Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 137 Dividing Unicorns

The war is about to begin, and the atmosphere in the entire Wesen Territory is quite dull.

Just then, Frederick received a boatload of unexpected gifts.

"You really want to give it to me?"

Frederick asked again a pagan steward wearing a linen robe next to him.

The steward bowed his head and replied: "It is absolutely true, Your Highness Sophie is willing to give this winged unicorn and other unicorns to old friends."

Mrs. Sophie sent someone to deliver a winged unicorn and a dozen unicorns, which were great gifts.

Frederick's brows furrowed. Although everyone was happy to cooperate, it was normal to give some gifts, and sending a war unicorn was acceptable, but sending a fledgling winged unicorn was not normal.

Just like the big businessmen between the two countries, it is not strange to give away a few luxury cars when they make money, but it is weird to give them an active main fighter jet.

"Tell me," Frederick said calmly, "What are Mrs. Sophie's conditions?"

He was sure that he and Mrs. Sophie were not familiar enough to send fighter jets, so he had to ask clearly before talking.

The steward could only say: "His Highness put down a rebellion at the beginning of the year. It would have been fine if an ordinary family dealt with it directly, but among them was His Highness's mother's family. His Highness couldn't bear to deal with them and wanted to send them to you."

Frederick smiled, it was indeed a big trouble.

Religious issues these days are not trivial. Manuai and other scholars from Constantbul had many sects that were different from their local sects. Frederick could only let them figure it out at home and not come out to do it. It happened, so Archbishop Victor and the others pretended not to see it.

Now there is a family of heretics. Even if they enclose their own territory, they will not be able to stop the radicals of the Church of Light from coming to increase their reputation one day.

"It's okay to come here." Frederick thought of an excuse. "If they want to live here, they must convert to the Church of Light."

After saying that, he sighed in his heart and said goodbye to this winged unicorn.

Faith is a very serious matter. No matter which religion, there are saints who would rather die than convert after being captured by pagans.

What he said was tantamount to directly rejecting Mrs. Sophie. The gift was a good gift, but what followed was a huge time bomb. He couldn't do anything like accepting the gift and the person and then killing them all.

But he didn't expect that the reason why saints become saints is because they can do things that ordinary people cannot do.

"No problem." The steward replied immediately, "They also expected this."

Every time Frederick met with pagans, he would call the priest of the Church of Light. Today’s visitor was Bishop Clement of the local diocese.

Bishop Clement asked immediately: "How many are there?"

The steward replied: "Five hundred people in total."

Clement's eyes suddenly shone brightly, and he pulled Frederick aside and muttered.

Convincing pagans to convert is a great achievement. Except for the time when it was first founded, the priests of the Light Church have not converted more than ten pagans for many years.

Moreover, not only Bishop Clement could obtain this achievement, but Frederick also had a staff of paladins and was considered a member of the church system, so he could also obtain it.

But Frederick was not interested in it now and had no time to waste on it, so he left the matter to the bishop.

He went over and said to the steward: "Okay, bring the person over at some time."

The steward replied: "It will be delivered together with the cotton during this year's cotton harvest season."

Frederick breathed a sigh of relief, not now.

Next, it’s time to happily divide the unicorns.

The horse pen in the castle has been crowded with people for a long time. No locals have seen a unicorn worth one or two thousand florins, let alone a winged unicorn, and neither have the members of the Royal Mage Group. .

Psyche was always among these unicorns, holding a small handbag in her hand. She kept rubbing her fur, looking at her hooves, pinching her waist, opening her mouth and looking at her teeth. She waited until Frederick agreed to accept it before going over. Asked the steward: "They are all good horns, from the royal stable, right?"

The steward saw that she was very knowledgeable in inspecting goods and was good at using words, so he replied respectfully: "As the master said, these horns are carefully selected from the palace horn circle."

Psyche turned to Frederick and said: "These horns are of high quality and can be used for breeding. Anyone who offers less than three thousand florins will be kicked out."

When Frederick heard this, he immediately frowned slightly, it was too expensive.

Psyche saw what he was thinking and said: "It's okay, just accept it. You haven't seen tens of thousands of florins yet."

Frederick felt relieved after hearing what she said, and went over to observe his winged unicorn carefully.

