Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 120 New crops in mountain villages

The first snowfall in 1025 was heavier than before. The pine trees around the mountain village were covered with a layer of white. Pheasants who had changed into winter clothes were looking for pine nuts under the forest. Only to find their dehydrated and shrunken bodies hibernating in various crevices. of slime.

Thomas woke up early in the morning, put on a thick cotton coat, a wolfskin hat, and rubber boots lined with wool. He put a small cloth bag in his arms, and then began to patrol the village. Check to see if any roofs have collapsed due to heavy snowfall.

The carpenter's shop where the steam engine is kept is fine, the houses where people live are all intact, and the livestock sheds are fine, but the snow in the chicken pens is a bit thick, so the chicken owners need to be reminded to clear the snow.

Next is the Winter Spirit Festival. You can't keep chickens thin these days, otherwise the smoked chicken will be hard to sell.

Smoke began to emerge from the ventilation holes on the roofs of each house, and soon the whole village was filled with the smell of burning pine branches.

As the saying goes, connections are money. Thomas found out early on through his classmates that the paper mill in Koehler needed a large amount of pine wood, so he went directly to negotiate a contract for the supply of raw materials.

Then he obtained a loan with the help of Miss Katie, found Schmidt and bought a steam engine and a set of wood processing equipment. He began to purchase pine wood from surrounding villages, process it into thin wood chips with small diameter at breast height, and sell them to paper mills. , roughly processed into the wood needed by carpenters.

The tree belongs to the principal. Every time a tree is sold, he has to pay him for the raw materials. But the tree will definitely not be sold at this price. The extra money is the benefit brought by processing the wood. If more wood is sold, everyone will benefit from it. Made money.

The same goes for rosin and turpentine. If you pay for the raw materials, what you sell after processing is yours.

Now that everyone is well off, they no longer eat twice a day in the morning and evening in the winter. At noon, boil water on the stove, put a fist-sized piece of dry noodle dough, add a spoonful of salted lard, and find a concentrate with a suitable taste. Put half of the soup packet in. After eating, your body will be warm until the sun goes down.

Thomas' footsteps suddenly stopped and he saw two black figures appearing in the pine forest in the distance.

It was a bear that lived in the mountains and forests in the south. It had somehow gotten acquainted with the lumberjacks and probably came out to look for food in the middle of its hibernation.

He suddenly thought of something. When he went to Weisenberg City two days ago, he saw a story book in the bookstore. It was as big as a palm, with prints in the upper part and words in the lower part. It was very popular with children.

Thomas suddenly had an inspiration. He had nothing to do in the winter, so he might as well draw some story albums to sell. The protagonists are the two bears, and...it's you, Huo Zhenplozi, and your bear. Mi donkey!

Huo Zhenplozi was feeding fodder to the donkey when he suddenly shuddered. Looking back, he saw the village chief looking at him with strange eyes.

"Good morning, Huo Zhenploz." Thomas walked over, "Are you free? I have something to talk to you about."

Huo Zhenplozi immediately replied: "Yes, I'm free, what can I do?"

Thomas pointed to his house and said, "It's too cold outside. Let's go inside and talk."

Huo Zhenplozi's expression changed slightly, and he immediately said: "Well... I still need to feed the donkey. How about I go to your house later?"

Thomas said with a smirk on his face: "It doesn't matter, I want to talk to you and Liher about this matter, just to finish it at once."

After a while, he came to the house and saw two beds placed on both sides of the fire pit. He couldn't help curling his lips. It seemed that the two of them were really saving firewood.

Over the past year, many single men and women in the village have gotten married. Some of those who got married early have children and are now waiting for the milkman at the entrance of the village.

This winter, a new way of proposing has emerged: inviting the other person to spend the winter at your home, on the grounds that it can save firewood.

Thomas took off his hat and put it aside, took out the small cloth bag from his arms, handed it to Huo Zhenplozi and said: "These are the seeds of the pumpkin. The principal specially distributed them to our village, so I will leave them to you to plant."

"There is a booklet with planting methods in it. You can study it more when you have time."

Huo Zhenplozi opened the bag with some excitement and took out the seeds to take a look. Not long ago, when he drove a donkey cart to Langner City to purchase goods, he heard that a large piece of gold was grown in Weissenburg City. Each one is as big as a pot.

