Hit him with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches! Hit him hard, hit him until it hurts, hit him until he doesn't dare to think small! I want to expand the army !!”

Richard Nall rolled his eyes at him and said helplessly: "Do you have so many people?"

The mobilization rate in an agricultural society is not high. If the standing army exceeds 5%, production will be affected. The Wesenland, which has about 100,000 people, will have about 4,000 soldiers after completing its autumn recruitment this year, which is about to affect production.

Frederick said calmly: "What I want to expand is not the standing army, but the militia, and the 'one-minute men'!"

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