Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 121 New drugs are released one after another

There was a violent coughing sound, and Sofia sat on the chair, bending her waist almost parallel to the ground, and kept spitting black sputum into the spittoon on the floor.

Maria stood aside and patted her mother's back gently.

After a while, Sophia straightened up, took the warm water handed over by the maid, rinsed her mouth, took the handkerchief, wiped her mouth, and then threw it into the spittoon.

Maria asked worriedly from the side: "Mom, are you feeling better?"

"It's better." Sophia touched her daughter's black hair, "I don't cough so much now."

A bright smile appeared on Maria's face. A few days ago, her mother was frightened when she received treatment for the first time. In the past, her mother only coughed and vomited black phlegm in large mouths, which was never the case.

At this time, the maids had already added light brown liquid to a glass bottle that looked like a hookah on the coffee table next to them, closed the lid and handed the pipe to Sophia.

Sofia rested for a while and asked the maid to open the magic circle under the glass bottle. The potion in the pot began to atomize and came out from the other end of the pipe.

After Frank and Friedrich led a team to conduct research and a large number of clinical experiments, they finally determined the treatment method for lung hole syndrome. They first used a black atomized liquid to soften the mucus that appeared inside the lungs due to bacterial infection, and at the same time promoted Cough it out, then inhale the aerosolized antiseptic solution.

This kind of treatment is performed three times a day, and a course of treatment lasts for ten days. After one or two courses of treatment, the patient will no longer see pathogenic bacteria in the sputum, and the cough will disappear.

After treatment, the cavities in the lungs still existed. In severe cases, strenuous exercise was not allowed, but at least life was saved. The treatment of the sequelae was taken over by the Church of Light.

Sophia was inhaling the atomized potion and looked unhappy. The taste of the potion was very unpleasant, but she had to endure it in order to cure her illness.

Maria held a plate of sweet preserves and stuffed them into Sofia's mouth as soon as her treatment was over.

Sofia ate the preserves with a smile, touched her daughter's hair and asked, "Why don't you go play with Frederick today?"

Maria pouted slightly and replied: "As soon as we started playing chess, he was called away."

Sofia said: "He has done too many things. But, you can't be angry with him because of this, you know?"

"Got it!" Maria replied.

The little girl said again: "Mom, am I stupid?"

Sophia asked strangely: "Why do you think you are stupid?"

Maria replied a little frustrated: "I found that Frederick was very clever. I couldn't understand what he said, and I couldn't help him even if I wanted to."

Sofia pulled her daughter to sit on the sofa aside, held her in her arms, and said softly: "Frederick has been smart since he was a child. I heard that he fainted from crying at his mother's funeral last year. Hit your head against a rock and wake up wiser.”

If Frederick were to break into a cold sweat here, he only had memories of junior high school at first, and the rest of his memories were vague. It was only after he hit his head that all his memories were restored, and he didn't expect that someone would see the clues.

Sofia continued: "Although Frederick was smart, he didn't know everything. However, he would let other smart people help him."

"If you want to help him, then make yourself smarter. If he is not as smart as you in the areas where you are smart, then you can help him."

Maria nodded in understanding.

While the mother and daughter were talking, Frederick looked at the explosion site in front of him and remained silent for a long time.

A large stone weighing several hundred kilograms about 1 meter from the center of the explosion has been torn apart, and there is a crater on the ground.

"Principal, I really admire you. This kind of explosive is so powerful. If you add more, it can blow up mountains!" The alchemist Julius kept talking there, "This is It is simply an invention that spans the ages. Your name will definitely become the standard answer in the alchemy history exam. If you fill in the blanks with your name, you will get at least half of the points..."

Frederick was speechless at his new trick of flattering him. He turned to Diesel on the other side and asked: "What do you think of this kind of explosive?"

Diesel said seriously: "Magic can achieve this level, but the preparation time for casting a spell is far different from using this kind of explosive directly."

"I suggest that the gunpowder in the cherry bombs be replaced with this explosive, which will be more powerful."

Frederick nodded, the job was not difficult.

He raised his hand and patted Julius on the shoulder, and said from the bottom of his heart: "Thank you for your hard work."

Julius and his students reproduced the method of producing angina pectoris drugs in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border area. They used the "vat tower method" to produce sulfuric acid and the "vat method" to produce nitric acid. Glycerin was a by-product of making soap from vegetable oil.

In the most dangerous nitrification stage, they were dancing with death, experimenting repeatedly, and finally invented a method to react in the ice element so that the reactants would not explode when reacting at room temperature.

There were several accidents at the beginning, and even Julius himself had a scar on his face and almost lost his eyes. Fortunately, no one died or was disabled.

No one knows what diatomaceous earth is now. In order to blunt the angina pectoris drugs, they used the newly emerged activated carbon to absorb it, and then mixed it into the snot-like slime soft glue to make a black plasticine-like explosive. Although The power is somewhat reduced, but the safety is greatly improved.

Julius glanced at Diesel triumphantly, and then said with some regret: "Principal, this kind of explosive is too powerful, so we should keep it a secret."

As an alchemist, even if you don't invent and create a very useful new substance, it is still an achievement worthy of a special mention.

But this kind of thing used in war must be kept secret. You won't know if you are still alive when it is decrypted.

Frederick smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. The wandering scholar said that this oily substance can also be used to treat diseases."

"Use a little drop in a starch tablet and hold it under the tongue when needed. It can quickly relieve heart pain and lower blood pressure."

"Let's sell it as a drug from now on. I don't think anyone will associate it with explosions."

Julius thought for a moment and said happily: "If this is really possible, this is the best way!"

"This guy Friedrich is now selling medicine, so let him work for us!"

"Principal, I really admire you! Do you know how many nobles have high blood pressure? Because of this problem, they dare to eat anything of unknown origin. As long as the effect of this medicine is good, they will definitely pay for it!"

"If you can cure heartache, it will be like having an extra life. I am willing to pay any amount of money in exchange for it!"

Frederick just smiled.

In addition to relieving angina, this drug also has the effect of lowering blood pressure. Although it is not a professional drug for treating high blood pressure, for now, it is a better choice when there is no better choice.

These days, only rich people such as nobles and big businessmen suffer from high blood pressure. These people are not short of money. If you sell them good medicine, you can sell cabbage at the price of pork.

Common people will also suffer from angina, and if the nobles sell it expensively, they will not be able to sell it cheaply to them.

Frederick thought about it and decided to cooperate with the Light Church and sell it to the church at a "loss price" in the form of donations, and then sell it to civilians through the church's channels.

In this way, he has gained a reputation, the church has also gained prestige and profits, and ordinary people can buy cheap medicine, and everyone wins.

The previous granular black powder was blocked, and there was no way to delete many steps. Nitroglycerin will not be written in detail.

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