Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 133 You can’t make money

"5,000 florins?!"

Becher, the "Burning God" with curly white hair, almost spit on Frederick's hand, and his eyes burning was not an adjective but an objective description.

Frederick was as calm as water. Masters of this level were used to getting angry in front of him. He became even more angry when he questioned whether a certain sword master's fish was bought from the market.

"5,000 florins!" Becher said through gritted teeth, "William only gave me 1,500 florins a year, but you actually gave Heinrich 5,000 florins?!"

Heinrich was sitting far away on a chair in the corner of the living room, with two wooden boxes, one large and one small, at his feet. He was holding a teacup in his hand, drinking tea calmly.

I wrote a report of what I saw and heard in Wesenberg and sent it back to the Royal Mage Group. I emphasized that Wesenberg University has a large collection of books. I was worried that these precious books would be destroyed in the war. At the same time, I mentioned A mouthful of the income of the magicians here.

The Royal Mage Group ate roasted pig and drank fifty-year-old wine at the leader's house while discussing the report. Finally, they decided to protect the precious collection of books and take a look at how their colleagues there made money.

As soon as they arrived at the castle, Frederick approved a note of 5,000 florins for Heinrich, so these guys suddenly became restless.

"Explain to me clearly!" Becher was the least calm one. "Why did you give Heinrich so many gold coins? If you don't explain clearly, I will kidnap you back to Cologne!!"

Heinrich's popularity in the mage group is not very good. Although he has good strength, he has no right to speak. When eating roast pig together, we can't get a good portion of the meat. He is a translucent character.

Now that he can get so much money, everyone can't help but wonder if there is something fishy in it.

Frederick smiled. With Psyche here, he was really not afraid of the burning magic god.

"This money is an investment." Frederick said calmly, "Heinrich holds 50% of the shares with technology, and I hold 50% with 5,000 florins. The mid-term expected profit is about 30,000 florins."

He said it easily, as if he were going to a pub to buy a beer, regardless of the fact that the eyes of the magicians around him were red.

"How is that possible?!" Becher knew Heinrich's specialties and strength very well. "It's true that he is good at using electric magic, and his spellcasting and theoretical attainments are very good, but it is impossible to be worth that much money. Even if It’s not worth the price for him to capture the king!”

Heinrich felt a little sad, but he still kept silent and continued drinking tea.

Frederick smiled and asked Becher: "Has Heinrich achieved something? When a lightning magic array bursts out lightning, another magic array can sense it, and the electrical element in it can also be detected." Will there be some changes?”

Becher nodded and said: "Yes, there is this kind of magic. Based on this, we developed a remote-controlled spell-casting device."

He understood this. They thought this kind of magic could make up for the patrol gaps in key protected areas. Once someone triggered someone not far away, they would be alerted.

Frederick shook his head and said: "It's such a waste for you to just use this method to control the activation of magic traps. You haven't discovered the value at all!"

"When Heinrich told me a while ago, I immediately discovered the value of it, and then gathered everyone together to come up with the finished product. After two days of experimentation, the effect was as expected. Today, we signed an agreement to do business together. We have to hurry up. Take the time to make a batch of products first.”

"If you don't have anything particularly important to do, you can go and walk around. I'm busy arranging factory work."

He was going to drive people away, but he also aroused the curiosity of this group of people, so naturally they wouldn't leave.

Seeing them like this, Frederick curled his lips slightly and said to Heinrich who was drinking tea: "Bring those two pieces of equipment over and let them have a look."

Heinrich put down the tea cup, moved the small wooden box at his feet to the coffee table in front of Frederick, and then he hugged the big wooden box and called two familiar colleagues to leave the living room with him.

Frederick turned on the paddle switch on the wooden box and sat there quietly with a smile on his face.

Becher and others took this opportunity to study the magic array in the wooden box and were shocked.

"Is this possible?" A magician asked his colleagues.

The colleague thought thoughtfully and replied: "Theoretically, this is indeed possible."

Becher was silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

A minute later, Heinrich's voice came from the wooden box on the coffee table: "Did you hear it? I started counting from one to ten."

The voice was a bit shriller than usual, but you could clearly hear what was being said.

Then the two people who left with Heinrich also said something. Soon after, they came back first and asked everyone if they heard what they said just now.

Now everyone understands that Heinrich's technology can not only be used to remotely control the activation of magic circles, but can also be used to transmit sounds.

The principle of this system is very simple and can be understood at a glance.

