Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 126 You come and I go

Frederick wanted to command the army this time not for fun, but to test his commanding skills.

In this era, the leader of a force must be able to go to the battlefield, otherwise he will be looked down upon.

He took the time to miss the walkie-talkie used at the construction site in his previous life, and then thought about the troop number. After the messenger returned, he ordered the headquarters and the hunting company to go to the lake, where he could better observe the entire battlefield.

Soon, bugles and whistles sounded from the front, and various units began to take action.

The first to be dispatched was Jurgen's cavalry department. They came to a place about 150 meters away from the enemy, stopped in a row arrogantly, and shot at the enemy with pea carbines.

The barrel of the pea carbine is short, the range is slightly shorter, and the accuracy at long distances with simulated bullets is poor, but the projectile is still effective at hitting dense enemies.

Some snowmen quickly dispersed on the opposite side. Richard Nall naturally would not sit still and wait for death. After judging the landing area of ​​the bullet, the magic shield immediately propped up. The white smoke from the simulated bomb exploded like a cloud above the army.

At the same time, the ice cans were also adjusting their formation. The right wing was preparing a charge to take away these annoying flies, and the left wing was preparing to charge the team that was maneuvering toward the lake.

Jurgen immediately led the cavalry back slowly. At the same time, the muzzle of the gun was raised higher. The bullets crossed the area where the magic shield was and knocked down some more people.

At this moment, the ice cans on the opposite right wing began to charge towards them.

After a few breaths, Heinz directed the entire regiment to overshoot and shoot towards the enemy's right wing. The dense rain of bullets was blocked by the magic shield, but it also prevented the archers on this side from shooting at Jurgen and allowing the magician team to Can't spare any time.

Jurgen ordered all the cavalry to put on explosive spears and line up in three rows to launch a countercharge towards the enemy's ice cans.

The two sides approached at high speed, and the explosive spears exploded immediately when they hit the ice cans, blasting them back to the ice element.

Two teams of cavalry passed by each other, and less than half of the 500 ice cans were lost at once. More than ten of Jurgen's group were stabbed by lances made of snow, and they left the battlefield holding the withdrawal flag.

Jurgen and others quickly formed a team, turned their horses' heads earlier than Ice Can, and launched a second round of charge towards Ice Can's back with a revolver and a saber.

On the other side, 500 ice cans charged towards the middle of the team on the ice, intending to cut the team in half.

Bernd unified the entire Cherry Company to conduct area fire on the heavy cavalry's marching route, and a quarter of the heavy cavalry was covered in the first round of shooting.

Seeing that the route of these ice cans was within his own fire range, Heinz asked his right-wing battalion to support itself.

The two sides formed a crossfire and quickly eliminated these heavy cavalry.

Behind the snowman, Psyche said to Richard Nall: "The mobile power is gone, you will lose."

Richard Nall just smiled and replied: "It doesn't matter, they are going to take the bait too."

The enemy's cavalry was dealt with, and Heinz began to direct the entire regiment to attack and advance.

Six of the eight pea companies spread out in horizontal lines. The three platoons of each company were staggered forward and backward. The two platoons in front defended in place. Roller attack under cover.

The two pea companies in the rear slowly followed up to disrupt the enemy with overshooting fire.

The magic shield blocked a large number of simulated bullets and grenades, but this was a drill, and Psyche also simulated the magic shield failing due to overload.

Heinz quickly figured out the endurance of the magic shield, and began to adjust the shooting rhythm, putting as much firepower as possible in the gap when the magic shield was re-erected.

As he got closer to the enemy, he also caused the team to slow down their advance.

Heinz thought in his mind that the maximum range of ordinary bows and arrows is about 150 meters. This distance is no longer very lethal, and arrows are usually released at a distance of 100 meters.

Finally, he decided to stop 130 meters away from the enemy.

The spear snowmen in the front row kept disappearing, but Richard Nar remained calm and placed the opponent about 150 meters away from the front, and then ordered the archers and magicians to attack.

