Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 149 Kill the General and Capture the Flag

The rising sun ignited the white clouds and turned the entire sky into the color of roses.

Birds fluttered their wings under the twilight, bees shuttled through the forest in search of blooming flowers, and slimes emerged from the gaps between stones and trees. For them, this was just another ordinary and repetitive day.

In the mountain forest, an army has been assembled and is listening to the commander's pre-war mobilization speech.

"Brave warriors! You may be wondering, why are you standing here today?"

"This is a good question and one worth pondering."

"I can tell you right now, today, we stand here together because justice has been trampled, loyalty has been trampled, and greedy hungry dogs have sharpened their claws and want to break into our homes and steal our money. Our food, our family!”

"Maybe some people will say, can't we just give them something and send them away?"

"Everyone think about it, where did your family property come from? Did it fall from the sky? Or did you and your family accumulate it bit by bit through hard work with your hands?"

"Now I don't cherish this property in my own hands and treat it like a weed. I'll give it a few coppers today and a few Kreutz tomorrow in exchange for a few peaceful nights' sleep."

"But when you wake up again, you find that there is nothing in your home, but the robber is standing outside the door again!"

"Our property is limited, but the greed of robbers is unlimited! The more you give, the more often they come!!"

“In the end, the home will be invaded by bandits, the wife and daughter will be raped, and the whole family will be sold to the pagan land to work as cattle and horses. They will wake up earlier than chickens, sleep later than mice, work more than donkeys, and eat more. You have to live worse than a slime until you die from exhaustion!"

"The reason why we stand here together today is not because we like killing people, not because we are full, but to protect our homes, our property, and our families!!"

"Hold your weapon! Wear your helmet! Throw away fear! Remember: behind us is everything we hold most dear!!!"

Frederick's voice not only echoed in the mountains, but also reached every radio through layers of relays.

On April 23, 1026, the entire Wesen Territory almost came to a standstill, and everyone was anxiously waiting for news from the front line.

In the castle of Maria's family in Lohr, in addition to Maria's family, the Grand Duke of Mainz and a group of military and political officials from the principality gathered around the radio in the living room to listen to the news that was delayed for half an hour.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the Allied forces appeared, pressing down like a wall, stirring up smoke and dust in the sky, and the earth trembled slightly.

The Allied forces stopped 400 meters away from Wesson's army and began to adjust their formation amidst the sound of military bugles. Ten thousand infantry were deployed on the east side of the river, with archers in the front, pikemen in the middle, and heavy infantry behind. One thousand light cavalry are all deployed on the west side of the mountain, and the iron cans are also here.

Judging from the flag, Count Ansbach is in the center position, Counts Rudolf and Eichstadt are also here, Count Roth commands the infantry on the east side, and Count Fürth commands all the cavalry.

On the Weisen Army's side, the Golden Angels and Snow Leopards were arranged side by side. The distance between the squads was widened and the depth was increased. The cavalry company was arranged in the rear.

Franz the Younger's tactics were simple: to defend and consume the enemy's cavalry, and then to deal with the enemy's infantry.

According to tradition, the generals of both sides should come forward to exchange words at this time. Count Ansbach and Rudolf were walking out of the military formation, and Frederick was riding Dawn towards the front of the army from the cavalry channel between the east position and the river. .

Mingxiao was very excited today. As soon as he stood, his front legs kept digging on the ground, and the golden horn on his head shone slightly.

Frederick scratched its head and thought that this guy was really a militant, but he was still young and it would be a few years before he could ride it into battle and capture the flag.

Then something unexpected happened to everyone.

Mingxia seemed to sense Frederick's thoughts, but his ability to understand was limited. He only understood out of context the part where he wanted to ride into the formation, kill the generals and capture the flag, so he excitedly ran towards the enemy formation ahead.

It flapped its wings slightly, and suddenly accelerated to a speed of 50 meters per second. It rushed in front of the enemy's spearmen in less than 10 seconds, and no one present could react.

Many of the pikemen on the Allied side were confused. They had seen unicorns and His Royal Highness rode one, but they had never seen one with wings.

