Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 110 Accident

The crowing of roosters comes one after another, awakening the small villages in the mountains.

Gentle smoke came out of the chimney, rose straight up, and circled over the village. From time to time, early birds flew through it.

When the smoke dissipated, the village had fully woken up and the villagers began their day's work.

Metzger picked the two pigs with the thickest waists in the pig pen and caught the carriage with the cage before returning home for breakfast.

The oatmeal porridge with offal and blood sausage has been cooked in the pot, and I have steamed some steamed buns made yesterday.

Metzger thought for a while, walked to the box containing clothes, took out a new blacksmith uniform he bought at the end of last year, and put it on.

His wife Rhea asked strangely: "Why are you wearing new clothes today?"

Metzger said proudly: "I am also your teacher now, so naturally I have to dress decently."

Leia's watery emerald green eyes almost rolled her eyes, and she said angrily: "I have heard before that knights start to develop their courage by killing pigs since they were young, and they only kill a few times, and they stop doing it when they get used to it. , why are you so proud?"

"Hehehe..." Metzger laughed mysteriously, "The master even asked me a question."

"What's the problem?" Rhea asked curiously.

Metzger replied proudly: "The master asked me if I would like to be a 'one-minute man'."

Leya served him a bowl of oatmeal porridge and put it on the table with chestnut flour steamed buns. After sitting down, she asked him: "What is a one-minute person?"

Metzger took a few mouthfuls of oatmeal and then said: "It is a kind of militia. The master said that we should buy new weapons ourselves and train for an afternoon every Sunday. We should still work at ordinary times. If someone comes from around the village, If we encounter a robber or something, we will go home immediately, pick up weapons, and become warriors in one minute, so that we are not afraid of the robbers."

Leia immediately asked nervously: "Then are you also going to the battlefield?"

Metzger was the only breadwinner in the family. If he went to the battlefield and had an accident or something, he would remarry.

"No need." Metzger shook his head as he ate the steamed buns. "One-minute people don't go out like militiamen. They only care about the affairs of their own village. At most, they support the village next door when they ask for help. If they cross the village privately with weapons, It’s rebellion!”

Leia thought for a moment and said, "That sounds good. How much does the weapon cost?"

"I still don't understand." Metzger shook his head and said, "The master said he would sell it cheaply, and he also said there would be benefits when the time comes, such as tax cuts and free tuition for students."

As soon as Rhea heard that there was a tax cut, she immediately asked: "Then do you agree?"

Metzger gulped down the last bit of oatmeal before answering: "I said I didn't want to agree, because what would happen to my family if I died or became disabled?"

Leia nodded and said, "That's right too."

While they were talking, the two of them finished breakfast. Metzger asked his wife: "We have to settle the bill today. What do you want to sell?"

Leya thought for a moment and said, "Bring back some clothes hangers and clips for drying clothes. I see other people are using them. They are very useful."

"Okay." Metzger stood up, "I'm leaving first. Remember to feed the slimes today. I'll pick them up the day after tomorrow."

Rhea said "I know, I know" and finished her breakfast and started to work for the day.

Metzger drove away in the carriage, and not far from the village, he saw the Baron, the Sword Master, and a beautiful black-haired lady fishing together by the river.

He heard that now the master likes that beautiful young lady very much. Maybe the black-haired lady will be the master's wife when she grows up.

He felt that since the master was so smart, his future wife should also be so beautiful.

Leya also started her day's work, first washing and cleaning the dishes, and then going to the well to fetch new water.

Then she went to the pigsty and poured the chopped grass into the trough, and fetched water from the trough. Then she used a shovel to shovel the pig manure in the pigsty into a bucket, and then raised it to a large pond not far away, using The manure scoop spreads all the pig manure into it.

The slimes raised in the pool swarmed up after smelling the smell and began to eat.

Leya took a look and saw that these slimes were as big as footballs. Tomorrow they would be empty and if there was still something left when someone came to collect them the day after tomorrow, the price would be less.