This winged unicorn is female. Its wings are at the connection between the back neck and the back. Each side is more than two meters long. The body is slightly longer than the ordinary unicorn next to it. The whole body is mainly white and contains a Golden, with a piece of hair above the four hooves like a rising sun, the mane and waving tail are like golden flames, and the horns on the head are as clear as crystal, with a faint golden light.

Psyche pointed to the horn on its head and said: "The better the unicorn is, the more magical the horn on its head will be. The color of the horn will change. If it becomes lighter, it means that it is hungry and has no strength. If it is full, The more vigorous it becomes, the deeper it will become.”

Not only Frederick, but the onlookers all said "Oh". There were many red-horned mules pulling carts in the territory. The horns on their heads were the same as those of cattle and sheep, but in different colors. It turned out to be this.

Frederick said with some regret: "I don't know how long it will take to learn to ride it."

He thought there would be aerial reconnaissance this time, but he didn't know how long it would take to get a Winged Unicorn driver's license.

At this time Psyche smiled proudly and took out a transparent crystal round block the size of a chess set from her handbag.

She saw this crystal floating in front of her, with her right hand a little above. Two magic circles immediately appeared inside the crystal, one in the center and one outside to form a ring.

Finally, the crystal was cut into two parts out of thin air. Psyche put the ring part on the winged unicorn's horn and gave the inner core to Frederick.

Becher, who was watching at this time, asked in a deep voice: "Drive the chain? May I ask this lady, who is Master Psyche who invented this magic two hundred years ago?"

Psyche replied calmly: "Myself."

After saying that, she ignored the stunned Becher and said to Frederick: "You ask someone to get a necklace and put it on so that you can control it."

Frederick blinked and asked in as much surprise as Becher: "Did you invent the control necklace used by the Fire Dragon Knight?"

Psyche replied proudly: "Yes, it's awesome! Okay, I'll talk about the compliments later. You give it a name first and get in touch with it more. You can ride it without this in the future."

Frederick held the piece of crystal and thought about asking him to raise his left front leg, and the winged unicorn immediately did so.

He looked at the golden flame-like new mount and said, "Just call it 'Dawn'."

As soon as he finished speaking, the winged unicorn nodded, looking satisfied.

Then Frederick walked up to a unicorn that was dark red all over and had a golden lightning-shaped fur on its left shoulder. After calling little Franz over, he said: "It is the strongest, and it is yours now."

Little Franz laughed so stupidly that he thought that the master would give the unicorn to him, but he originally thought that it would be the time to reward the unicorn after the war, but he didn't expect it to be now. He immediately went over and touched the unicorn's neck, salivating. I almost shed my tears, and I even forgot to say thank you.

On the side, Tarot quietly said to the head maid Carbo: "It looks like he will sleep with the unicorn from now on, not you."

Carpo snorted coldly and went over to give his husband a kick on the calf. Only then did he come back to his senses and go over to thank the master.

Amidst laughter, Frederick called Jurgen, Lothar and Andre.

They each led a cavalry company. They naturally became excited after seeing little Franz get a unicorn, and now they naturally ran over as soon as the master called.

Frederick pointed at three unicorns with dark purple fur and black horns and said: "These unicorns are very fast, one for each of you."

These three were mentally prepared and naturally remembered to thank the master immediately.

Frederick waved his hand and asked them to hurry up and choose.

Then came the two group leaders. Heinz was given a white unicorn, and Bernd was given a purple one.

Captain Gai of the Magician Company received a sky-blue unicorn, and the other five second-generation knights who served as battalion commanders and logistics managers also received a gray-white unicorn each.

Everyone happily received their unicorns. Psyche helped them rub the crystals of the necklace on the spot, and then told them to go to the conference room to learn how to raise unicorns.

At this time, everyone discovered that there was a silver-white unicorn in the horse pen that had not been separated out, and everyone looked at Frederick.

Frederick smiled and said nothing, naturally this horse was given to Maria.

But now is not the time to give the unicorn away. There will be a hunting event in late autumn this year to celebrate the 80th birthday of the Grand Duke of Mainz. That is the time to give the unicorn away.

The most important thing right now is to fight the next war well and announce the rise of new forces to the world.

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