Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 156 Weisen State High-Level Meeting (Part 2)

Frederick, like ordinary people, would always find ways to be greedy when working for his boss. When he was the boss, he would drag anyone who was greedy for his own money to work with the supervisor in driving piles.

After the harsh words, the meeting continued, with Tax Minister Neuer reporting next on tax preparations for the summer tax.

Frederick made important instructions: "The current tax law will be extended to the entire territory starting from the summer tax. We must do a good job in publicity. We can organize some singers to compile the main contents of the tax law into songs and promote them in the villages."

Neuer immediately recorded it.

The new territory will implement the same tax policy as Wesen Territory starting this summer. For the tenant farmers who originally had to pay at least rent, collecting 30% of the rent after the harvest is exempted is like the coming of the God of Light.

However, the quality of the original tax collectors in those places varies greatly, and tax cuts are a good opportunity to make a lot of money in their eyes.

Frederick thought for a while and said to little Franz, who succeeded his father as Minister of Military Affairs this month: "The army will send troops and tax officials to the villages to collect taxes in the name of protecting tax grains. I will give you detailed orders later."

Little Franz immediately understood what the commander meant. The soldiers sent out were not as simple as protecting taxes and grain, and there might be bloodshed.

After talking about taxes, Frederick named Edward to talk about the situation in the Ministry of Construction first.

Wesson now has three key projects, namely the Carolina Canal, Germain Cathedral and the Edelweiss Great Library.

Edward reported to the leaders that the Carolina Canal has entered the earth excavation stage this year, and personnel have gradually arrived, and it is expected to be opened to navigation next year.

The exterior design of the Germain Cathedral and the Edelweiss Great Library has been completed, the land acquisition has been completed, the demolition work has been completed, and the foundation pit can be dug.

Frederick's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly burst out with unprecedented momentum, and said to Edward with great solemnity: "All work in the cathedral and the Great Library is suspended."

"Ah?!" Everyone in the conference room exclaimed in unison.

Everyone knew that these two projects were Frederick's focus, and he never thought they would stop.

Frederick said to Edward a little excitedly: "Next month, in mid-June, call those construction workers who are flexible and want to make a lot of money to Weissenburg City, and I will personally teach them to use new materials to build houses!"

"When they all learn how to do it, they will build the cathedral and the great library!!"

"From mid-June, my focus will be here until I go to the Principality of Mainz for hunting in late autumn."

The old people in the conference room were speechless with a little bit of expectation. The master always comes up with new tricks. I wonder what he can do this time.

But now that it’s snowing, we can eat fresh vegetables, and we can boil water to grind flour. No one would be surprised if the master said that flour can be used to build a house.

Frederick gestured to Vanessa behind him, and soon a stack of books was placed on the table.

He picked out one book and asked his secretary to give it to Edward, and give all the others to All Might.

When Omet saw that the principal was getting ready again, he eagerly picked up the first book and opened it. However, as soon as he opened it, his expression changed instantly. He raised his head and asked Frederick in horror: "Principal, do you want such a big book?" What does the rich woman’s happy stick do?!”

There were several spraying sounds and coughing sounds in the conference room.

Frederick's face suddenly darkened and he meowed. It turned out that someone had already come up with the idea of ​​using seismic techniques to make concrete vibrators, but the place of use was different.

"Don't worry about it." He said solemnly, "Just make it."

Then he immediately changed the subject and said to Edward: "You should study the railway. I hope you will immediately start the alignment and land acquisition work with the Executive Yuan, and use prisoners of war to build the roadbed first."

This is the advantage of being a big landowner. You own the land and you can use it as you like. If you occupy farmland, you can compensate the tenant farmers by dividing the land elsewhere.

The location of the railway was worked out at once. The terrain of the entire Wesson state was available in the map room of the Ministry of Military Affairs. Frederick had previously inspected the terrain while riding Dawn and Maria in the sky, and then let the soldiers walk on the ground. Once, the route is basically determined.

It's just that there are many mountains here in Wesson. It is difficult and costly to dig tunnels with current technology. Although we try to reduce the turns as much as possible, there are still many turns.

Edward was no stranger to railways. In addition to mines, quarries also used rail cars to transport large amounts of stone, so he couldn't help but ask: "Sir, are you planning to build a railway like mines?"

Frederick nodded and said: "Yes, you also know that the mine railway can transport more and faster things than ordinary horse-drawn carriages, so I decided to use railways in the territory to connect villages and towns, and between cities, so that in the territory When the river is frozen in winter, it can transport a large number of people and materials without being subject to port restrictions."

"Let me tell you another Wesson secret. Although the carriages on these railways are now pulled by horses, in a few years more powerful machines will be used to pull the carriages."

"When the time comes, hehe, about 100 tons of cargo can be hauled from here to Nuremberg in less than two hours."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old people in the conference room immediately started asking all sorts of questions. The core question was just one: why do we have to wait a few years?

The weather was a bit hot at the end of May. Frederick picked up his thermos cup and took a sip of ice juice. Then he said: "Do you think it is easy to produce such a powerful product? It has not been tested for reliability. Do you dare to use it?"

"Those machines are used to transport people. If they are put into use in a hurry and something breaks down and people and goods are dropped, will you pay?"

No one said anything in the conference room.

Frederick then said to Police Minister Dominic: "The work of the police department is very heavy. It must complete the construction at the district, city and town levels by the end of the summer, collect clues in the fall, and arrest people in the winter. There is no need for sewers on my site. The mice in there.”

He then said to Judge Otto: "You must cooperate well. Those who have blood on their hands, those who raped, those who maimed people, those who spread their houses, those who organized underworld gangs with more than five people, and those who have great public complaints will be hung on the wall. Homes were ransacked and immediate family members were expelled from the territory. Those who committed petty theft and extortion in total exceeding 1 kreuz and went to build railways with prisoners of war. If the amount exceeded 5 kreuz, for each additional kreuz, they would do one more year of hard labor. Those who don’t have enough 1 kreuz will be put in chains for 10 days.”

Frederick thought for a while and then said: "When necessary, the city defense army cooperates across regions to arrest people. Anyone who resists can be shot on the spot no matter how minor the crime."

At this time he asked Ogilvy: "How is the textile machine?"

All Might didn't expect that the security issue would be mentioned to him. He was thinking about the things in the booklet just now. He was stunned for a moment before replying: "I was planning to wait for the report. Now I can weave qualified cloth."

Frederick nodded, turned to the medical minister and said: "Frank, the girls in the flower house organize the manpower and material resources for treatment, and I will pay for it."

"Omet, start preparing for a textile factory over there. If there are homeless girls, the textile factory will house them."

After he finished arranging the matter, everyone in the conference room spoke except for the voices of relevant personnel who agreed.

The underworld, the flower house, etc. are not just new territories, there have always been Wesson territories, and the protective umbrella is in the conference room.

Frederick's main contradiction before was external threats, and it was difficult to pierce this abscess. Now his main contradiction is internal development, and he can use the power of victory in the Six-Day War to rectify internal affairs.

As for the underground order, he plans to gradually establish community organizations that sink to the streets to compress the power vacuum.

The reason why he leaked this matter so early was to see if someone could still save him.

If someone was unconscious, Frederick did not mind helping him realize it.

Frederick glanced at the umbrella coldly, and then continued the meeting as if nothing had happened. The next turn was the Ministry of Agriculture.

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