Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 139 Light the fuse

"go Go!"

Earl Rees waved his hand and told the beautiful girl in front of him wearing a gilt breastplate to leave the tent quickly and not delay his drinking.

Not long after, the five young men left the military camp of Lisland on horseback and headed north.

They were all high-spirited, their helmets and breastplates carefully crafted by skilled craftsmen and their cloaks embroidered with gold thread behind them reflected golden light in the late spring sunshine. Their top-notch war horses worth hundreds of gold were running happily with their hooves.

In the farmland on the roadside, the peasant women who were weeding just looked up, wiped the sweat from their foreheads, and bent down to continue working.

Running at the front was a young female knight. She turned back from time to time and shouted to her companions in a clear and sweet voice, "Hurry up!"

Belle Burke is the granddaughter of the chief minister of the Heraldry Academy. She is seventeen years old and has many suitors in Cologne City.

This time King William asked each family to select the future pillars of the country to accompany the prince for gold plating. She went on a hunger strike for three days during the meal before getting her grandfather to agree to come.

She was a restless girl. After arriving at the military camp in Lissland, she heard a few words from someone and decided to go to Wesenland for reconnaissance the day before the war started.

They, the future pillars of the country, would go out for reconnaissance every day after arriving at the military camp in Ansbach. Anyway, this is what is recorded in the documents. As for whether they reconnoitred the taverns and restaurants in the city or lurked in the bathing flower building for three to five days, they were gone. People know.

So Earl Rees thought that she was just tired of staying in the smelly military camp, and was looking for an excuse to go out for a run to relax, or that girls like to be clean and go to the city to take a bath or something, so he agreed without thinking.

So, the brave female knight set off with a small team of several suitors, aiming to lead Wesson to the city of Heim.

Near noon, they crossed the boundary between the territories and came to Wesson Territory. No one noticed that a conspicuous tree fell down on the top of the mountain.

There was a small river not far ahead, with a large swamp upstream. Belle Burke stopped in front of the bridge, pointed at the bridge with her riding crop and said, "Quick, measure how long and wide the bridge is."

Immediately behind her, some activists jumped off their horses and walked on the bridge, taking measurements in a decent manner.

When the activist finished weighing himself and walked to Belle Burke to show his courtesy, Belle Burke asked him: "Hey, did you hear the bell?"

Others listened carefully, and indeed there was a faint sound of rapid metal tapping coming from the distance.

"Let's go!" Belle Burke ignored her partner who was reporting the bridge data, "Let's go see what's going on!"

After saying that, she spurred her horse and ran forward, leaving a person standing there stupidly.

There are villages on both sides of the road not far ahead. Outside the village, a thorn wall is planted to surround the fields. It is as tall as a person. Only the intersection leading to the main road has a gate.

Belle Burke stopped the horse by the thorn wall, stood on the horse and looked in.

"Be careful!" Someone came to the side on horseback immediately, "Be careful not to fall!"

Belle Burke ignored him and frowned slightly, wondering why those farmers kept running to the village.

Someone stood on horseback like her, thought for a while, and came up with an idea: "Let's burn these thorns, and then let the village surrender. This is the first military achievement!"

"Okay!" Belle Burke immediately shouted excitedly.

She thought about her first military achievement, which made her the center of attention in the salon after she returned. Everyone was praising and flattering her. It was such a huge temptation that she didn't think about why Earl Rees didn't send troops today.

But she said a little depressed: "But we didn't bring any torches."

The proposer had a proud smile on his face. Among the five of them, he was the only one who was a fire magician. Naturally, he proposed setting fire to show off in front of the goddess he had been pursuing.

But before Belle Burke could answer, another competitor immediately broke down the situation: "This village is too small, let's find a bigger one."

Belle Burke thought the same thing. The village in front of her was much smaller than her own, so she decided to find a bigger village.

The man who made the first suggestion was very angry. Before leaving, he went to the thorn wall and threw a few ordinary fireballs to vent his anger. Soon, white smoke pillars shot straight into the sky.

The group of people hurriedly searched for a bigger village. Belle Burke was not satisfied, so she just burned the thorn wall to scare the villagers into trouble.

Not far away, Belle Burke found a donkey cart overturned on the road on the mountainside far ahead, with several people beside it.

