Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 147 A short battle

In the early morning of April 21, the sound of horns replaced the crow of cocks, floating over the city of Heim.

Earl Rees suddenly realized that he was getting older. The full-body plate armor he had ordered when he was twenty years old was still gorgeous, but it seemed a little inconvenient to move around when he was wearing it.

For a full-body plate armor, you need to measure the waist circumference, chest circumference under the armpits, the position of the front fossa under the neck, the width of the arms when extending forward, the distance from the shoulders to the neck, the width of the shoulders and neck, the length between the shoulders, the distance between the shoulder blades, and the distance from the armpits to the waist. , length from the end of the neck to the spine, hip circumference, waist to hip size, circumference from the wrist to the front and back of the elbow, length from the elbow to the shoulder and wrist respectively, knee width, distance from crotch to knee, thigh length The length and width of the front, middle and back positions when squatting, the length of the calf and the width of the upper, middle and lower positions between the knee and the ankle, and the length and width of the hands are collected. Then the sheet metal workers use more than a dozen kinds of hammers to cut the parts of each part. The steel plate is hammered little by little until it matches the data.

Those who have money should also reserve a place to set up a magic circle on it.

"It's so crowded." Earl Rees couldn't help but sigh after putting on his tin can, "It's like lying in a coffin."

His retinue felt that the master's words were unlucky, but they were all new recruits and did not dare to take issue with the master's words.

At the top of the city of Heim City, the city defense troops and the men in city defense uniforms were already standing on both sides of the south gate. Everyone had their pea guns under their feet and held traditional weapons in their hands.

Otto stood on the arrow stand on top of the city gate, holding a telescope to carefully observe the enemies who were walking out of the camp.

The mountain mercenaries quickly lined up outside the military camp and then advanced to a place 500 meters away from the city wall. The peasant soldiers in the rear began to assemble siege equipment.

Otto estimated that the siege ladders, medium-sized catapults and shield vehicles would probably not be assembled until noon.

In the military formation, there was no trace of the gilded knight with such gorgeous armor.

"Well done." Otto smiled slightly.

If Frederick hadn't discovered those gilded knights in the sky just now, he would have thought that the opponent would have assembled their siege engines at noon, have a brief lunch, and then attack in the afternoon.

At almost nine o'clock, Earl Rees commanded the mountain mercenaries to start advancing and stopped about 250 meters away from the city wall. At this time, they were within the range of the pea gun and cherry cannon.

Otto did not give the order to fire, but ordered the trebuchets to start preparing.

The 15-meter-long horizontal bar of the machine trebuchet behind the city wall was always lowered and ready to go. There was nothing in the weight basket in front to avoid the enemy's early discovery.

There was a stair shelf next to the weight basket, and the soldiers began placing weights inside.

On the other end, someone put a 10kg package of angina pectoris medicine in his pocket.

According to previous test firings, these bombs can be thrown in front of the military formation.

Not long after, a rapid horn sounded from the north of the city.

Otto immediately looked panicked and shouted at the city defenders pretending to be one minute men to get off the city wall immediately.

Those who were citizens yesterday were running around in a mess, and many people fell down. All this was seen by Earl Rees with his telescope.

Count Reese waved his hand, and nearly three thousand mountain mercenaries advanced slowly. Driven by the peasant soldiers behind them, they stopped building siege engines and followed up with long stairs.

In the air, Frederick and Mingming had been hiding above a cloud. They were facing the sun from the battlefield and could not be seen without looking carefully.

From time to time, they got out of the clouds, took a bird's eye view of the earth, and grasped the entire battlefield situation.

At this time, a two-meter-wide dirt slope appeared on both sides of the northern city gate of Heim City. The gilded knights were divided into two teams, each equipped with a layer of magic shield, and were rushing up the slope to climb the wall.

When Frederick saw this situation, he was reminded of the situation in his previous life when he played "Mount and Blade" to defend the city. His favorite thing to do was to shoot arrows at the heads on the stairs on the horse faces of the city walls.

Following the sound of a whistle, the soldiers of the Whetstone Troops who had been sitting behind the city wall stood up one after another, and the tarp covering the three-line pea gun was instantly lifted.

The ten-meter-long ramp suddenly burst into colorful light.

