Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 132 The Prince takes action

The spring sunshine is so short, and the rain continues to occupy the sky.

In a royal manor outside Cologne, a silk awning was set up beside the field. King William was half lying and half sitting on a soft and comfortable lounge chair, watching the farmers planting golden beans into the fields.

The surrounding farmland is heavily guarded, with one post every three steps and one sentry every five steps, and no one else is allowed to approach.

Not long after, a handsomely dressed young man in his early twenties came over on a silver-white unicorn, jumped down not far from the silk awning, and strode to William's side.

"Father." Crown Prince Rudolf's salute was a textbook standard.

William pointed to the chair next to him, and then made a gesture. All the attendants next to him retreated, and someone released a soundproof magic.

Rudolph sat upright in his chair, looking straight at the farmland in front of him.

William glanced sideways at his son, sighed, and then asked, "Do you know why I asked you to come back?"

Rudolph immediately replied: "It's about these golden beans."

William snorted coldly, making the prince instantly nervous.

"You can lead the army to attack Wesenland in half a month." The king said calmly, "You are nominally in charge of the whole army, but everything will be obeyed by Ansbach. There is only one thing you have to do, and there is nothing you can do." If not, just keep your mouth shut in the army and wait until the war is over.

After hearing this, Rudolph opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"If you have anything you want to ask, just ask." William was a little helpless. His son's character was too weak, and he would be frightened if he was a little stricter.

Rudolf asked cautiously: "Father, why are we attacking Wesson? He is still just a child."

William slowly closed his eyes and breathed a little heavier than usual.

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on Rudolph's forehead. His father was getting angry, and what would follow would be a full-blown curse.

"Alas..." William closed his eyes and sighed deeply, and said softly: "If there is a girl of the right age in the royal family, I will make her the heir to the throne and marry Wesson."

"But no, you are the only heir, so the only way is to get rid of Wesson."

Rudolf let the sweat from his head flow to his cheeks, not daring to speak for fear of saying something wrong again.

William continued with his eyes closed and said: "Three years ago, because you underestimated the enemy and advanced rashly, we lost the war and lost the entire lowland area, which dealt a big blow to your reputation."

"You will sit in my position from now on. A king can be greedy for money, lustful, cruel, and mediocre, but he must never lose a war."

"Even if it's a fire dragon, as long as it has a wound on its body, wild dogs will dare to show its teeth at it."

"Why should I put the blame for the defeat on old Wesson? Isn't it because little Wesson is still young and can't argue, so that he can cover up your mistakes."

"Although everyone else now knows that it was your fault, as long as you push the responsibility away and accept it as time goes by, you will be right."

"It's just that I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it..."

"Wesson actually survived. What were you doing when you were that age, and what were I doing when I was that age?"

"He is like this now. In thirty or even twenty years, I am afraid that the position of king will become his."

Rudolf looked at his father in surprise and said in disbelief: "He won't be like this, right?"

William opened his eyes suddenly and stared at his son, his face turning red with anger.

"Look what's growing in this land?!" the king roared loudly, "Do you really think he's the only one doing business with that infidel?!"

"In a family, money is important. When necessary, reputation and honor can be temporarily abandoned. As long as the strength is still there, it will come back sooner or later!"

"If he really sends the money, even if it's not that much, I will spare his life!"

"Attitude! Listen up, attitude! For a monarch, the attitude of his subjects toward him is the most important!!!"

"He dares to play tricks on the king now. What else can't he do when he is strong enough in the future?!!"

The temperature is not high during the spring rain season, and the slight wind blows, which makes it quite cool.

Rudolf had already gotten up from the chair, with his head lowered like a child who had done something wrong. There was more sweat on his head and body than when he was standing under the scorching sun.

William felt extremely helpless, but had to continue to teach his only son: "A person has shortcomings and advantages. Your shortcoming is that you are not tough enough. Your advantage is that you can listen to what others say, but you will not know when faced with many choices. Overwhelmed."

"In this expedition, I will arrange for the children of other families to form the Royal Knights to go with you."

"Which of them have real talents and which ones are useless? You have to learn to distinguish which one has what specialties."

"When you are a king, you can leave many things to your smart ministers and let them help you come up with ideas and analysis. You only need to make the final decision."

"You have to pay attention. Ansbach has the final say in this war. You can talk loudly and give him suggestions, but it is up to him to decide whether to adopt them or not. You have no right to interfere with his decisions. Do you understand? !”

William's tone was extremely stern when he said the last part, just like Rudolf who would jump up and hit someone if he had the slightest doubt.

Rudolph didn't dare to question it, and it was too late to agree.

Then he plucked up the courage to ask a question: "Father, since Wesson is so good, why don't you let him do things yourself?"

William suddenly turned his head to look at his son, the expression on his face remained unchanged, but his eyes became much softer.

He was so happy that his son finally mentioned something reliable.

"Very good, very good!" William said happily, "Since you have this idea, go ahead and do it. For this reason, I will agree to any conditions you make for him, even if I kneel in front of him to admit my mistake."

The king was very pleased. The prince's idea was very good. It didn't matter if he didn't know how to govern the country. As long as he saw talents and used them for his own purposes, the royal family could continue.

William did not deny that Frederick was a genius, so he suppressed him to death when his face was already broken. If his son could really conquer him, the age difference between the two was not big, and they would definitely be a powerful help in the future, for his son's sake. What does it matter if I lose my old face in the future?

"Father!" Rudolph's face suddenly turned pale. The king personally knelt down to his vassals to admit his mistake. He could not find any precedent in the history books.

William continued: "Before you leave, take the edict from the Heraldry House with you. If Wesson is willing to surrender to you, you can make him a duke on the spot. He will definitely be very happy that a child has received such a high title, and he will definitely be loyal. For you."

"Duke?!" Rudolph's eyes widened, "Isn't this too high?"

William sneered and began to explain the truth to his son: "The title is illusory, but the strength is real."

"The Grand Duke of Mainz is restless, the Grand Duke of Bayern is also restless, and Nuremberg is now in such a mess that we can't see what's going on and can't count on anything."

"Wesson completely fell out with his neighbors after this battle, and there will definitely be wars in the future."

"Wesson is very close to the Principality of Mainz. If he becomes a Grand Duke, hey, what will the other side think?"

"The Wittelsbach family has already become enemies with Wesson because of the Chaipper incident. With the enemy of the Principality of Byrne nearby, and without the support of the Principality of Mainz, Wesson's life will be difficult."

"Who do you think Wesson can rely on at that time?"

Rudolph immediately replied: "At that time, Wesson can only rely on us."

William nodded with satisfaction. The South was already a mess. It didn't matter if it continued to be messy. It would be beneficial to the royal family, and it would be best if he could teach his son a good lesson.

Rudolph then said with some worry: "But, what if Wesson runs away?"

He never thought he would lose, and neither did William.

William smiled proudly and said in a low voice: "There are many magicians in Weissenburg now, Heinrich is already lurking there, and Lord Becher has also led most of the royal magic group to Weissenburg City to lurk. "

"At that time, you can send someone to contact Mr. Becher, keep an eye on Wesson, and capture him alive if necessary."

"I made an agreement with them that the books that the Wesson family got back from Constantbul will be divided among them."

A smile appeared on Rudolph's face. Mr. Becher is the leader of the Royal Mage Group, known as the "Burning God". He is good at fire magic and alchemy. With him taking action, there is no need to worry even if Richard Nar comes back. .

The two fathers and sons did not know that at this moment, Becher and a group of members of the Royal Mage Group surrounded Frederick aggressively, with the attitude of spanking him if he disagreed.

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