Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 138 Arrangements for Funerals

When Wesson led everyone to want to ride a unicorn on their way to the toilet every day, the military camp outside Ansbach was very lively every day.

In the main tent of the military camp, Rudolf and a group of counts sat at a round table, drinking heavily and eating meat, while musicians played cheerful music beside them.

Most of the roast pig on the table has been eaten, several wine barrels are empty, and the smell of wine in the air can make people drunk.

As soon as Rudolf emptied his glass, Count Eichstadt, who was sitting next to him, immediately poured the wine for him, and a soft slime inadvertently touched his arm.

Eichstadt suddenly shrank back, his cute face blushed slightly, and Rudolph's heart beat a few times.

Rudolf leaned over, stretched out his head and whispered something in her ear.

Eichstadt's face immediately showed an expression of great surprise, and he kept asking Rudolph if what he just said was true.

Rudolf didn't answer and just continued drinking.

Eichstadt didn't wait for the wine glass to be empty, and immediately held up the keg to pour him wine. This time, he didn't shrink back, but the shyness on his face became a little stronger.

After a moment, Rudolph smiled and nodded.

Count Ansbach, Count Fürth and Count Roth all saw this scene and pretended not to see it. They chatted about training hounds. Their territories were connected and they often hunted together.

There was no expression on Earl Rees's face. He was drinking and eating meat alone. He did not participate in the conversation and did not even look at the two people who were gradually warming up.

Everyone didn't care, they all knew that the only heir of his family was now a fool, and his daughter-in-law was barren. He wanted to straighten out his illegitimate child, but was opposed by his in-laws. In the past two years, he had been drinking all day long and couldn't sober up.

Now everyone can see that Eichstadt is seducing Rudolf, and His Highness the Crown Prince's reaction does not look like a rookie.

As for the result, no one would think that Eichstadt would become the crown princess anyway. It is one thing to hug someone, but it is another thing to officially get married. Even if Rudolf is stupid, the king is not stupid yet.

But it is not useless. Several of these families were placed here by the king, and their glory is attached to the king. Without the king's support, they would end up like the current Wesson family.

Just now, these five families signed an alliance agreement under the witness of Rudolf, and joined forces to fight against the neighboring Principality of Mainz and the Principality of Bain.

If Count Eichstadt can have the most in-depth cooperation with the prince, it will be extremely beneficial to strengthening the relationship between the alliance and the royal family.

Rudolph was waiting for something to do, and everyone quickly dispersed after eating and drinking.

Earl Rees walked out of the tent, and the butler was already waiting on him.

He looked up at the sun that was beginning to set, and said to the butler: "Jules, come with me for a walk."

After speaking, Earl Rees walked out of the military camp with only the butler and climbed a nearby mountain.

This mountain is almost 100 meters high. Now you can have a bird's-eye view of the entire military camp from the top of the mountain. You can also see Rudolf riding his silver-white unicorn, with Eichstadt sitting in front of him. The two left the military camp together and walked along the nearby road. The river went upstream.

Earl Rees found a big rock and sat down, watching the sinking sun motionlessly. It was not until the sunset began to appear that he said calmly: "Jules, your son and daughter are all in Wesson."

Jules stood behind the old man for a long time. At first, he thought the old man was in a daze, but he didn't expect to suddenly ask this question that could kill him.

Fortunately, they had already prepared an excuse, and Jules immediately replied in a faster voice: "Report to the master, I will send them to Wesson as undercover agents."

Earl Rees did not comment on this answer, but still said calmly: "He has been with me since he was ten years old, and it has been forty years now."

"Your family has been serving my family since your great-grandfather, almost a hundred years ago."

"There is one thing that I haven't told you for forty years."

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Jules' forehead, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Earl Rees continued: "The night before you came to me, your father told me that when you lie, you will speak faster than usual. I didn't expect that you are still like this."

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on Jules' back, and his hands were shaking slightly.

"Sigh... I don't blame you." Earl Rees sighed deeply, "I am also a father, and we understand your thoughts."

He patted the stone beside him and said softly: "Let's sit together. It's been many years since we sat and watched the sunset together and talked about our feelings. When was the last time?"

Jules immediately replied: "It's the day before my sixteenth birthday."

"It turns out it's been so long." Earl Rees sighed, "In the blink of an eye, it's been thirty-six years."

"Come and sit down. It's been a long time since we talked about what's on our mind."

When Jules heard what his master said, he sat down next to him cautiously.

Earl Rees stretched out his fat palm and patted his shoulder, squeezed it hard, and then sighed: "You are getting old too. I remember the last time I patted your shoulder, it was the day your son was born. At that time, you His shoulders are thick."

"The child is twenty years old now, your daughter is sixteen, and there is only a handful of bones left in your shoulder."

"Oh, I'm sorry for you. When I fell into the ice cave that year, you jumped in and rescued me. I didn't expect you to have offspring so late."

"What are people of our age doing, other than paving the way for our children before we die?"

"This is what our king thinks. For this reason, I lost two sons and made one stupid."

"Why was I the first to jump out and accuse Henry? We had a very good relationship before. If she hadn't died in infancy, she would have married Frederick. The king has promised that as long as I have a grandson, he will be considered a son. Silly, the family and title will be inherited."

Having said this, he wiped the tears from his eyes.

He had a daughter who was three years older than Frederick. At that time, after Frederick was born, the two families were planning to have a baby. Unexpectedly, the little girl died of illness not long after.

Jules lowered his head and remained silent, holding the hem of his clothes tightly with both hands.

Earl Rees continued to sigh and said: "Both of your family are smart children. It doesn't matter if you go to Wessonland. There are many outstanding scholars there. After you learn your skills, you can make a living anywhere."

"This battle is not that easy to fight. They all underestimated the Wesen collar. The high-yielding seeds and continuous wealth have blinded everyone's eyes."

"That bastard Ansbach gave me all the vases the prince brought to be inlaid with gold, but he kept all the servants they brought who could beat him."

"Are these people easy to serve? If that bastard Ansbach can't serve them, just give them to me. Maybe I will be killed by these people in Heim City."

"Jules, since some things are going to be sold, they must be sold at a good price. They cannot be made to look cheap."

"If I die and Frederick wins, you can open the city gate when they come to attack the city. The conditions are not harsh. Just let Frederick treat that silly boy kindly and let him live out his life in peace. .”

Jules raised his head suddenly, turned his head and looked at Earl Rees in disbelief, not knowing what to say in panic.

"Going back." Earl Rees stood up before Jules could answer.

For Earl Rees, it doesn't matter whether he answers this matter or not. This big tree is about to fall. It is normal for the monkeys in the tree to run away. If Jules has the conscience to take care of his silly son, then thank the light. God.

Count Reese saw Rudolf and Eichstadt coming back on the unicorn. Eichstaedt was holding the reins and Rudolf put his arm around her waist. He sneered and said, "I'll take those vases with me the day after tomorrow." Go back to the territory. You go back tomorrow to prepare a place for them to station themselves. We have only been away from the war for a few days."

After saying this, he walked down the mountain alone under the afterglow of the setting sun.

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