Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 148 Pre-war Arrangement

In the early morning of April 22, the north wind blew, and the weather was a little cooler than usual. A light rain suddenly fell in the early morning, and thick fog began to appear just as the sun rose.

In the Allied military camp outside the city of Hausen, the faces of Prince Rudolf, Count Ansbach, Count Fürth and Count Lot were gloomy. Count Eichstadt simply lay in the arms of His Highness the Prince. Crying non-stop.

Good news, the main force of Wesenland's army has been mobilized to Heim City as previously planned.

Bad news, Earl of Reese died in battle, and now the Land of Lot, Eichstadt and Reese are all occupied by Baron Wesson.

Even worse news is that among the fifty gilded knights who were kicked to Earl Rees, all but one of them disappeared in the battle. Considering that the missing one was a young girl, the fate may be worse than death in battle.

No one spoke in the tent, everyone had their own thoughts.

Rudolf couldn't care about the beauty in his arms now. He had no idea in his heart, and all he could think about was how to face the cross-examination of the fifty families after returning to Cologne City.

Count Ansbach was undecided, unsure whether Frederick should reinforce the city of Hausen or take a detour to attack his hometown.

Earl Lot has regained his psychological balance. Now he is not homeless alone. He is at least better than Rees and still alive.

Count Eichstadt can do nothing but cry now. Leading troops to fight is beyond his ability.

Earl Felt is much calmer. His home is far away, and Baron Wesson probably won't go there.

No one put forward any opinions or suggestions on the current war situation. The precious time passed by like this little by little, and nearly 30,000 people were doing nothing in the camp.

Everyone didn't think there was anything wrong with this. The pace of pastoral agricultural life was slow. Even though Frederick fought almost a battle of annihilation every day, people's thinking inertia did not change.

When the fog completely dissipated, Ansbach finally made up his mind and said to Rudolf: "Build a siege engine today and attack the city of Hausen tomorrow. If it is also foggy tomorrow morning, we will take advantage of the fog to approach the city wall."

Rudolf was still thinking about how to explain to everyone when he returned, so he nodded in agreement without thinking.

At the same time, Frederick, Franz Jr. and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Under the leadership of Jules, the former Earl of Reese's butler, the army walked over the mountains and ridges in the fog and arrived at the junction of the Ansbach Territory and the Wesson Territory. There are mountains to the west and rivers to the east. The passage in the middle is about It is 1.5 kilometers wide, and the main road connecting the two places is right in the middle.

The plan of Frederick and Franz was very simple. They relied on the favorable terrain to fight head-on with the enemy's main force at the foot of the mountain.

The main force of the enemy on the opposite side is more than 10,000 infantry, more than 1,000 cavalry, about 70 iron cans and 30 magicians.

The maximum number of mobile troops mobilized in the Weisen Territory is about 10,000, including 4,000 in the two main regiments and about 6,000 in the basic militia.

At present, some of the basic militiamen are dispersed to the newly captured areas for defense. In this battle, 3,000 people can be arranged to defend the flanks and 1,000 people to defend the rear.

As long as Wesson's army can defeat this large group of enemies head-on, it will form a "hit with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches" situation, which will prevent potential enemies from easily thinking of using force, and at the same time enhance the self-confidence of the new and old territories. and a sense of security.

On the afternoon of the 22nd, Wesson led the army to enter the position after taking a full rest in the mountains and began to build fortifications.

A convoy returning to the Ansbach Territory to transport supplies was dispersed by the cavalry company. Only then did Count Ansbach and others discover that the enemy had appeared five kilometers behind them.

"What to do?" Rudolf was a little panicked. In front of him was the city of Hausen, and behind him was the Wesson Army that marched down three cities in a row. On the left and right were rivers and mountains. He was obviously surrounded.

Count Ansbach said in a deep voice: "There is no other way. Break out early tomorrow morning. As long as Wesson's main force is defeated, everything will be easy."

What he is most worried about now is whether his home has been stolen by Frederick. Everything else is easy to talk about.

But there is no need to worry this time. Frederick did not steal the house. The city of Ansbach is too big compared to other places, and there are no knowledgeable people who abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side. Maybe he will be attacked from both sides.

On the mountain near the preset battlefield, Frederick, Franz Jr. and others were discussing tomorrow's tactics.

In their opinion, the biggest threat tomorrow is the more than a thousand light cavalry. If they are willing to use corpses to pave the way, there is a high possibility that they will rush into the infantry square.

The water level of the river east of here has just dropped, and the riverside is muddy. If you step on it, your calves will sink. It is not suitable for large-scale cavalry operations.

The foot of the mountain to the west is much more suitable. The ground is solid. Although there are some weeds and thorns, they do not hinder the movement of the war horses.

Frederick was a little regretful that the barbed wire fence had not been built in time, otherwise it would have been much easier.

Now you can only bury "This is the enemy" in the grass, and the effect should be OK.

