Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 134 Magic Radio

After a heavy rain in early April, the clouds in the sky disappeared without a trace, and the sunny and rainy season arrived more than half a month earlier than in previous years.

To the sound of soft music, Bryant dragged his exhausted body into his usual tavern. His haggard face, sunken eye sockets and dark circles startled the waitress and the drinkers near the door.

This was his first time drinking here this year. As soon as he sat down, the goatee at the table next to him immediately asked him: "What, are you sick?"

Bryant first weakly said to the waitress, "Let's have a strong drink so that we can sleep well tonight."

After finishing speaking, he replied to Goatee: "I'm tired. I haven't rested since the New Year."

Goatee asked in surprise: "Why is this? The master is treating you like the ammi donkey in the village."

When the wine and appetizers were served, Bryant looked around the tavern, and then pointed at the one-minute man's three-piece suit hanging on the wall, which consisted of a folding rifle, a flying saucer-shaped steel helmet, and a vest that could insert steel plates. , and then he took a big sip of distilled wine.

"So that's it." Goatee Beard understood, "I've worked really hard for you, are you done now?"

After saying that, he asked the waiter to bring a pork knuckle to Bryant and charge it to his account.

"Thank you." Bryant put on thin disposable gloves and picked up his elbow to gnaw on it. "I'm so busy. It's just that the master knows that I haven't rested for so long, so he gave me three days off."

"By the way, where can I buy the radio now? I will bring one back to my home tomorrow."

Goatee shook his head and said: "It's right in the square, so go and queue now. There's no curfew there. A few nights ago, before the curfew started, I sat here until closing time before taking my tent with me. I was ranked 30th in line. indivual."

Bryant smiled proudly and said, "It's okay. I have a note from the master. You don't have to queue up and you don't have to pay. You can just go and get it. You can save 5 Kreuz."

Compared with others, as the highest blacksmith in the territory, he could see the master, which made the neighbors a little jealous and envious.

But his words immediately aroused the public indignation of other drinkers around him today, and then they complained one by one. Some of them also brought their bedding with them, and some started queuing as soon as the sun came up, and then they had to wait until the afternoon.

After Bryant finished chewing his elbow, he said to the people around him: "Everyone has tried their best. They rented the warehouse of our blacksmith shop to assemble it there. They were originally packaged beautifully. How can they still have the time now to use glue?" Once the bags are packed, the instructions are stuffed, and the linen pads are used to put them on the carriage. Once the bag is full, the cart will be shipped out. "

"Now there are not enough assembly manpower. Even students from the university are not in class and are being asked to come over to work. Four shifts of people take turns to work every day."

After he finished speaking, he added: "The boss is also very capable. He goes to bed late and gets up late every day, and he can actually wait in line."

A new shelf was nailed to the wall of the tavern. The boxy magic radio on it was as big as a microwave. It was currently playing a program. It was music time.

The price of the magic radio is not high. The price that Frederick set for rapid promotion is only less than 20% profit when sold to locals. One set costs 5 Kreuz, and many families with some spare money can afford it. Tavern Of course it's no problem.

Frederick was able to sell the magic radio so cheaply mainly because two years of construction and accumulation provided him with cheap materials, mature processing technology, and an immature industrial system.

The main components of the magic radio are an electric magic circle and a wind magic circle. The cheapest and sufficient magic metal needs to be made into a magic circuit first, and then all the electric magic circle parts are encapsulated in insulating and cheap slime. Inside the board, the sound-producing wind magic circle needs to be attached to the plastic board on one side, while the other side is exposed to the air at the same time.

The formula of the magic metal comes from Professor Osram's magic lamp factory. They also provide the volume adjuster, which is itself used for the dimmable magic lamp.

The metal sheets are processed into magic circuits directly using the etching process. Springfield Arsenal is familiar with this technology, so they will complete it.

The slime glue used inside and outside the Magic Radio is a mature product. It is exactly the same material as the hangers on the market and is produced directly in the hanger factory.

With the cooperation of many manufacturers in the territory, the combined cost of various materials in the magic radio is not as high as the two magic crystals inside.

Nowadays, these factories are working day and night to produce radios for Weisenling.

Goatee shook his head and said: "He doesn't have to queue up. Bobo came back from vacation a few days ago. Soldiers can buy three units without queuing up. He bought one for his family and one for his boss. I heard that and I went with a girl from a tavern and bought one for the girl’s family.”

Bryant was eating appetizers and said while eating: "I heard that Bobo is going to be successful now. Maybe we will call him Master in a few years."

There were many neighbors around, asking about the situation, but Bryant just shook his head and was unwilling to say more about the army.

Not long after, the sound of "Beep-Beep-Beep" sounded from the radio, which rang 9 times in a row. It was now 9 o'clock in the evening.

After the announcer chimed the hour on the hour, he reminded the audience that there was still one hour left before the curfew started. After a burst of commercials, it was the story time of the Light Church, and after 9:30, there was the evening prayer program.

Complaints suddenly broke out in the tavern, but there was nothing that could be done. Those who had not finished their drinks quickly finished their drinks, paid or recorded their bills, and left one after another.

On the same night, Frederick had moved to the Ministry of Military Affairs building in the military camp, and he sent the royal mages to study the phonograph.

He sat in his office all night and was currently studying the progress of installing high-power magic radios in every village in his territory.

After Heinrich told him about his research results while chatting with him, Frederick immediately grabbed the tail of wireless broadcasting, and then worked hard to create a crude broadcasting system and wireless communication equipment.

During the war, the lord had to accompany the army. No matter how talented Frederick was in the eyes of the world, given his age, it would be easy for various rumors to appear on the battlefield.

The Wesson family has no other heir. If there is a rumor that he accidentally fell to death while riding a horse, people in the territory will be in chaos.

If Frederick hadn't been too young, the people in the territory would have found several groups of fertile women so that he could have at least one illegitimate child.

Therefore, it was very important to spend money to build a broadcasting system and work with newspapers to stabilize people's hearts with official and authoritative voices during the war, so that there would be no ground for all kinds of rumors to be born.

Today's magic radios are small ones for towns, and a large speaker is installed in villages.

But as a result, the magic crystal reserves in the territory have dropped a lot, and I don't know if it can be replenished in time.

At this time, a staff officer came over and reported: "Commander, the scouts ahead have sent back news."

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