Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 146 Is it okay to do anything?

It was late at night, but the shed of the merchants accompanying the army was still bustling with activity.

The people Otto sent to inquire about the information quickly sold out everything and came back, but did not obtain any useful information.

Because the people who come here to spend money are mainly mercenaries, and they fight step by step, while those gilded knights have their own circles and will not mix with these people.

Otto said to Frederick next to him: "Commander, it seems that we didn't get any useful information."

Frederick rode Dawn to Heim City not long ago. After feeding him the energy drink, he went up to the city wall to take a look.

Holding a lollipop in his mouth, he said: "Sieging a city is nothing more than siege, storming, sneak attacks, digging holes, etc. Just use them as you see fit."

After saying that, he lifted up the tarpaulin on the side, and what was underneath gave him a bit of a toothache.

There were signs of phobia of insufficient firepower at the Springfield Arsenal. They installed three pea guns side by side on the rack, lengthened the magazines, and used a hand-cranked wheel to continuously connect the magic circuits of the three guns, thus increasing the number of shots fired. speed.

It's just that this guy is a bit heavy and not suitable for being carried by a single soldier. It's quite good when mounted on top of a city or on the back of a carriage.

However, this is also an excessive product. He remembers the structure of Gatling, but the current bullet production capacity is not enough to support this thing, otherwise the pea gun can be changed from semi-automatic to fully automatic.

Otto said from the side: "The siege can be eliminated, and there is no need to think about digging holes. The groundwater level here is very high."

"I judge that the enemy may make a sneak attack, but a night attack tonight is impossible. Let's see tomorrow. I have plans."

Frederick nodded, and then said: "You decide what to do, I won't dictate."

"Reinforcements will arrive near noon tomorrow morning. I will be watching from the sky to see what the enemy's plans are and I will contact you using the communicator."

Dawn's favorite flying altitude is about 4 kilometers, mainly because no matter how high the temperature is, it doesn't like it. Frederick can't stand it, and it's enough for aerial reconnaissance.

Otto said happily: "This is the best, their little moves can't be hidden from us."

"Fortunately, the king didn't send the Fire Dragon Knight. The sky is ours."

Frederick leaned on the crenellations of the city wall, looking at several large counterweight trebuchets behind the city wall, and couldn't help but said: "Sky, have you ever heard of anyone raising fire dragons like chickens and ducks?"

He has been thinking about the war recently and is under a lot of pressure. He decided to change his mind tonight and think about other things to give his brain a rest.

It took Otto a while to catch up with his train of thought, and he shook his head and said, "There are many people who have the same idea as you. When I was young, I helped a client steal a fire dragon cub, and that client also planned to raise a fire dragon."

"I heard that it is not difficult to raise fire dragons so that they can mate and lay eggs. The difficult thing is to hatch the eggs."

"After the fire dragon lays its eggs, it will continue to spray dragon breath towards the eggs. The flames on the eggs must not be extinguished. It will take three months for the fire dragon cubs to hatch."

"You also know that the temperature of dragon's breath is enough to melt steel. Let alone us, it is difficult for even the fire dragons themselves to keep the fire going for such a long time, so no one has been able to hatch them so far, and they themselves have many failures. "

"But wingless dragons are easy to raise, like the round-headed dragons, which are small and very powerful. They are used in mines to pull mine carts in the mine tunnels. There are also sail dragons, which are used to pull ore to the mines. Outside."

Frederick nodded after hearing this. He had heard of this before, but although these sub-dragon monsters were strong and could adapt to harsh environments, they also had a large appetite.

They are like heavy-duty trucks in mines. Most people can't afford them and don't need them. Most of them are used by mine bosses.

After chatting for a while, Frederick said to Otto: "You should have a good rest and conserve your energy for tomorrow."

"I'll go see the prisoners first and fly away before the sun rises tomorrow."

The smile on Otto's face suddenly turned lewd, and after an exaggerated salute he said: "I wish you a happy night, hehehehe."

Frederick gave him a kick.

