Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 125 Tens of Thousands of Troops

Daily target shooting and target shooting when the enemy is rushing toward you are two different things. When a person is nervous, his head becomes confused, and many seemingly ordinary things cannot be done well.

At this time, the Alsatians began to move, but many cherry bullets fell behind because the shooters were nervous and did not calculate the advance, exploding into balls of red gypsum powder.

The cavalry began to trot, and the snow-white ground roared like thunder, like a wooden hammer hitting a drum hard, and it also hit everyone's hearts.

A new round of cherry grenades fell, this time half of them landed among the cavalry, and everyone was excited to find that there were fewer enemies.

The magic array of projection magic is installed on the cavalry armor and horse armor. It is divided into two layers, the inner and outer layers. Each surface layer is the size of a fingernail. After being damaged, the corresponding projection will make a falling action and then disappear. The referee team uses this to determine the effect of the attack.

Metzger and others were lying on the snow. The soldiers in the two rows behind were squatting and standing respectively. As the whistle sounded, the sound of pea gun shooting came one after another.

Many "Alsace" bodies were hit, and the projections became sparse in an instant.

When the cavalry began to charge ninety meters away, the number dropped to half of its original number.

The magicians on the company quickly cast spells, and rock thorns about one meter high appeared three to ten meters in front of the line.

The cavalry stopped in front of the rock spur, then ran towards the side holding the exit flag.

Frederick sighed in his heart. Although Richard Nall proposed a new tactic of using trenches, the original phalanx tactics were too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the officers who actually commanded still preferred the old method.

Then they suffer.

The Alsaces were followed by more than thirty carriages, which contained iron buckets as big as water tanks.

They used cavalry cover to arrive dozens of meters away from the front line, propped up the iron barrels and placed them on the ground at an angle, lit the fuses and ran away.

After the black powder exploded, small sandbags were sprayed into the sky, and then these sandbags fell into the position like goddesses scattering flowers.

The linen cloth used to make sandbags is thin and sparse, and is filled with fine sand and red mud powder. There will be a mark where it is hit.

Bobona's face was a little dark under the gas mask. He only fired two shots with his purple mushroom gun. Now he was hit by a sandbag on his helmet and was judged dead by the referee team.

Little Franz's face turned darker, the formation was too dense, and the magician didn't have time to cast the shield, so he lost more than 20% of his troops, including a regimental leader.

"The temporary addition of subjects works well." Richard Nall said to Frederick with a smile: "It would be good to learn a lesson."

Frederick nodded. The purpose of the exercise was to learn lessons. If the formation hadn't been too dense and the magicians' defense couldn't keep up, there wouldn't have been so many casualties. This was a lesson.

At this time, the sound of military bugles was heard from the bottom of the mountain. Everyone took off their gas masks, rested in place, and had lunch.

The soldiers spread out according to their organization, placed the duffel bags covered with tarps on their backs on the snow, and sat on them.

"How disgusting!" Metzger said while eating a marching biscuit, "I didn't even say anything would fall from the sky!"

He was full of resentment at the moment, and it hurt a lot when the sandbags hit him. He had been hit twice on the forehead just now.

The platoon leader of their platoon was right behind him. After hearing this, he turned around and said, "When you go to pick pigs from the pig pen, do you let them understand that they will be stabbed with a knife later?"

"The enemy won't tell you what he is going to do next during a war. We encountered so many situations along the way. Can't you see the way those guys on the referee team work?"

"When I was fighting in the past, I caught dozens of venomous snakes with others, put them in baskets, built a simple trebuchet in the forest, and threw them into the camp at the bottom of the mountain. The mountain man couldn't sleep well all night."

"So now you have to take the time to eat and take a rest. Maybe there will be an emergency gathering at some point."

Metzger felt that the referee team was capable of making people eat only half of their meals, so he immediately speeded up eating the cookies.

This kind of marching biscuit is dry and hard, a little salty, a little oily, a little milk, egg and sage flavor. If you are lucky, there will be a little more chopped nuts. It is not very delicious but it is very resistant to hunger.

They turned on the water and put tea leaves in the kettle. The tea was still a little warm, so it was just right to take a bite of biscuits and a mouthful of tea.

Not long after, the commander issued an order to count the ammunition and told them to replenish the ammunition in their magazines for a big fight in the afternoon.

Metzger took out the bullets from his luggage bag and pressed it into the magazine. He said to the comrades around him: "What are we going to do in the afternoon? In the morning we will shoot shadows. I guess we will shoot snowmen later."

after an hour……

"Metzger, why didn't you just say we were going to have roast pig later?"

Five hundred meters away, countless piles of snow were blown together by the strong wind, and a military formation gradually took shape.

The number of spearmen in the front rows is estimated to be four thousand, followed by about a thousand heavy infantry. The archers and magicians behind are invisible.

The important thing is the flanks. There are 500 heavy cavalry in ice cans on each side. The total number is almost five times that of our own cavalry.

Richard Nall somehow invited Psyche, and she took action and led the students from Weissenburg University to create this ice and snow troop of nearly ten thousand people.

And Richard Nall was already there, and the force was under his command.

When Franz saw that there were many enemies, he immediately issued an order to change the formation. He planned to form four battalions into a large hollow square to resist the opponent's attack, and then counterattack after the enemy's strength was exhausted.

"I'll take command." Frederick came down from the mountain.

Little Franz's expression changed several times in an instant. Commanding an army was no joke, but Frederick was the supreme commander of this army, and there was nothing he could do if he forced himself to do so.

Before he could find an excuse to refuse, Old Franz, who was sitting here to provide advice, gave his son a compliment. Young Franz immediately understood that it was an exercise anyway, letting the old man know that commanding the army is not that simple, but it is also a major achievement.

At this time, Frederick directly issued an order: "Order Bernd to put on ice spikes for the entire regiment, penetrate directly from the lake to the enemy's side and rear, and concentrate the cherry guns to specifically defend against the cavalry."

"Order Heinz, spread out the entire regiment, attack and advance, and be sure to stick to the enemy."

"Order Jurgen to protect Heinz's left wing. You can deal with the heavy cavalry in front of you according to the situation."

"Command Ged, the magician will follow Heinz and be under his command."

Frederick only gave the goals to be achieved by each unit, and it was up to the unit commanders to figure out how to carry out the process.

He originally wanted Franz to lead two companies of chasseurs around from the nearby mountains to the enemy's rear, but in this way there would be no reserve team, and he had to give up in the end.

The messengers quickly conveyed Frederick's orders through bugles, flags and verbal notifications.

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