The downpour of bullets hit the magic shields until they overloaded and failed, instantly turning into bursts of light, followed by red blood flowers.

Under the crossfire, the forty-five Vase Knights immediately fell to the ground, and the slopes disappeared, all falling to the ground.

Then several fires were lit in the city, and thick smoke rose into the sky, as if the streets were on fire.

Earl Rees waved his hand again, and the whole army quickly approached the city wall.

At this moment, several wooden poles taller than the city wall suddenly stood up behind the city wall, and black things flew out one by one and landed in front and behind the military formation.

There was actually a large trebuchet in the city, which no one had thought of before.

What they didn't expect was that the things thrown by the trebuchet were not the usual stones, but things that would explode.

Countless steel balls swept across the military formation with huge explosions, and more than two hundred people fell instantly. The surviving mercenaries recalled the scene that happened on the stone bridge yesterday morning and couldn't help but slow down.

Gunshots rang out on the wall, and dozens more people fell.

The mountain mercenaries had never experienced such severe casualties in a short period of time, and their minds went blank. In this time, nearly a hundred people fell.

A young newcomer couldn't stand it anymore, threw down his weapon and ran away.

The first one to escape appeared, and naturally there were second and third ones. In a blink of an eye, the whole army collapsed.

No one stopped these mercenaries, Earl Rees ran faster than them.

He understood clearly that he could not compete with the enemy's new weapon. The explosion just now injured his horse. What he had to do now was to run as far away as possible while the horse still had strength.

Frederick saw clearly from the air, and at the same time he saw smoke and dust billowing a few kilometers to the east, and two main regiments were on their way.

He immediately flew over and asked the main group to rush to the south to block the enemy. At the same time, he asked Otto to lead the troops in pursuit without giving the enemy a chance to stop and breathe.

Under Frederick's aerial guidance, the main group relied on a village and a small river flowing through the place to launch a defense line with a side length of more than a kilometer, catching the defeated enemy.

The team commanded by Bobo happened to be guarding between a firewood forest and a small river. From time to time, several broken soldiers ran into the forest and were easily caught by them.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, there was no sound around, and everyone began to take turns eating in place.

Bobo was eating marching biscuits, and Metzger pointed to the bushes in the forest while nibbling biscuits and said: "If I were the enemy, I would hide in there until dark and then come out."

Someone next to him immediately said with a smile: "Then go in and catch the person."

"You think I'm stupid." Metzger rolled his eyes at his comrades. "It's better to set fire to the bushes and burn the bushes."

Then he picked up a fist-sized stone from beside him, threw it in his hand, and said with a smile: "The forest is not big, maybe I can hit someone if I throw the stone."

After saying that, he slammed the stone into the woods.

The stone hit a tree, bounced back and fell into the grass, making a muffled "thud" sound.

Metzger's originally smiling face suddenly turned serious. He jumped up from the ground, drew his revolver with his left hand and shot at the place where the stone fell, and then rushed over.

When everyone was confused, a beautiful tin can actually jumped out of the grass.

Metzger fired all the bullets at the tin can body without hesitation. However, the power of the pistol was a bit weak, and the armor had a lot of defensive magic. After several bursts of light, it did not cause fatal damage to the opponent, and he could still hold the mace and shoot at it. He fought back.

Finally, Metzger slammed his pistol into the enemy's faceplate and took advantage of the opportunity to bully him from the side.

The enemy was not a rookie, so he didn't care if his faceplate was hit. He turned around and hit him with the mace in his hand.

Upon seeing this, Metzger immediately squatted down. When the mace passed over his head, he suddenly pounced on it and knocked the can to the ground.

The two rolled into a ball in the bushes. Metzger found that he was not as strong as the other person and was grabbed by the other person's neck and pushed to the ground.

Metzger immediately pulled out the bayonet on his waist and thrust it between the helmet and the armor of the tin can.

Blood instantly gushed out along the bayonet, and the tin can let out two "haha" gasps, and then pressed heavily on Metzger's body.

"Stop watching the fun!" Metzger shouted, "Help me move him away."

Bobo had already gathered people with weapons around him, and someone said with a smile: "We don't want to take your credit."

"You guys." Metzger pushed the can away and sat up, rubbing his neck and panting.

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