"Set up a concealed side-firing position there." Frederick pointed to the mountain in front and said, "They don't have to worry about anything else. Just shoot from the side whenever the enemy passes by."

Young Franz replied: "You can put a company of chasseurs there and add some militiamen."

Frederick added: "Put some mines on the perimeter, and it's best to arrange some close combat mushroom guns. The enemy will attack them if they find out."

Franz Jr. said it was possible.

There is a place on the mountainside behind the mountain where hundreds of people can pass quickly. Everyone feels that they must defend here, but there are not enough mines, so they bury the unused 10kg of angina medicine from Heim City in the grass on the roadside.

After finishing reading here, Frederick asked Gade: "Your magician company can use new weapons this time, how do you plan to fight?"

Gaed thought thoughtfully and replied: "I plan to place positions on several mountain tops behind the enemy. Give me a company of chasseurs, and we can deal with the enemy's magicians as soon as possible."

Frederick thought for a moment and said, "Okay, you have to prepare a few hiding spots first. It's best to form an ambush position with the Chasseur Company to deal with the people who are searching for you."

Everyone quickly finished the discussion and then everyone went about their own business.

Frederick returned to the campsite in the mountains and fed Dawn a large bucket of oats and a small half bucket of sweet radish, which she liked best.

At night, an explosion suddenly occurred in the Allied camp. In the parking lot, several trucks of freshly loaded grain and grass quickly burned.

The fire took advantage of the wind and spread quickly.

Fortunately, the magicians in the military camp acted quickly and the fire was quickly controlled.

From the air, Frederick saw that the entire military camp was in chaos, as if he was trying to catch lurking enemies.

There are still a lot of bombs behind him, but take your time and wait for them to stop before throwing another one.

However, before he could take action for the second time, he discovered that an army had quietly dispatched from Hausen City, and they also brought five large torque catapults.

Old Franz used the cover of weeds on the ground to slowly push the catapult less than a hundred meters away from the military camp.

As for the sentry in this direction, his neck was wiped from behind by several people earlier.

Frederick curled his lips. The figure of one of them looked like Afu.

After these people withdrew, the trebuchets quickly threw 20kg angina pectoris medicine barrels coated with a layer of black charcoal into the military camp.

After the orange-red light and deafening sound, four empty spaces appeared in the camp, and the tents and people were blown away by the shock wave.

There was just one bomb that flew into the manure pit. The physical damage was not great, but the psychological shadow was huge.

When a certain prince walked out of the tent, a flying butt knocked him back into the tent.

Someone saw something flying in from the outside before the explosion occurred. Immediately, a cavalry team left the camp to search around.

But not long after these dozens of cavalry left the camp, bullets fired from the grass instantly knocked them to the ground.

Old Franz quit when he saw the opportunity, installed booby traps on the catapult, which was going to be eliminated anyway, and then ran away with his men.

The military camp was in chaos, and Count Ansbach had to order the magicians to prop up the magic shield of the entire camp so that the soldiers could feel at ease.

Controlling a large area of ​​magic is very mentally demanding. Count Ansbach felt that Frederick would not take the initiative to attack here, so he did not ask the magicians to support the shield, and he got a slap in the face.

A magic shield like a pot lid appeared in the sky above the military camp, covering the entire camp, and a faint blue appeared on the ground.

Frederick studied for a while, and with the theoretical knowledge Psyche taught him, he could now recognize many magics. He quickly saw that this was a flesh-grinding wind that looked like a shield of wind and steel.

The Shield of Wind Steel is a hard layer of wind elements formed by the roar of wind elements through a special arrangement. It is a very commonly used magic shield and can also be used as an umbrella.

The prototype of the wind of mincing meat is said to have been invented by a magician who was a chef. It is a layer of violent wind element turbulence. If something touches it, it will be torn to pieces by the turbulence.

At the same time, this magic shield has another advantage, it is ventilated and breathable.

Among the stupid ways magicians die, there are several who suffocated themselves to death by wrapping themselves in magic shields, so this method can also be used to suffocate others.

Frederick also slipped away. Enemies who are more vigilant are not so easy to deal with, and they might get involved themselves.

He slipped away, but someone was lurking.

The five middle-aged and elderly people are still strong and strong. Their attire, demeanor and appearance are the same as other peasant soldiers. They used the chaos just now to lurk in the peasant soldier camp.

In the dead of night, they quietly came to the parking lot where the carriages were parked. The carriages here contained many javelins used by the cavalry, preparing to accompany the army tomorrow. They were high-value targets.

"How are you doing?" A man with white hair and blue eyes asked his companion in a low voice, "Can you still do it?"

"Of course." The person in question replied confidently, "I have not been idle these years."

The next moment, the magicians in the military camp suddenly opened their eyes and rushed out of their tents rolling and crawling.

In the parking lot, the violent wind element formed a tornado that kept moving around. Everything in its path was sucked up and thrown into the surroundings after accelerating.

Suddenly, javelins rained down in the military camp.

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