As the saying goes, the weirder the monster, the more powerful it is. Will such a strange monster eat meat like the fire dragon in the mountains? Can two people eat enough in a day?

Frederick was even more confused. As soon as the push on his back passed, the shiny spearhead was right in front of him.

Now he had no choice but to bite the bullet. Fortunately, he had all his weapons with him, so he immediately picked up the mushroom gun placed in front of the saddle.

I saw the unicorn light of dawn flourishing, and when I lowered my head, a golden magical light struck straight ahead, and the spearmen wherever it passed were blasted away by the huge force.

Frederick's eyes narrowed, causing Mingxiao to turn his head, instantly sweeping out a clearing, and then killed in.

In the Allied army's formation, Count Roth looked confused. Just now, he was listening to the messenger conveying Count Ansbach's order. For a moment, he didn't notice why the pikemen in front took off.

The pikemen in front of him were frightened. A moment ago, there was a crowd of people in front of them, and now they suddenly became the front row.

They saw the winged unicorn getting closer and closer to them, and finally turned around and ran away.

Frederick let Dawn rush towards Earl Lot, and the distance between the two sides quickly approached, and in the blink of an eye, it was less than 30 meters.

Royce and several other knights from the Roth family immediately protected Earl Roth, and Frederick fired at them one after another.

The steel balls rushed towards Royce and others. The speed gave the steel balls huge kinetic energy. The armor was penetrated. Each layer of mail and cushion failed to absorb the remaining energy and could only transfer it to the human body behind. .

The knight who was hit only suffered broken ribs at first, but he was still able to launch a counterattack.

As Frederick got closer, the bullets became more and more lethal.

The final projectile fired from a distance of less than two meters still had considerable lethality after penetrating the rock armor layer condensed from the earth element. The old knight Royce fell unwillingly.

The knights bought enough time for Count Lot to come to his senses. He took off the mace from his saddle and rushed towards Frederick.

A burst of lightning flashed from the nails on the hammer head. Frederick was only wearing a white military uniform with a silver scale breastplate and no helmet. If he was hit, he would be disabled.

What's more important is that the mushroom gun in Frederick's hand is out of bullets.

In a flash of lightning, Frederick pulled out the Sword of Lemit, and the dawn suddenly accelerated at the same time. At this time, Count Lot's mace was just raised.

At this moment, Frederick felt that everything between heaven and earth became very slow, as if someone had slowed down the playback speed.

The plate armor on Count Lot's body fully protects his whole body, and even his armpits, which are most vulnerable to injury, have disks protecting the front.

It's just that he raised his hand at this time, revealing the mail armor under his armpits.

A ray of fire emerged from Frederick's hand, circling around the blade of Remit's sword and accelerating towards the tip of the sword. A fireball technique that a beginner in magic would use quickly formed on the tip of the sword.

Count Lott instantly judged that this was just an ordinary fireball technique. Even if it hit him, it would at most leave his right hand temporarily disabled. After the war, he could pay the priests of the Church of Light to cure it.

In contrast, as long as he hits Frederick, the war will end with a comeback.

The tip of Remit's sword pierced the mail armor under Count Lot's armpit. The fireball exploded forward at the moment of contact. The white-hot fire element broke through the dark red camouflage layer and poured in instantly through the gap in the mail armor. The inside of the armor then flowed like paste, burning everything around it.

Earl Lot fell, white smoke and an unpleasant smell kept coming out of the gaps in his armor.

Frederick did not look at him, but calmly jumped down from the dawn, chopped down the flagpole on the side with the sword of Remit, took down the flag of the Lot family and turned around to leave, as if he was in a deserted land.

All this happened so suddenly and briefly that no one on the entire battlefield reacted. Jurgen and other people who came to respond ran to the middle of the formations of both sides.

Frederick saw the expressions on their faces change from nervousness to adoration.

Many years later, "The Romance of Emperor Wei of the West" published by Taohuashi wrote a poem praising this paragraph: "The hero shows his love in this day and age, and he is trying his sword for the first time among thousands of troops." He will show his power when he first emerges, and he will dominate the Western Heaven and mark his name.

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