Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 140 War Broadcast

The sun rose as usual.

At six o'clock in the morning, the sound of bells echoed in the room, and Baron Christian woke up from his soft and comfortable bed and started a new day.

He didn't sleep well last night. The vibration from the next room made him think that there was an earthquake. It was not until the vibration lasted for more than two hours that he was sure that it was not an earthquake, but a human tremor.

But there was nothing he could do about it. The top floor of this hotel run by a Sardinian was divided into two luxury suites. The people living next door must be rich or expensive.

As the prince's diplomat, Christian understood his current situation very well and would not cause trouble if he could.

At half past six, Christian was served by a servant and had his hair combed meticulously and his clothes neatly arranged. However, he was not satisfied yet and used small scissors to trim his beard himself.

At six forty, he did not have breakfast in the room, but came to the dining room on the first floor, where there was a novel talking machine.

There was also a note taped next to the machine that read, "I swear to the God of Light that there is no one in the box - you can trust Vito."

After Christian came to the hotel last night, he heard the voice of Archbishop Victor explaining the "Sacred Scripture" from inside, so he spent a gold coin to find out from the boss that the radio program started at seven in the morning and ended at ten in the evening.

So he waited in the restaurant early to hear what the machine would say in the morning.

The diplomat arranged his time. If it was interesting, he would sit until eleven o'clock. At that time, it would not be too late to go to the castle to formally submit a letter of challenge to Baron Wesson.

There were many people who had the same idea as him. At 6:45, the restaurant was already full of people, and the boss Vito also turned on the switch in advance.

If it were in the past, there would be a burst of music playing on the radio at this time. This was someone from the radio station testing the equipment.

However, as soon as the radio was turned on today, a sharp male voice came from inside: "Wesson Radio, Wesson Radio, dear listeners, the radio station will broadcast an important announcement at 7:30 in the morning."

Everyone present was stunned. Only after the sound circulated several times did they realize what was going on. There was a lot of discussion for a while.

Christian frowned, feeling something bad in his heart.

He thought to himself, could it be Baron Wesson calling for everyone to beat themselves up? What can't a child do in anger?

But he still finished today's breakfast - peas and carrot noodles - leisurely, and then listened to what was important.

It turned out that Christian was right to finish his breakfast before half past seven, avoiding the tragic end of choking to death.

At 7:29, every place with a radio in Wesson was filled with people, and all the villagers in the village gathered in front of the loudspeaker in the village square.

Far away in Lohr, Maria nervously waited quietly with her parents holding three Bichon Frize dogs.

At half past seven, a burst of impassioned music came from the radio. Ten seconds later, the announcer's deep voice sounded: "Please pay attention! Please pay attention!"

"This is Weissenburg City, and there is an important message here."

"Brothers and sisters of Wesenland, all people who are righteous, peace-loving and kind-hearted."

"Yesterday, April 18, 1026, at 10 a.m., without any announcement or warning, the Allied forces composed of the Land of Reese, the Land of Ansbach, the Land of Eichstadt, the Land of Roth, and the Land of Fürth invaded Our homes, and burned: the villages of Natis, Baland, Skogath, Shiros, and others.”

"The war of the Weisen people to defend their homeland against the invasion of the Allied forces has begun. Our actions are just. The enemy's conspiracy will be crushed, and victory will belong to us!"

For a moment, the entire Weisen Territory suddenly fell silent.

The clouds of war have been hanging around for two years, and now, the thunder has finally fallen.

Weisenberg City seemed to have set off a tsunami, and the angry roars grew from small to loud, from far to near.

Countless people rushed onto the streets and gathered in the city center square, waving their arms and roaring.

Administrator Frick appeared in front of the Executive Yuan building above the square and began to announce wartime management measures, and his voice appeared on the radio at the same time.

Christian was stunned in his seat for half an hour, and the back of his clothes was soaked with cold sweat.

He couldn't figure it out. He had clearly agreed to make an appointment to meet with Baron Wesson today, to send a letter of war tomorrow, and to start the war the day after tomorrow. Why did the war start yesterday? Then what was the point of coming here?

"Quick!" he said to the servant behind him, "prepare the carriage immediately and go to the castle!"

The carriage was quickly ready, but the intersection below the castle and the bank on the roadside had been surrounded by city defense barricades. Horseback riding and carriage were prohibited from entering, and only on foot.

Christian said to the officers of the city defense army: "I am the envoy, I want to see Baron Wesson!"

The officer asked him, "Do you have an appointment?"

Christian reluctantly replied: "No."

The officer immediately said: "You cannot see the Baron without an appointment."

Christian immediately asked: “Where should I make an appointment?”

The officer replied: "The appointment is on hold now."

Now Christian was anxious, thinking that he was in the city of Cologne, with the support of His Royal Highness, and angrily shouted at the officer: "I must see Baron Wesson today. If you can't make the decision, let someone who can make the decision Someone come talk to me!”

At this time, a soldier next to him said: "This man is so anxious to see the master, is he an assassin?"

Upon hearing this, the officer immediately took a few steps back and blew his whistle, and a large group of people immediately surrounded him.

The shield soldier at the front held a heavy tower shield in his hand. There were rows of spikes on the shield surface, and a frame with wheels underneath. In the shortest possible time, a shield wall was erected, with a shield wall between the shields. Pin connection.

Spears protruded from the gaps between the tower shields, their spearheads flashing with electric sparks.

Christian and his servants were surrounded, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

In the end, Frick sent someone over after receiving the news, and the two met in front of the gate of the Executive Yuan.

On behalf of Baron Wesson, Frick took the declaration of war from Baron Christian. After reading it once, he threw it to the ground in front of everyone in the square, pointed at the opponent's nose and cursed: "Shameless! This is The most shameless and despicable evil act since the creation of the world by the God of Light!! Even now, you still want to deceive us!!!"

Although the people in the square didn't know what this man was bringing, they just scolded him at this time, and the shouting and scolding could not be heard for a while.

Christian knew he was in the wrong and couldn't defend himself, so he could only say a few polite words and then immediately left this angry city.

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