On April 18, Hozenplotz fired a shot at a female knight. The bullet ricocheted off her helmet, but the huge shock knocked her unconscious.

She was captured, but she refused to say her name until she was beaten to death, and no one here knew her family crest, so she was kept there until the ransom was paid after the beating.

Judging from the armor on this prisoner, her family status is very high, and the ransom will naturally not be less than 500 florins, so the cell where she is held is clean, there is a magic lamp, and the bedding inside is from I brought them from the hotel and prepared a set of new clothes.

When Frederick opened the door and walked into the cell, he saw the prisoner on the bed, curled up under the quilt and moving around, not knowing what he was doing.

He thought to himself that he was preparing to escape from prison, so he held the dagger in one hand and went over to lift the quilt.


The girl's screams echoed in the cell, and the prisoner in the next cell was woken up and roared: "Why are you making noise in the middle of the night? If you have a sense of public morality, just eat the cockroaches!"

The corner of Frederick's mouth twitched. It turned out that she was changing clothes. She had a pretty good figure. She could see signs of exercise and obvious muscle lines.

Belle Burke pulled the quilt with one hand to cover her body, pointed at the cell door with one hand and said angrily: "Get out!"

Frederick turned around and walked towards the cell door that was not closed. Just when Belle Burke breathed a sigh of relief, he found that he had closed the door and asked the jailer outside to lock the door and ignore whatever was happening inside.

"You...what do you want to do?" Belle Burke's voice trembled with nervousness, and her hands tightly grasped the sheets in front of her.

Frederick curled his lips. He wanted to do something that would please people, but the Supreme Law disagreed.

Belle Burke saw Frederick getting closer and closer to her, and her beautiful face was full of fear.

Frederick asked her: "What is your name and what family do you come from?"

Belle Burke just shook her head and said nothing.

Frederick glanced at the clothes she had changed on the bed, and said with a sneer: "It doesn't matter if you don't tell me. Just take your clothes to the Heraldry Institute, and they will help find your family."

Belle Burke was completely panicked immediately. She came here shamelessly, and she even boasted a lot at home. If her family and friends knew about her capture, she would be completely disgraced, and she would become someone else in the future. object of ridicule.

"Gu~ kill me!" She said something outrageous, "I won't bring shame to the family!"

"Okay." Frederick pulled out the dagger from his waist without expression, "Are you going to do it yourself or should I help you?"

The cell was underground, damp and cold. Belle Burke was not wearing any clothes at this time, so she felt cold on her body, but it was far less than the chill in her heart.

She looked at the gleaming blade getting closer and closer to her, and a revolving door of memories began to run through her mind.

Frederick had nothing to say to the enemy. He put the dagger against the opponent's white and smooth neck and said: "Don't worry, I will tell your family that you died heroically."

After saying that, he exerted force with his hand and scratched a little bit of skin, and Belle Burke immediately cried "Wow".

"Don't kill me!" Belle Burke collapsed completely, "You can do whatever you want me to do, but don't kill me!!"

Frederick stood there quietly and waited for her to finish crying before asking: "Is it really okay to do anything?"

Belle Burke raised her head and looked at Frederick's cute face and thought of something. Her face suddenly turned red. After hesitating for a moment, she gritted her teeth and released her hands that were holding the quilt. The quilt suddenly fell on the solid and elastic On the thigh, the whole part above the navel was displayed in front of Frederick's eyes.

"Really..." She lowered her head slightly, her neck turning red from shyness, "I can do whatever you want me to do."

Frederick sneered, not wanting her to take advantage of him, and asked softly: "Are you very strong?"

Belle Burke blushed and nodded.

Frederick said happily: "Well, since you don't want to say which family you are from, I won't force you, but you have to pay the ransom yourself, so use this body to repay it."

"But I'm not an unreasonable person. If you tell me who is coming with you and what their specialties are, I can reduce the ransom and you don't have to be so tired."

Selling teammates is not a psychological pressure for some people.

Early the next morning, a piece of intelligence about the opposite Gilded Knight appeared in front of Otto.

After reading this, Otto's eyes sneered and he began to make preventive arrangements.

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