Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 155 Weisen State High-Level Meeting (Part 1)

On the penultimate day of May 1026, the first high-level meeting of the Weissensee government after the "Six-Day War" was held in the conference room of the Executive Yuan.

Frederick was the first to walk into the conference room, which was empty. After sitting down in his seat, he stretched, then turned around and asked his secretary curiously: "I heard that you are in love?"

Vanessa was preparing a notebook and a dip pen to record the meeting. The sudden question made her stunned for a moment, and then she asked with a red face: "Why do you ask that?"

Frederick said proudly: "I am very well informed."

Then he asked Vanessa with a smirk on his face: "I'm going to lock Schmidt up in the winter, do you mind?"

Vanessa's face turned redder and she whispered, "Just ask me what I want to do."

Then she asked cautiously: "Did he make any mistake?"

Frederick laughed, found a comfortable position on the chair and sat down, and said in a dreamy voice: "An angel, an angel with many rivets and steamed steel, is wandering over the continent..."

Vanessa tilted her head, her beautiful big eyes full of question marks.

At this time, people attending the meeting began to come to the conference room, and Frederick chatted with them.

After the territory expanded, Frederick added several new departments and absorbed some talents from the new territories.

The new and old people in the conference room can be distinguished at a glance. The old people wear white shirts, dark trousers and thermos cups, while the new people wear traditional colorful tights and colorful shirts with wide sleeves.

This makes the new people seem out of place, and they are all on pins and needles.

The old people were smiling and full of energy.

It is not surprising that after the war, Frederick made knights. In addition to the second generation of knights such as Franz Jr. who performed well in the war, veterans such as Administrator Frick, Tax Collector Neuer and Judge Otto also Obtained the title of knight and officially became a noble.

Moreover, the current Weisen State is different from the former Weisen Territory. The territory has expanded from about 1,000 square kilometers to nearly 8,000 square kilometers. The population has suddenly increased from 100,000 to nearly 400,000. Their power has naturally also increased. A rising tide lifts all boats.

The original Weisenberg government also carried out reforms, and various functional departments were upgraded to "ministries". The officials in charge were also upgraded from XX officials to XX ministers, and their salaries naturally increased accordingly.

When Frederick saw that everyone had arrived, he said: "Today is the first meeting of our state government, because many new colleagues have come. Let's introduce ourselves first and introduce the functions of our departments."

The first person to introduce himself was Executive Dean Frick. In the civil service system, he was still below Frederick and above everyone else.

Among the new faces that appeared today, the first one to introduce himself was Finance Minister Erhard. He is a middle-aged man with a hairline that reaches up to his chin. He was originally the financial officer of the city of Nuremberg and belongs to the local faction. His work was quite successful and his reputation was very good, so Frederick asked him to manage the financial work of the entire Wesson state.

The second newcomer was Christian, who came to deliver the gauntlet in April. He was originally Rudolf's diplomat, but he was dismissed and seduced because the gauntlet was late. I heard that he would be blamed for the Allied defeat. Immediately after his death, he and his whole family came to Weissenburg City to seek refuge with Duke Weissen with their gold and silver treasures.

Frederick was not familiar with him, but Philip, who was also a diplomat, was quite familiar with this man and was certain of his work ability.

So Frederick asked Psyche to give him a polygraph test to confirm that he was not an undercover agent, and then put him in charge of diplomatic work.

The third newcomer in the conference room is an old acquaintance. He is Edward, the master craftsman of the Nuremberg Masons' Guild and the general contractor of the Carolina Canal construction company in Wesson. Now he serves as the Minister of Construction under Frederick. job.

This was the operation of both Party A and Party B. Frederick had no idea, but Edward said that he would concentrate on being a minister after the canal was dug.

In addition to the three of them, there was a person in the conference room today who many people knew or heard of, but who was attending a high-level meeting for the first time.

Deloitte, the head of the Wesson Accounting Firm, is also here today. Starting last year, he hired some professionals from the Kingdom of England to open the firm. First, he audited all the properties under the Wesson family's name. Then we provided services to other chambers of commerce, and in just one year we expanded our business to the city of Nuremberg.

These burgundy-haired Anglians are known for their unselfishness, professional proficiency, and confidentiality. They have solved problems for many customers and are deeply loved by their bosses. They are called "red foxes."

Now all the officials have a bit of a stomachache, because when Deloit introduced himself, he made it clear that Wesson Accounting Firm will begin auditing the finances of government departments at the request of Duke Wesson this year.

Deloitte seldom showed up and didn't talk much. Due to the special nature of his work, he rarely interacted with other people. After saying hello to everyone, he sat there quietly.

