Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 122 Three-Headed Dog

The snow keeps falling, and the atmosphere is very harmonious. Under the same greenhouse, I gradually feel that my lungs are changing...

After receiving one course of treatment and half a course of consolidation treatment, Sophia found that she no longer coughed. She finally stopped taking the medicines she had been taking for many years and walked with strength. Last night, she walked up to the fifth floor in one breath. Now her husband can still walk. A bit floating.

It's the end of the year, and Philip, as a diplomat, has to go home to celebrate the New Year. The last time he came back, he only knew that his wife's illness could be cured. This time, everyone kept it secret at first, but the result... When Richard Nare saw him early this morning, he was surprised. Face joking.

Maria's family will go back in a few days. The landlord's family is still very busy at the end of the year. They have to take stock of the year's income and arrange work for next year.

There was a sumptuous family dinner almost every day these days, and everyone came to the greenhouse to pick some vegetables themselves. This was also a new entertainment activity for the senior leaders of Weisen in the snowy weather.

It's just that Frederick's mistake with the technology tree happened again.

"So this is how bees are raised."

The landowner has eaten honey for so many years since he came here. Today is the first time he saw how beekeepers keep bees.

In the past, it was very troublesome for bees to survive the winter. Now that greenhouses are available, beekeepers move their beehives into the greenhouse. On the one hand, they don’t have to worry about the bees freezing to death. On the other hand, the bees that originally rested in winter also have to work overtime to pollinate the flowers in the greenhouse.

Bees these days are kept in containers such as waste wine barrels. Every time they take honey, the entire hive must be destroyed. The honey stored in the hive must be crushed and squeezed out. It takes a long time for the bee colony to destroy the hive. In order to be able to rebuild and produce honey again, a box of bees can only collect honey once a year, with less than 10 kilograms of honey and nearly 1 kilogram of beeswax.

Honey is a luxury product. Whether the bees in the territory are artificially cultivated or wild, they belong to the landlord. Improving the efficiency of honey production is beneficial to the landlord.

Frederick had eaten honey and been stung by bees in his previous life. He thought beehives had a long history. Little did he know that the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was still there when beehives were invented, so he was surprised when he saw this kind of wooden barrel beehives.

The carpenter from the manor was called in and spent a day making a beehive according to the master's instructions.

On this day, everyone was picking tomatoes at one end of the greenhouse, and Frederick led people wearing anti-bee suits to move the bees at the other end.

Maria was holding the little three-headed dog bought by her father and looking at it curiously. The bees did not fly near her at all.

The beehive is divided into two parts. The bottom is the bottom box, where the queen bee lives and lays eggs; the upper part is the successor box, where the bees build their nests and make honey; between the two parts is the queen-parting board. Small worker bees can pass through, but the large queen bee cannot, so the honey-producing space will not be affected.

The beekeeper gently picks up the queen bee and a piece of surrounding honeycomb and puts them into the bottom box, then carefully places the other bees inside, and then covers the queen bee.

The next step is to put down the nest frame. There is a gap between the nest frame and the inner wall of the beehive for worker bees to pass through. There are several thin wires in the frame to make the frame. On the wire is the nest foundation, which is the "foundation" of the hive. ” is a thin sheet made of melted beeswax, which is then pressed with two wooden boards with grooves and hexagonal patterns.

Finally, cover it with a partition to prevent worker bees from flying out from above and a lid with ventilation holes.

Nowadays, there are not so many flowers for bees to collect honey. Beekeepers place a shallow dish next to the entrance and exit of the beehive, pour honey water into it, and put some small branches or hay to prevent the bees from falling into the water and drowning.

"Is that enough?" Phillip came over to watch the fun at some point.

"That's it." Frederick took off his anti-bee hat when he saw that the bees were not violent and hurt anyone. "I will make a machine that uses centrifugal force to extract honey later. It will be very convenient to extract honey in the future and it will not hurt the bees." As long as there are enough flowers in your house, you can collect honey several times a year."

Phillip couldn't help but sigh: "Why is your head so long? Does hitting a rock really make people smarter?"

Maria nodded and said, "Frederick is so smart!"

The three-headed dog in her arms also purred three times, seeming to agree with its owner.

Frederick stretched out his hand to touch the little guy, but all three heads avoided it.

There is a black line on his head. This guy is obedient when feeding it meat and usually avoids him.

While it was unable to run away in Maria's arms, Frederick quickly touched the three-headed dog's little head.

After petting the dog, Frederick asked Philip: "What's the matter with hitting a stone?"

Philip said strangely: "You don't know? Now many places are saying that you only became smart after hitting your head on a rock last year."

Frederick was stunned for half a minute. He didn't even notice that the three-headed dog bit his glove on one head or one finger. Finally, he said angrily: "I'm very smart to begin with, but I don't mind if you try it yourself."

"Someone has tried it." Phillip shrugged. "Everyone thought it would work using the same stone."

Frederick was speechless for a moment. He had fainted and fell down from crying at his mother's funeral. He hoped that others would not kill his mother in the end.

He changed the subject, and while teasing the three-headed dog with his fingers, asked: "Where did you buy this dog?"

There are records in books about three-headed dogs, and the illustrations all look fierce.

But the one in front of me is clearly a three-headed Bichon Frize. The white curly hair on its head is carefully trimmed into a ball shape. Its cuteness is ×3. Not only does Maria like it very much, but others are also envious of it.

Philip replied: "I bought it with Count Reichenstein. I also bought another one from her, intending to give it to the great-grandson of the Grand Duke. If you want to give it to you, that's no problem."

"Really?" Frederick's eyes lit up, "Can you really give it to me?"

He knew yesterday that Phillip had brought back two cages. One contained the three-headed Bichon Frize, and the other was covered with a thick cloth, so he could not see what was inside.

The three-headed dog is a rare magical beast. Once it is well-raised and brought out, it will definitely turn heads.

Philip replied: "Of course, just think of it as a thank you gift for curing Sophia."

In his opinion, Frederick cured his wife and giving her a three-headed dog as a gift was not a problem.

Just as Frederick expected, there was another three-headed dog in the cage. As soon as the thick cloth was opened, it waggled its tail and ran and jumped happily in the cage, very lively.

However, Frederick immediately gave up and said to Philip with a serious face: "I have seriously considered it. This is too expensive. You should give it to the Grand Duke."

"Really?" Phillip wondered why he changed his mind, "If you want it, just have it, it doesn't matter."

"No more." Frederick immediately shook his head, "You'd better give it to the Grand Duke."

"You have been away a lot this year. I am afraid that someone in the Grand Duke's court is not good for you. You need a precious gift to strengthen the relationship with the Grand Duke's family."

Philip sighed again: "Does hitting your head on a stone really make you smarter?"

What he was thinking was confirmed by Frederick. He was fully responsible for diplomatic affairs in the court of the Principality of Mainz and held a high position of power. Naturally, someone wanted to replace him.

"Okay." Philip said, "If you need my help in the future, let me know."

Frederick spoke politely to him and thought to himself, how could he have imagined raising a three-headed husky? Do you think that the castle at home is too old and should be replaced with a new one?

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