Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 135 The latest enemy situation

A crescent moon is embedded in the black velvet night, and together with the diamond-like stars, it brings a little light to the ground.

In the dark woods, an owl shuttled silently, flapping its wings from time to time, looking for mice in the bushes with its big round eyes.

Suddenly, it saw a pair of bright eyes, larger and rounder than itself, appearing in the bushes not far away, watching every move down the mountain.

Count Roth's castle is located in the mountains more than 30 kilometers northeast of Weissenburg. The Swabian Rezat River from the Weissen Territory flows through the mountains to the Rhine. There are flat farmlands on both sides of the castle. The castle is located on three sides. On the water hill, a moat was dug many years ago to connect to the land. Now the castle and a large area around it are surrounded by water.

A temporary military camp was built by the river not far outside the castle. It was quiet at the moment, with only some braziers burning for lighting.

But a hundred meters outside the military camp, the camp of merchants accompanying the army was brightly lit, with barbecue, alcohol, women, prostitutes... anesthetizing the souls who were about to go to the battlefield.

The two black figures saw everything under the mountain in their eyes and remembered it in their hearts. After a long time, they slowly retreated and finally disappeared behind the mountain.

They were a special forces unit trained personally by Richard Nall at Heijiabu. Because they chose a black cat as their logo, they were also called the "Black Cat Squad."

The current task of the Black Cat Team is to divide into several groups, carry communication equipment as big as a computer case, conduct reconnaissance on the military camps in the surrounding territories, and then relay the information back to the Military Affairs Ministry.

Half an hour later, in the map room of the Military Affairs Department Building in the Northern Military Camp of Weissenburg City, Franz Jr. pointed at the location of Fort Roth on the map with a wooden pole and reported the enemy situation to Frederick: "Currently, the Roth Army has built the camp. Okay, we will start recruiting farmers and soldiers tomorrow, and they are all expected to be in place in three days, and the number will be 2,000."

"There are currently about 500 city defense troops and other soldiers led by Lot, and 300 are expected to be dispatched."

"There are currently two thousand mountain mercenaries here. They are the core force."

"Currently, Lot has nine knights. It is reported that five of them will go to Ansbach with Count Lot to join His Royal Highness and Ansbach. They will be accompanied by 100 cavalry and may take away half of the city defense army and about 500 peasants. soldiers, and the rest are commanded by Count Lot's son."

Little Franz couldn't help laughing as he said the last part.

We are all neighbors, and they know everything about Earl Lott's family.

Frederick also smiled and said: "It's hard work for the horse, it has to drag a pig to the battlefield."

The next moment, his expression became serious and he said seriously: "Although that pig is stupid and extremely lazy, he has one advantage. Because he is lazy, he leaves everything to others to do, so he will not delay. carry."

"If he leaves everything to the mountain mercenaries, we will take it seriously."

Little Franz also immediately became serious, and then pointed to a mountain basin more than 40 kilometers southeast of Weissenburg City and continued to report: "The situation of Count Eichstadt is similar to that of Roth. They expect that Four thousand peasants and soldiers will be recruited, of which there are currently one thousand in the standing army, twenty-five knights, seven of whom are magicians, and three thousand mountain mercenaries.”

"Reliable news is that she will take all the knights and standing troops to the Ansbach Territory, and will also take away some peasant soldiers."

Frederick sighed helplessly, and then teased little Franz: "It's a good thing you didn't get married that year, otherwise I would beat you up now."

Old Franz burst out laughing. The old mercenary officers around him had been quite concerned about the young countess from the beginning, but now their eyes instantly lit up when they saw the gossip.

In that war, the old Count Eichstätt was seriously injured when he was defeated and fled. He died in 1024 before returning home. The title was inherited by his 20-year-old daughter at the time.

It seems that this young lady's nutrition is concentrated on those two white slimes, so that the parts above her neck are slow to develop internally and externally. Not only does she look like a teenager on the outside, but her main internal organs also look like a teenager.

In fact, Miss Eichstadt is quite skillful. It can be seen from the fact that the area of ​​​​Eichstadt Territory is only 20% larger than that of Wesson Territory, but there are more than twice as many knights. How many people were killed by her? Hanging.

At first, the old Count Eichstadt wanted to find a husband who could fight for his daughter. After searching around, he found that little Franz was the most suitable one in terms of status, strength and appearance within a hundred miles. He also managed to get the old man to marry him. The work of Count Wesson.

The two earls agreed that if the two young men had a daughter, they would be Frederick's wives. If it was the eldest daughter, then the two territories would be merged.

But at that time, little Franz had already gone out for training, and he didn't expect to come back five years later.

Old Franz narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "I'm afraid Miss Eichstadt is trying to trick His Highness the Crown Prince."

Frederick sneered and said, "If that were the case, the scene would be nice."

Normally, he would still gossip, but now that the two sides are enemies, it's hard to say whether the other side can leave a whole corpse after the fight.

The guys at the Springfield Arsenal got new ammunition for the old catapults. The interlayer of the double-layered wooden barrel was filled with small pieces of scrap iron, and the inner barrel contained a full 20 kilograms of blunted angina pectoris drugs.

Little Franz continued to introduce the latest enemy situation, pointing the wooden pole at the Lys Territory in the south: "Currently, Earl Lys is still in the same decadent state. He only has five new knights, a thousand peasants and soldiers, and three thousand mountain mercenaries."

"It's just that his temper is unpredictable. I don't know whether he will join the main force in the Ansbach area or act independently."

Frederick nodded. Lisland was the place he had penetrated the most. A lot of the children of high-level people were studying at Weisenberg University and affiliated schools, and there was no shortage of all kinds of information.

Little Franz finally clicked the wooden pole at Ansbach in the northwest and said solemnly: "This is the enemy's main attack direction. The enemy will have Count Ansbach as the actual commander. The prince is just a commander." Look."

"At present, the Ansbach Territory has merged with the armies of the Fürth Territory. There are a total of 40 knights, 30 magicians, 400 cavalry, 3,000 standing troops, 12,000 mountain mercenaries, and an estimated 12,000 peasant soldiers. There will be more than six thousand people.”

"In addition, the prince will bring the Royal Knights, mainly fifty knights, as well as about 600 cavalry and 1,000 infantry servants."

"Theoretically, the knights will not participate in the battle, but their cavalry and servant infantry should join the battlefield to strive for military glory. These people are the armies of the major families in the royal capital and are well-equipped. Many of the cavalry are knights, and their strength cannot be underestimated. watch for."

After hearing this, Frederick looked at the sand table and nodded. Judging from the number of people, the enemy had a huge advantage and could not lose.

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