Soon new news came that what grew in the ground was not gold like melons, but golden melons.

At that time, Frederick thought for a long time and couldn't figure out why the pumpkins in this world were golden and hard, but the meat inside was quite delicious and tasted like pumpkin.

Psyche was also very curious. Although the color of the pumpkin on the other side of the peach blossom stone was orange to yellow, it was not this golden color. It could only be explained by "Oranges born in Huainan are oranges, and those born in Huaibei are oranges."

"Village chief?" Huo Zhenplozi frowned as he held the melon seeds. "Did you pick up the wrong ones? Why are the seeds of the melons white?"

Liheer, who was on the side, stretched his head to see what was going on, and said, "Village Chief, could it be that someone has been transferred? Is there a beautiful woman taking advantage of you in the front, and someone stealing your things in the back?"

"Or is there any woman who invites you to a remote house, and as soon as you take off your pants, several people rush in and hold you down?"

Huo Zhenpuloz continued seriously: "It is also possible that he was robbed. In a place where no one was around, a rope was suddenly strangled from behind. The person could be knocked unconscious in the blink of an eye, and many people did not react. What happened."

"There is also a kind of powder ground from rainbow mushrooms. Someone blows it into your face, and you do whatever you are told. After the effect of the medicine wears off, you don't remember what happened."

Thomas thought to himself that you two are really talented people. At the same time, he felt a little better after seeing someone who was such a country bumpkin. He said this yesterday and was laughed at by the principal.

"Are chicken feathers the same color as eggs?" he imitated Frederick.

Those two were speechless.

Thomas continued: "If you want to be a farmer, then I'll leave it to you to grow pumpkins in the village."

"This pumpkin is a good thing. The vines grow very fast and can be used to feed livestock. One hectare of land can produce three to four thousand kilograms of melons. They are quite sweet and can last for a long time. Feeding pigs and chickens can make them grow longer. Meat. People can also eat it. Not only can it be used as a dish, but it can also replace the staple food."

"The most important thing is that it doesn't have to pick the land. It can be planted on slopes, or you can just find an open space to plant one or two trees. It doesn't compete with other crops for land."

"The principal has said that the next step is to promote the planting of pumpkins on sloping land. It will be difficult to starve to death in the future."

"We have many mountains here. I finally got the seeds from the principal and agreed to do a pilot project."

"Next year, I will set aside a hillside facing south for you. You can plant it well. If it can be planted here, then everyone will plant it on the mountain, together with the grass at the bottom of the mountain. Then I will bring back some pigs and take them out after planting. Come raise chickens and pigs.”

Hozenplozzi thought for a moment and said, "That's no problem, but there's no weeding on the hillside."

"It doesn't matter." Thomas said, "I will let people put the sheep up when it gets warm next year. When spring comes, I won't leave any grass roots for you."

Huozhenplotz looked at Liher, and Liher also said: "I didn't ask any questions either."

Thomas said: "Then let's just put the seeds away first and don't let the mice eat them."

Huo Zhenplozi found a clay pot, put the pumpkin seeds in it, covered it with a wooden board, and then went outside to get a big stone to press it on.

After he came back and sat down next to the firepit, Thomas said again: "I have something to discuss with you. The militiamen in the village are now out for training. If there is a war next year, they will also go out."

"This way the village will be empty, so now the villages in the territory need to organize some people. They usually work at home and keep the weapons they bought at home. If there are wild beasts or robbers coming, they will go home immediately to get the weapons. "

"On weekdays, I just practice using weapons for half a day every Sunday."

"The requirements are not high, just protect the village."

Huo Zhenplozi frowned and said, "Do you want me to participate?"

"You." Thomas said sincerely, "Neither the principal nor I will pursue your past matters, but if someone comes to the house, you can't just watch from the sidelines."

"I hope you can join us and protect our home together."

"Of course, this is just my suggestion, it's up to you how to do it."

Hozenplotz and Liher looked at each other, and finally said they would think about it.

Thomas didn't say much. Putting down their weapons meant breaking away from the past, so they were somewhat resistant to picking up their weapons again. Being too forceful would only be counterproductive.

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