There is more than half of the sound amplification magic array in the box that sends the sound. The principle of this magic array is that the vibrating air drives the wind elements flowing in the sound reception area, and then the vibrating wind elements drive more wind elements in the amplification area to vibrate and enter at the same time. The pronunciation area finally vibrates the air to make a huge sound. Now there is no amplification area. The amplification area intersects with the electric magic array to form an intersection area.

In the intersection area, the vibrating wind element affected the electric element, causing the electric sparks to become larger and smaller when entering the lightning area, and at the same time, the magic electric signal was strong and weak.

The working process in the radio box is reversed. The electrical element output by the magic array that receives the magic electrical signal is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, and then affects the wind element in the intersection area, and the final sound changes accordingly.

When the two systems are used together, sound can be transmitted over long distances.

At first, Frederick thought that the information transmitted in the two systems was electromagnetic waves. He also conducted an electromagnetic induction experiment. As a result, the equipment did not respond at all, which showed that it was another unknown thing.

"How can you earn tens of thousands of florins from this?" someone asked in confusion. "I admit that this kind of thing is very useful in the army, but it can't be sold for that many."

Frederick just smiled and said nothing more on this topic. Now he had to send these people away and rush to rebuild the radio station on the highest tower of the castle.

According to Heinrich's calculations, if a signal transmission magic array is set up at the highest point of the castle, Mingxing City, which is more than a hundred kilometers away in a straight line, can receive clear signals.

"I can't do magic. You can't make money." Frederick shook his head and said, "Sir Becher, I heard that you are good at fire magic. Why don't you do more research in this area?"

"If you can invent an iron-making furnace that uses flame magic and reduce the fuel cost of iron-making, the economic benefits will be more than a few thousand florins. I can cooperate with you for 50,000 florins."

While Frederick was luring the magicians of the Royal Mage Group onto the path of knowledge and wealth, in the blacksmith shop, Schmidt carefully studied the new documents sent by Frederick's secretary and began to arrange the production plan for the radio.

The core magic array, casing, switches, volume controllers and other parts of the radio must be made and assembled by someone. According to Frederick, mature technology should be used as much as possible, which requires the coordination of a large number of factories for expedited production.

Schmidt was familiar with the craftsmanship of many factories and workshops in Wesenland, so he needed to make a plan, and Ogilvy would coordinate it as the industrial officer of the Wesenland government.

When he finished his work, he found Vanessa still sitting on the sofa in the office, her eyes a little absent-minded, and the hand holding the teacup was still a little trembling.

"What's wrong?" Schmidt asked her curiously, "What do you seem to be afraid of?"

Vanessa replied with lingering fear: "It was so terrible when Mr. Becher got angry at the master just now. I felt as if there were flames all around me and I was about to burn."

"Fortunately, I came out at that time, otherwise I would have cried."

She took a sip of the tea that had cooled down, trying to calm herself down.

After listening to what happened when Becher and others first went to Frederick's place, Schmidt frowned slightly and said, "It would make sense if it was Mr. Becher. He and the principal can be said to be enemies. .”

"What?!" Vanessa suddenly panicked, "Will he be harmful to the master?"

Schmidt smiled and comforted her: "Don't worry, it's just an academic disagreement and it won't be resolved by force."

Vanessa breathed a sigh of relief and asked curiously: "Why do they have differences?"

Schmidt looked at the sky outside the window. It was almost lunch time, so he stood up and said: "Food is a good medicine to calm the mind. I heard that a new restaurant has opened nearby. The food there is delicious. There are also A stone mill that makes music.”

"I wonder if the beautiful lady would be kind enough to have lunch with me. By the way, I would like to talk about Mr. Becher's phlogiston theory, the principal's theory on energy, and the contradiction between the two."

Vanessa's face turned slightly red. They met for the first time when the smelter was producing activated carbon for the first time. At that time, this guy kept staring at her. She naturally knew what he was thinking.

Schmidt was well-known among Wesson leaders and was said to have a bright future, so Vanessa decided to observe him first.

Before Vanessa could agree, All Might suddenly appeared at the door of the office and said hurriedly: "Schmidt, have you made the plan? Once it's done, call the people over immediately. Let's talk while eating at noon, and we'll talk in the afternoon." Start arranging production, and the sooner it is done, the easier it will be for the army."

Schmidt sighed inwardly, picked up the plan on the table and said, "This is the plan."

After taking the plan, All Might said, "I'll call someone, and you go to the cafeteria to make arrangements."

After saying that, he hurried away.

Vanessa saw Schmidt's somewhat disappointed expression and said, "It's okay. Let's talk about it when we have time."

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