Liher, dressed as a peasant woman but carrying a bow and arrow on her back, scolded Hozhenploz angrily: "You still say that you drive a car well, but look at you, is there anyone who can drive a car like this?"

Huo Zhenploz was helpless. A businessman from Heim City ordered a cart of rosin from the village. He delivered it to his door today and took Liher and a few village girls to the city to buy things.

Unexpectedly, the nearby village sounded the alarm, and when they were about to ask Ami the donkey to run faster, they whipped the donkey, but the donkey became stubborn and took the car into a ditch.

"Okay, okay," he said, "Let's unload the goods first and pull the car up."

At this moment, there was the sound of horse hooves in the distance, and five knights in bright armor stopped on the road.

"Liher," Huo Zhenplozi said in a deep voice, "You take them up the mountain, and I will hold them back."

There are not that rich knights in Wesenland. Needless to say, they must be enemies.

At this time, a village girl said anxiously: "You should run too."

Liher calmly said to the other village girls: "Come with me immediately, he can run away by himself."

She then said to Huo Zhenploz: "You can run away later when we are far away."

The world has been uneasy recently, so they all brought weapons with them when traveling far away, just in case, but they didn't expect to use them.

Hozhenpouloz took out his folding rifle and a short sword from under the seat of the donkey cart, loaded the bullets and bayonet.

Liher doesn't like using guns very much, but still likes bows and arrows.

On the other side, Belle Burke shouted excitedly: "Quick, take the prisoners!"

Immediately, someone rushed out first, pulled out his saber halfway, and swung it twice. A layer of flames clung to the blade, making it look very heroic.

Huo Zhenplozi calmly calculated the speed and distance of the war horse. When he saw the excitement on the rider's face, he suddenly raised his gun and fired.

The lead bullet entered from the right side of the war horse's chest, breaking the arm bone. The horse immediately rolled forward and fell to the ground after losing its support.

The knight on horseback was caught off guard and was thrown out. He rolled a few times on the ground and stopped just in front of Huo Zhenplozi.

Hozhenpouloz pulled out the bayonet from the neck of the man who kept spurting blood. He didn't have time to wipe off the blood on the knife and loaded the bullet amidst the screams and roars in the distance.

At this time, three men rushed over on horseback. Huo Zhenpuloz fired again. This shot did not hit the horse, but hit the right arm of the man on the far left, and the saber in his hand fell.

This man obviously had not suffered such a serious injury, so he just covered the bleeding place and screamed, letting the war horse carry him forward.

The other two people's attention was focused on Huo Zhenplozi in front, and the screams distracted them. They did not notice a few arrows shot out of the forest on the side.

Herbs that can instantly paralyze people and animals are hard to find, but prescriptions that increase pain sensation are much simpler. War horses knock people to the ground in pain.

Huo Zhenploz immediately rushed over, avoiding the crazy horses, and took advantage of the opportunity when the two fell to the ground to kill another person. When he was about to kill the third person, the man reached out and held the barrel of the gun to prevent the bayonet from coming. Insert yourself into your own neck.

The other party has been eating well and drinking well since he was a child, and his strength is much greater than that of Huozhenplozi, but the initiative lies in the hands of Huozhenplozi. This guy has no martial ethics. He loosened the strength in his hand and then kicked hard Kick between the opponent's legs.

There was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground in the distance behind. Liheer, who returned, shot an arrow into the gap between the helmet and breastplate of the man with the severed hand at the back of his neck.

Belle Burke was so frightened by the scene in front of her that she trembled all over and her mind went blank. Only when she saw the man opposite raised the strange weapon did she think of turning around and running away.

The gunfire rang out, and Belle Burke staggered and fell off the horse.

"There is no more behind for now." Liheer walked out of the mountain.

Huo Zhenplozi said to her hurriedly: "Why are you back? Run quickly. These are just scouts. They won't be able to escape when the big troops come later."

Liher said: "I don't want the goods anymore. Push the car up quickly and report to Heim City immediately."

Huo Zhenplotz and the others did not know that when Belle Burke and others first entered the Wesson Territory, starting from the time when the first message tree was put down on the top of the mountain, the information was passed to Frederick step by step.

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