Before raising the next batch of slimes, the soil from the pond was shoveled into the vegetable field, and the vegetables grown were larger than usual.

After finishing her work, she saw that there was still enough grass for two days, so she carried a basket to the side door of the military camp, took some dirty clothes and washed them at the river. It was a decent income.

Metzger drove a carriage and arrived at Weisenburg Castle very quickly. It was still early and there were many carriages carrying food lined up outside the city gate.

He quickly entered the city, thinking about whether to buy a dumbbell along the way, and followed the methods in the newspaper to keep fit.

Metzger had not finished what he had said to Frederick with his wife just now. In fact, he had a plan, not to be a man for a minute, but to enlist in the army in the autumn.

I have made some calculations, and although I can no longer raise and kill pigs after joining the army, my salary will be enough to support my family.

The key is that after retiring in five years, you can have a place to study at the Weissenburg University Affiliated School. You won't be able to use this place, but you can leave it to your children. This opportunity will not come to you if you kill pigs for a hundred years.

Because there is a military camp not far from the village, Metzger knows more about the army than others.

In the future, there is no need to kill pigs with white knives in and red knives out. With the weapon invented by the master, you can easily kill people from a hundred meters away. As long as you don't encounter enemies like the sword master, you will definitely survive.

He looked at his arms. Because he had meat all the year round, he was stronger than ordinary people. He was not afraid of anyone when fighting in the village. He might be able to make a contribution as a knight or something.

But this is a big deal and must be discussed with your family.

Metzger thought to himself that he would discuss it with his father-in-law and mother-in-law later. They owned a tavern in the city and had better information than he did. They might have good suggestions.

The carriage turned into the back alley of a shop facing the street. There are many pubs and restaurants on this street, as well as a newly opened teahouse. Today, the two pigs were ordered by my father-in-law's pub and the restaurant next door. I will help them in the alley later. killed.

We are getting ready to sow wheat in the fall. Now there are people in the city who buy pig blood for fertilizer. The price is more cost-effective than making blood sausages, and selling it directly here is more cost-effective than selling it to people who collect pig blood in the village.

As soon as the carriage turned into the alley, Metzger heard the familiar cursing voice of his father-in-law.

He listened and curled his lips. Now someone actually threw the money on the ground.

"[Weisenling's expletive]! What kind of [Weisenling's commonly used insulting adjectives] killed a pig in the middle of the night and made blood all over the floor. It attracted so many flies. If they flew into the kitchen and were seen by the hygienist, what kind of little thing would it be?" Do I pay a fine?!”

Metzger frowned. It's summer now. Putting pig blood on the ground will attract a swarm of flies for a while, and a swarm of white maggots after half a day.

Come on, it looks like I have to sweep the floor before killing the pig today.

The carriage soon arrived at the father-in-law's side. When he saw his son-in-law, he immediately said: "Look whose family killed the pig, let's beat him together!"

Metzger frowned when he saw the blood on the ground. He had been killing pigs for so many years, and he had often seen the blood directly on the ground or accidentally kicked over the blood basin, but the blood on the ground was different. It looked like it was being dragged. Things pass on it.

He jumped off the carriage, dipped a little blood on his finger and smelled it in front of his nose. His whole body stiffened instantly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"This...this...this..." Metzger trembled and said, "This is...human blood!"

His father-in-law was also stunned for a moment, and his voice immediately trembled: "You... you are not... mistaken, are you?"

Metzger swallowed, calmed himself down, and said with certainty: "Sheep's blood smells bad, pig's blood smells bad, chicken's blood smells bad, and human blood has a salty smell. You can't go wrong."

"Today's pigs and sheep eat pasture, and there will be a little smell of pasture in the blood, which is not found in this blood."

His father-in-law panicked instantly and said hurriedly: "You... you... watch from here, I'll go find the sheriff!"

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