He has traveled around the world for many years and has seen how the strongest archer army, the enchanted longbowmen of the Kingdom of England, fights.

When Heinz saw that the opponent's magic shield suddenly disappeared early, he immediately ordered everyone to stop and prop up the magic shield.

Psyche did not hold back, but poured enchanted ice arrows towards the opposite side at the normal fighting level of the enchanted longbow, covering an area of ​​130 to 200 meters in front of the position.

The snowmen looked decent, the longbowmen nocked their bows according to the officer's slogans, and the magicians enchanted the arrows.

The magicians on Heinz's side were all on the verge of tears. They didn't expect that the other side was playing for real, so they could only hold on with difficulty.

This was Richard Nall's plan. He made a nest with ice cans and the infantry standing still as bait. He waited for the opponent to come within his long-range attack range and then fired covering shots.

He took advantage of the opportunity when the opponent was suppressed and the magic shield blocked his shooting, and let the leader of the heavy infantry and the spearmen start to press forward.

Bernd, who was making a detour, broke into a cold sweat and asked himself to go further away.

He didn't expect that just being so far away would allow the roundabout group to escape disaster.

Richard Nar and Psyche discussed it, and in the end they both felt that Frederick had nothing to do with them anyway, so they sent out 500 more Lightning Rangers from the Kingdom of Gaul.

Bernd was startled when he saw so many cavalry suddenly appearing on the opposite side. Then when he saw that they were not ice cans but fast light cavalry, he immediately ordered the entire regiment to form a hollow square formation on the ice.

The Lightning Ranger cavalry were very fast, and their speed was not affected when they stepped onto the lake. Although the soldiers were wearing spikes, they still bumped into each other.

Frederick stood on horseback and had a bird's eye view of the entire battlefield. At this moment, he was paying attention to the battle on the ice. They were the key to winning this battle.

His face was very dark. Those new light cavalry that entered the battlefield were not in the original plan, but what could he do? He couldn't defeat the two on the opposite side.

What Frederick was most worried about was that these light cavalry would suddenly turn to a beheading operation, and he would not have to fight the battle as soon as he was finished.

Judging from the speed of both sides, Bernd's hollow phalanx may be a step slower and will be attacked before it can assemble.

At this moment, a company suddenly turned around, all fixed their bayonets, and charged towards the galloping cavalry.

Snowflakes suddenly burst on the lake shore, and the cavalry's attack was immediately interrupted. Bernd and the others also took this opportunity to form a hollow square formation.

The magicians in the aerial phalanx immediately cast ice cones in front of them as roadblocks. The soldiers inside fired volleys at the high-speed moving enemies, causing the magic shields on their bodies to spark bursts of light.

The Lightning Ranger cavalry dispersed and wandered around, seizing the opportunity to throw snow spears at the phalanx.

The battle on the lake reached a stalemate, and frontal combat could not be supported in a short period of time.

Jurgen finally managed to get rid of the ice cans here. The lethality of the ice cans was equal to the snowballs in play, but the layer of ice was as hard as steel. At first, he suffered some losses because he underestimated the enemy.

If the "Wesson Sword Technique" hadn't been particularly effective at close range, no ice can could withstand the bullets of the revolver, and he might have been killed.

Frederick immediately gave Jurgen the latest order.

Jurgen was stunned after receiving the order, and immediately led the cavalry to turn around and dive into the snow-capped mountains.

The mountainous terrain is not conducive to heavy cavalry operations, but it is not a big problem for Wesson's cavalry, which is only equipped with silver scale breastplates, and there are many trails in the mountains.

Richard Nall saw Jurgen and others entering the mountain, and had to detach some troops from the pikemen who were pressing up to defend his right wing and the enchanted longbowmen in the rear.

Frederick observed the battlefield. The lake was still entangled, and the opponent's heavy infantry had pressed to a position less than 80 meters away from Heinz.

At this time he asked the trumpeter to give new orders.

Richard Nall was a little confused after hearing the trumpet sound, free charge? What was Frederick thinking?

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