A smile appeared on Giovanni's face. Wesson Bank was the target of the red foxes' closest attention, and now he was finally not suffering alone.

After everyone introduced themselves, Frederick said: "Let me first set a tone for future work. From this year to next year, that is, 1027, the first task is to establish and improve our government agencies in the new territory, and make statistics on various Department data.”

"The development of the territory cannot be without planning. In the middle of 1027, that is, one year later, we will begin to formulate a five-year development plan for Weisen State from 1028 to 1032."

All the officials present immediately took notes, and bank president Giovanni asked after recording: "Can the development plan take advantage of regional advantages to optimize the industrial layout as written by Mr. Scrooge McDuck in "Wesson Daily" last year? For guidance?”

He has been working in finance for so many years and has seen that many landowners’ so-called development work is passive development after seeing what their neighbors do to make money. This method of making money often involves learning from neighbors’ neighbors’ neighbors over several years. came.

Those who make long-term plans are often those chambers of commerce. They face many more variables and the pace is much faster than the pastoral landowners.

If your own chamber of commerce develops but cannot keep up with your competitors, you will go out of business before the landlord's newly planted grapes can produce new wine.

Because he was no stranger to making plans, Giovanni understood that making development plans requires a guiding ideology. He first thought about the characteristics of Wesson, and then quickly thought of a series of articles he read last year.

Frederick raised his eyebrows and said with interest: "Tell me what you think."

Giovanni sorted out his thoughts and then said: "Although the area of ​​Weisen State is not large, transportation costs still account for a large proportion of production costs."

“Transportation costs don’t just count horse-drawn carriages, they include transportation, warehousing, horse-drawn carriages and other expenses from the origin of materials to the factory.”

At this time, Frederick interrupted him: "It's very well said and very inspiring. Everyone can think along this line of thinking."

There are many things to be resolved in today's meeting, and the economics lecture can only be discussed later.

Giovanni didn't care that his words were interrupted. In contrast, the most important thing was that he had the same idea as his boss.

Frederick continued: "Let's start today's various issues, starting with the Executive Yuan."

Frick immediately opened his notebook and began to report on the current work situation: "At present, the administrative division of Wesson State has been completed. All officials sent from Wesson State are in place, and the officials who have moved to other places have been assigned according to their wishes and by drawing lots. complete."

"Currently, the renaming of the districts has been completed. The Reese district has been renamed to the Wolnitz district, the Eichstadt district has been renamed to the Williburde district, the Ansbach district has been renamed to the Reich district, and the Fürth district has been renamed to Zinn. The districts of Dove and Lotland were renamed Latibor districts.”

Frederick nodded. These new place names were not just random thoughts. They were basically the names of the places long ago. There are also geographical names such as rivers of the same name in the local area that record that history and can be used to erase the previous one. The brand of the lord.

No one can predict what will happen in the future. Wilson State will be his base and must be built like an iron barrel.

He then said: "Next, the Executive Yuan will work with the courts, the tax department, the police department and the military to investigate each village. Village leaders who have misdeeds must be dealt with seriously and without mercy."

"The policies of the old territory must be implemented in the villages, and we strive to install loudspeakers in all villages before winter."

Frick recorded all the leadership's instructions and said he would promptly implement them.

Then came the reporting work of the Ministry of Finance. Erhard had not yet figured out Frederick's temper, so he carefully reported the financial data as of the end of April.

The focus of the report was the military expenditures of the Six-Day War, the financial situation of each territory and the amount of trophies seized. Overall, this war left Frederick very exhausted.

However, Frederick's focus was not here. Instead, he asked in surprise: "The data for April was actually calculated? So fast?!"

Re-taking stock of the financial situation and statistical data of a new territory is a very arduous task, and it is easy to make mistakes in a large number of calculations.

Erhard replied: "We need to thank Professor Ogilvy for this. The calculator he invented is very easy to use, which greatly reduces the workload and makes our work much easier."

When Frederick heard this, his eyes immediately widened and he almost jumped out of his chair.

When he and All Might mentioned other applications of Golem Puppet, they mentioned the specialized computing function. That was two years ago, and they thought it was out of the question.

"Don't leave after the meeting!" Frederick said to All Might.

He then told Erhard: "The next work of the Ministry of Finance is to improve the regulations and procedures for territorial financial work. There must be rules to follow, and traces must be left when dealing with others, so as to reduce loopholes for others to take advantage of."

Then Frederick pointed to the thermos cup in front of him and said sternly: "If there is anyone in any department who buys a thermos cup for 10 florins, all those who participated in the signing will hang on the city wall!"

Erhard was shocked and asked subconsciously: "Sir, why are you so skilled?"

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